Clinical Services

Our Services include:

Internal Medicine

Diagnosis and treatment of serious health problems such as; neoplasia, pulmonary problems and infectious diseases.

Video Endoscopy

Equipment available include an overground Videomed Scope, 1.4m Silverline Karl Stortz endoscope and a 3m Karl Stortz gastroscope help our veterinarians to identify tumours, upper airway problems, oesophageal obstructions, gastric ulcers, urinary problems and rectal tears.


Diagnosis, therapy and follow-up care for animals with skin disease or skin problems caused by allergies, parasites, infections, hormonal imbalances or tumours.


Diagnosis and treatment of ophthalmologic problems through working closely with specialist veterinary ophthalmologists from the Johannesburg Animal Eye Hospital.

Equine Performance

Diagnosis of poor performance in sport horses: gait analysis, orthopaedic problems and identification of respiratory abnormalities in the equine athlete.

Soft tissue Surgery and Orthopaedic Surgery

General surgeries are performed, including abdominal surgery for life threatening colics, respiratory and urogenital surgery. Orthopaedic surgery is frequently performed and some services that are offed are arthroscopies and fracture repairs.


Consultation with top farriers includes examination of hooves and therapeutic shoeing.


Hand held mechanical dental rasping and electric floating are offered.  Routine and specialized dental procedures are performed, often in conjunction with a specialist animal dentist who is located on site at the Faculty.


General anaesthesia is available for surgical and diagnostic procedures. All anaesthesia is performed by specialised animal anaesthesiologists and careful monitoring during surgery, as well as the use of a positive pressure ventilator, ensures a much safer anaesthesia for any equine patients. (For more information see Anaesthesiology.)


Digital ultrasound – with a variety of probes (different megahertz) to perform abdominal scans, eye scans, tendon scans and to allow for scanning of the reproductive organs/pregnancies.
Diagnostic imaging - advanced diagnostic procedures include: Computed Radiography and Digital Radiography for quality images. Computed Tomography (CT) is also available to allow for the scanning of lower limbs and heads in horses. (For more information see Diagnostic Imaging on main page)


Reproduction specialists are available to assess all aspects of reproductive health including obstetrics, breeding soundness exams, infertility, artificial insemination and pregnancy diagnosis.


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