SEMLI Sport and Exercise Medicine

What is Sport and Exercise Medicine?

Sport and exercise medicine is a branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, treatment and management of illness, injury and other medical complications related to participation in sport and exercise.  Sport and exercise medicine physicians have extensive experience in the diagnosis and treatment of injuries in muscles, ligaments, tendons and bones in athletes and other physically active individuals, however they may also treat chronic illnesses that can affect physical performance, such as asthma and diabetes. Sports medicine doctors also advise on managing and preventing injuries.  Sports physicians treat all medical complications that an athlete or active person may encounter, from musculoskeletal injuries, cardiology (heart) issues, sub-optimal performance, and exercise-induced asthma, to screening for cardiac abnormalities and diabetes. Sports physicians working with elite sports teams/athletes are key in the application of what’s called “performance medicine”, where an athletes' physiology is monitored and any abnormal or unhealthy changes are addressed, in order for the athlete to achieve peak physical performance.


What can you expect from an appointment with a Sport and Exercise Physician?

If you are injured in a sport-related activity, or if you do not feel well and you think that either your exercise/sports performance may be negatively affected, or you are worried that exercising may cause harm, then you should consult a sports medicine physician.  At your appointment, the doctor will typically discuss with you your medical and exercise history, and your symptoms.  Thereafter they will examine you before making a diagnosis or referring you to another specialist for further tests (e.g. X-rays, MRI’s, bone scans, ECG’s etc), if they feel this is required.  These test results are usually sent back to your Sports Physician so that he/she can discuss the results with you and create a treatment plan for you.  Depending on what the diagnosis is and the severity of the illness/injury, your doctor may treat you immediately, and/or prescribe medication and/or design a treatment strategy for you that may or may not involve referral to a Biokineticist or Physiotherapist.  For ease of assessment and for your own comfort, remember to bring a pair of shorts to change into if your injury is below the waist; and if your injury is above the waist, bring a T-shirt or tank-top to wear during the appointment.


SEMLI Sport and Exercise Physicians:


  Prof Martin Schwellnus 

  Director: SEMLI


  Professor of Sport and Exercise Medicine  



   Prof Christa Janse van Rensburg      

  MD, MMed(PhysMed), MSc(Sports Med), MBChB, FACSM, FFIMS

  Head: Section Sports Medicine, UP

  Areas of speciality:  Musculoskeletal conditions and injuries, Illness in athletes, travel issues                   



Dr Dimakatso Ramagole          

  MBChB, MSc Sports Med

  Areas of speciality:  the female athlete, children



Dr Merchen Naude

 MSc (Sports Medicine), Advanced team Physician, MBChB, Higher Diploma in Orthopaedics, Travel       Medicine, Integrative Medicine, Expert Medical Examiner                                                        

 Areas of speciality: Triathlon, Endurance athletes, chronic fatigue, hormonal imbalances, children  



  Dr Ilse Sparks

  MBChB, MSc(Sports Medicine)

  Areas of speciality: Sports injuries, Lifestyle management





To make an appointment to see one of our Sport and Exercise Physicians please contact:

Tel: 012 420 6133

E-mail:  [email protected] OR [email protected]


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