Summary of fees


  • Where tuition fees are levied for a study programme as a whole, the full fee is payable in the first year of registration, even when registration takes place late in the year.
  • No interruption may occur in a postgraduate student’s registration for a research-orientated postgraduate study programme. Should a student interrupt his/her studies, such a student will, on re-registration, be liable for the full fees applicable to the degree or postgraduate diploma programme.
  • Postgraduate students failing to renew their registration annually are regarded as having had an interruption in their studies.
  • Students can apply for a “gap year” within their Faculty by obtaining the Dean of that Faculty’s approval. However, take note that the annual registration fees will still be applicable for the gap year, to ensure that no interruption is recorded.



Amount payable

When to pay


Application fee for 2015


With submission of application for studies.

• Non-refundable

Registration fee

• Payable prior to registration

• Renewal registration - payable every subsequent year before registration

R4 600



R3 000

Payable at least 5 days before registration.

• See notes above this table.

• This levy is fully refundable if the student does not register.

International levy

for all non-South African citizens

R2 700

Before registration in Jan/Feb every year.

• Foreign students must have a valid study permit.

• This levy is fully refundable if the student does not register.

• Click here for more details.

Tuition fees

Click here for tables

• Half (50%) of the student account is payable before or on 30 April.

• The full (100%) student account is payable before or on 31 July.

• Fees are payable in advance. It is however permissible to pay fees in three instalments.

• Accounts are available on the UP Portal (“Student Centre”) after registration.

• Accounts are mailed monthly, starting in March.

Discount for early payment


A discount of 2.5% is granted if the student account is paid in full by 30 April.

Discount on own payments only,

UP bursaries and waivers excluded.

Click here for more details

Family rebate

• Two students – 10% rebate is granted on the tuition fees for each of the students.

• Three or more students – 20% rebate is granted on the tuition fees for each of the students.


• Only applicable on tuition fees.

• Students must apply annually.

• Application must be in writing.

Family Rebate Application Form


Amount payable

When to pay


Fees paid by bursars

• Bursaries may or may not cover the full costs of study.

• Ensure that you are aware of the full value of your bursary.

External companies or other institutions that sponsor students with bursaries need to make the required payments to the students’ accounts by the same due dates as if the students were paying the accounts themselves.

• Students must submit written proof from the sponsor of the bursary awarded to them prior to registration, otherwise the registration fee will be payable by the student.

• Students remain responsible for their student accounts if their bursary sponsor do not pay the account.

Credit balances

Amounts in credit on your account.

Depends on the source of the credit balance.

• Requests for refunds must be done in writing at the Client Service Centre (CSC).

• The refunds application form is available at the CSC or

Other living costs

Not included on account

For example, books, food, travel, stationery, printing, internet and photocopies.

Students should manage these costs themselves.

Cancellation fees

Total discontinuation of studies and discontinuation of a module.

Click here for dates that affect fees still payable.

Determined by the official date on which the University was notified in writing of discontinuation.

In cases where cancellation is due to the hospitalisation or death of a student, cancellation fees may be waived if sufficient proof is provided.

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