Research Projects

Projects within the research focus areas include:

Oral Epidemiology

The prevalence and distribution of oral diseases and anomalies of the teeth, oral soft tissues and related structures are determined by way of epidemiological research. The results are used for the prevention and control of such diseases and anomalies.

More info: Prof A Bhayat, Prof PJ van Wyk, Dr T Madiba, Ms C van Wyk

Oral Health Services Research

Oral health services research focuses on the oral health care delivery system in the private and public sector. Our research provides understanding how oral health and oral health care impact on quality of life. The results are used in the development of a more effective and efficient oral health care delivery system in South Africa.

More info: Prof PJ van Wyk

Oral disease and Quality of life 

Research in this field focuses on the evaluation and the assessment of the primary health care interventions especially the community-based and/or school-based and the related impact on the oral-health-related quality of life of the patients..

More info:  Prof Van wyk,Dr NR Nkambule

Preventive Dentistry 

Research in the field of preventive dentistry is focused on the prevention of oral diseases in the individual patient, more specifically with regard to the caries-susceptible patient who falls in the "high risk" category.

More info: Prof PJ van Wyk, Dr NR Nkambule, Ms C van Wyk,  Ms RC du Bruyn

Clinical Epidemiology 

Research is conducted to determine the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of clinical dental care. The research includes measures and concepts such as self-reported oral health and oral health-related quality of life.

More info:  Prof  A Bhayat, Prof PJ van Wyk

Research in the field of Phytomedicine 

Research in the field of phytomedicine is focused on the prevention of oral diseases in the individual patient, more specifically with regard to a patient suffering from oral candidiasis, by using medicinal plants to treat these individuals. The results are used to patent an oral rinse for use by such individuals.

 More info: Ms C van Wyk

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