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Information for BSc and BSc Hons students


More Information

Administration: Departmental

Mrs Lucia Moyo

Administration: Student Matters

Mrs Lucia Moyo

Analytical Facility


UP Natural Hazard Centre: Africa

Prof A Kijko

Alumni Function (Department Geology)

Mrs Lucia Moyo


Dr A Bumby

Crystallography Collection

Prof R K W Merkle

Electron Microprobe

Ms W Grote

Equipment: Engineering Geology

Prof J L van Rooy

Equipment: Groundwater

Dr M A Dippenaar or Dr R E Diamond

Equipment: Mapping

Prof A J Bumby

Hydrogeology Test Site: Experimental Farm

Dr M A Dippenaar

Maps: Hard-copy and Digital

Dr M A Dippenaar

Maps: Bushveld Geology (Digital 1:50 000)



Mr L V Tibane

Microphoto Apparatus

Dr R J Roberts


Dr R J Roberts

Mineral Collections

Dr R J Roberts


Ms V Mathada

Newsletter: The Sinkgat


Ore Laboratory

Prof W Altermann

Polished Sections Ore Collection

Prof W Altermann

Research Productivity

Ms W Grote

Rock Collections: Museum

Dr R J Roberts

Rock Collections: First Year Laboratory

Dr N Lenhardt

Rock Collections: Igneous

Dr R J Roberts

Rock Collections: Metamorphic

Dr R J Roberts

Rock Collections: Stratigraphic

Dr N Lenhardt

Sectioning Laboratory

Ms W Grote / About

Sulphide Laboratory

Prof R K W Merkle

Student Society: GSUP


Time Table and Work Distribution

Prof J L van Rooy

Webmaster / Homepage

Dr M A Dippenaar

XRD and XRF Laboratory

Ms W Grote / Ms J Dykstra / About



Class Guardian

Contact Person

Civil Engineering 200

Dr M A Dippenaar

Engineering Geology & Hydrogeology 300

Dr M A Dippenaar

Engineering Geology & Hydrogeology 700

Dr M A Dippenaar

Geology 100

Prof W Altermann

Geology 200 “2A”

Dr R J Roberts

Geology 200 “2B”

Dr R J Roberts

Geology 300

Dr N Lenhardt

Geology 700

Prof A J Bumby

Geology: MSc and PhD

Prof R K W Merkle

Mining Engineering 300

Prof A J Bumby

Mining Engineering 400

Prof A J Bumby





GLY155 Introductory Geology

Prof W Altermann (Eng) / To be confirmed (Afr)

GLY161 Historical Geology

Prof A J Bumby (Eng) / To be confirmed (Afr)

GLY162 Environmental Geology

To be confirmed (Eng) / To be confirmed (Afr)

GLY255 Mineralogy

Dr R J Roberts

GLY253 Sedimentology

Dr R J Roberts

GLY254 Structural Geology

Dr A J Bumby

GLY261 Igneous Petrology

Dr R J Roberts

GLY262 Metamorphic Petrology

Dr R J Roberts

GLY265 Groundwater

Dr R E Diamond

GLY364 Rock Mechanics

Prof J L van Rooy

GLY363 Engineering Geology

Dr M A Dippenaar

GLY362 Geostatistics & Ore Reserve Calc.

Prof R K W Merkle

GLY361 Ore Deposits

Dr N Lenhardt

GLY352 Geodynamics Ore Formation

Dr N Lenhardt

SGM210 Geomaterials and -processes

To be confirmed

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