SEMLI Psychology

What is Sports Psychology?

Sport psychology uses psychological principles to assist athletes in achieving their best performance. Sport Psychology may assist athletes on two different levels:

On one level athletes may request performance enhancement - here the focus would be to assist the individual to self-actualise within the sport environment. This could focus on addressing fear of failure, dealing with injury, fear of re-injury, self-confidence, dealing with pressure and the termination of the athletic career to name a few.

Sport psychology may, on a different level, also assist athletes who present with difficulties in other contexts of their lives, for example, interpersonal relationships, adjustment difficulties, trauma, grief, anxiety and depression which has a detrimental impact on their athletic performance.


What can you expect from an appointment with a sports psychologist?

When consulting with a sport psychologist you can expect to feel heard and understood within a non-judgemental environment. The sport psychologist will meet you where you are and on your level and formulate a therapeutic intervention catered to suite your needs. The majority of athletes express feeling relieved and hopeful after consulting with a sport psychologist.


SEMLI Psychologist:

Dr Marteleze van Graan

Senior Counselling Psychologist

BSocSci: Sport Psychology, BSocSci:Honours, MA Counselling Psychology with specialization in Sport Psychology.

Special interests: Performance enhancement, hypnosis and wellness


To make an appointment to see our Psychologist please contact:

Tel: 012 420 6133

E-mail: [email protected]  OR   [email protected]


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