X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy

The Stoneman X-Ray Analytical Facility is equipped with a new Thermo Fisher ARL Perform’X. The instrument is equipped with a 4.2kW power supply system and Rh target 50 µm window. The goniometer contains four collimators (0.15°, 0.4°, 1° and 2.5° angular admittance), six analysing crystals (AX-06, AX-16C, AX03, Ge111, LiF200 and LiF220) and two detectors (flow proportional and scintillation). Primary beam filters include Al20, Al200, Al500, Al750 and Cu250.

The XRF can analyse for elements ranging from Fluorine up to Uranium. A carbon crystal is added improve the detection/sensitivity of carbon, however this remains qualitative.

The XRF can analyse for major and trace elements using quantitative (OXSAS) and semi-quantitative programs (UniQuant & Quantas). Pressed powder samples are used for both trace element analysis and semi-quantitative analyses of smaller samples. Fused beads are used for both major element analysis and semi-quantitative analyses of major element samples.

We do analyses for Tertiary Institutions, Industry, Mining Companies, Construction Companies etc. Anyone who is curious about bulk sample elemental composition is always welcome.

Sample submission requirements

  • Quantitative major and trace element analyses: No less than 30g sample
  • Quantitative major element analyses ONLY: No less than 10g sample
  • Quantitative trace element analyses ONLY: No less than 20g sample
  • Qualitative major and trace element analyses: No less than 20g sample
  • Qualitative major or trace element analyses ONLY: No less than 20g sample

For clients who have urgent samples we suggest the following:

  • We require 30g sample that is already milled <75microns
  • Please ask for a quote so that your Purchase Order number can be sent with your samples.

Checklist BEFORE sample submission

  • Samples labelled individually
  • Sample list with all sample names and descriptions
  • Purchase Order Number (valid for30 days or more)

Samples received that do not adhere to these 3 simple steps will not be analysed

More information

Prices: Please contact us for a comparative quote

Analyst: Jeanette Strydom

Telephone: 012 420 2137

E-mail: [email protected]

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