Residence Management

A hearty welcome to you! We are the house parents of House Ikageng- Mama Emma and Tata Sylvester Siboto.

Nestled at the heart of Groenkloof Campus, where it stands elegantly as one of the four residences, Ikageng richly extends harmonious environment that is augmented by the aesthetic beauty of Groenkloof Campus and firmly espouses the principles of listening, living and learning (LLL). These principles are underpinned by a set of core values - Respect, Pride, Commitment, Fairness, Integrity, Accountability and Relevance - with a view to ensure that your stay is enjoyable and, more importantly, a happy one.

As a Chinese proverb says, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step”, we believe that you have taken that important stride to further your studies at the University of Pretoria, while staying at Ikageng residence, and we are firmly committed to support you in the journey that you have decided to embark on with a view to shape your bright future.

Our responsibility to you, at Ikageng residence, is to ensure that we provide space where you can develop and grow to be the unique individual that the Lord God so beautifully and wonderfully created, the best person you can be in our diverse home, as well as to lend support in order to ascertain that you reach the ultimate goal to become a creative, responsible and productive citizen and a future leader. 

We believe in the well-rounded development of every one of our young ladies and encourage you to take this opportunity to participate in the residence activities and programmes where you will make new friends, learn about other cultures and discover more about yourself through your daily activities and interactions. Furthermore, we ensure that we accentuate on sport, art, culture and music.

In addition to this, residing at Ikageng residence presents an opportunity for you to achieve academically and we firmly believe in your empowerment to reach full potential through education. Nelson Mandela, one of the great statesmen of our time, once said:

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

Always remember that we are here to support you all the way. Please feel free to come and talk to us. If it bothers you, it is no small matter, and if it seems big, it can still be surmounted. Please do not suffer in silence.

Rest assured that you will be listened to, treated fairly and with respect.

Let us now take this opportunity to thank you for making the University of Pretoria a university of choice and hope that your stay at Ikageng residence will be a happy one.

We wish you all the best for your studies.


Sylvester and Emma Siboto


SEMINADO VOLARE POTES - through dreaming you can fly! 

















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