Achievement awards - new first-year students 

Guaranteed undergraduate achievement awards
Other achievement awards

Guaranteed undergraduate achievement awards

For 2018 Achievement awards click here

Amounts indicated in the table below are for 2019

Qualifying average percentage


Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences


Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology

Faculty of Health

Faculty of Veterinary Science




Other Faculties







R6 500




R16 000

R6 500

R16 000


R25 000 R16 000 R25 000


R40 000

R25 000

R40 000


NOTE: The University of Pretoria reserves the right to amend award values without prior notice.


  • Undergraduate achievement awards are based on the average percentage obtained (not on the number of distinctions).
  • Undergraduate achievement awards are made automatically to newly registered undergraduate students who meet the award criteria. Students do not apply for these awards.
  • First-year students who register for studies at UP directly after Grade 12 (final school-year) or who took a gap year(s) after their final school-year, who meet the award criteria, will be considered.
  • Students who have previously registered at a tertiary educational institution prior to registration at UP will not be considered for an achievement award. Students who registered at UP in previous years, are also not considered.
  • Qualifying students must be South African citizens or permanent residents in South Africa, or be citizens of a SADC country.
  • The average percentage for award purposes is the average of the actual percentages obtained for the six (6) best NSC/IEB/Cambridge subjects taken, excluding Life Orientation. This is for subjects taken in the final school-year end exams, based on the calculations done by the University of Pretoria.
  • The average percentage is not rounded off.


  • Certain subjects are EXCLUDED in the calculation of average percentages:
    • Life Orientation
    • Mathematics Paper 3
    • Additional Mathematics
    • Practical Music Grade 4 and 5 (Note: Practical Music Grades 6, 7 and 8 are considered for inclusion in the calculation of the average percentage – if your music report for this subject is not part of your NSC report, please submit your official music report to your faculty’s student administration offices, before 28 January for consideration.)
  • The awards are finalised on the basis of the final marks that the University receives from the Department of Basic Education for the final school-year. Results obtained for papers that have been re-marked are not taken into account for award purposes.
  • Awards are fully repayable if students discontinue or terminate their studies in the relevant study programme for whatever reason during the year in which the award is made.
  • If students change their study programmes during the year in which the award is made, the award value allocated for the study programme enrolled for initially will remain unchanged. That is to say, the award will not be cancelled or adjusted upward/downward to align it with consecutive study programmes enrolled for.


 Other achievement awards



(for 2019)




JuniorTukkie Grade 11 Empowerment Week

R15 000

the 20 learners with the best Grade 12 results who attended the JuniorTukkie Grade 11 Empowerment Week

All faculties except Faculty of Theology

  • NONE
  • Qualifying students will be notified after registration.

Grade 12 dux scholar*

(*top academic Grade 12 achiever of a specific school – one learner per school)

 R7 500 (to cover registration fee)

The final decision regarding the selection of schools for this award rests with UP.

All faculties


  • NONE
  • Qualifying students will be notified by letter.

VC Special PDG Award

(Top prospective Black and Coloured students with an APS score of 35 of higher)


R11 000

The final decision regarding the selection of schools for this award rests with UP.

All faculties

  • NONE
  • Qualifying students will be notified by letter.


Only students with South African citizenship or permanent residency in South Africa are considered for the above awards.

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