Research Projects

Husbandry models and technology systems

  • Survey and description of Farming/Breeding operations
  • Identify farm production models
  • Identify research needs through the survey study
  • Identify computerized methods for marking and ID of crocodiles
  • Develop an integrated national crocodile register

Norms and standards

  • Review regulatory environment and legislation
  • Setting of benchmark and minimum standards
  • Developing international-best-practice farming charter
  • Implementing an accreditation system
  • Establish an Association to represent the industry across the value chain

Health and welfare

  • Diseases affecting crocodile health
  • Skin quality and pathology
  • Crocodile behaviour and welfare
  • Humane handling and stunning
  • Humane slaughtering of crocodiles


  • Pen design – single pens
  • Alternative protein/sources for crocodile feed
  • Develop of a GIT Health Index
  • Fertility of breeders
  • Investigate crocodile meat regulations and alternative meat products

Environmental management

  • Investigate different ways of effluent treatment and energy consumption
  • Alternative package plant for water purification, reuse and utilisation

Evolution and biology

  • Anatomical and histological studies
  • Molecular genetic studies
  • Reproductive studies
  • Pharmacological and Toxicological studies

Scientific and diagnostic support

  • Establish an information portal and library
  • Establish an efficient and dedicated diagnostic facilities and services
  • Provision of consultative services

Education and skills training

  • Training to support new technologies and processes
  • Skills training of animal handlers e.g. person stunning crocodiles
  • MSc and PhD training

Marketing and Trade

  • Finished product consumer markets analysis
    • SA and International consumer markets’ luxury exotic leather value perceptions
    • The relevance of exotic leather products’ supply chain information to SA and International consumers
    • Environmental behaviour as a result of wide ranging attacks on the leather industry
    • The role of knowledge, country-of-origin and traceability information in exotic leather consumers’ purchasing behaviour
    • The relevance of online information to international exotic leather consumers’ purchase decisions
  • International luxury consumer trends and insights
  • Baseline research of international export potential for crocodile and ostrich leather products

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