
The primary function of the Centre is to execute the interventions assigned by Exotic Leather SA to the University of Pretoria to:

  • Improve efficiency and quality throughout the value chain (producers, slaughter facilities, tanneries, manufacturers and retailers);
  • Ensure sustainability of the industry by developing production models based on a resource-efficient “life cycle” production approach across the production value chain;
  • Build supply chain capacity through on-going research, by improving skills, by upgrading of equipment and by incubation of small, medium and micro enterprises;
  • Uplift communities which are in close proximity to natural resources (crocodiles) through education, skills training and job creation;
  • Improve on the regulated environment for crocodile production and trading in crocodile products;
  • Develop and implement international standards and best-practices; and

In addition, to:

  • Build national and international recognition of the Centre;
  • Contribute to the national scientific community;
  • Develop national and international collaborative linkages; and
  • Establish sources of renewable funding.


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