Code of conduct

          Code of conduct        


We live and strive to become true Asters that serve our Residence, UP and our community.

I accept other people's differences and help them to grow into Aster ladies. In Asterhof, there is place for each individual to grow and fulfill her own potential. We do not discriminate against anybody.

I support others in the different areas of their life, emotionally, academically and socially.  I understand that it is important to maintain a healthy balance.

I live in a considerate manner, creating a conductive atmosphere.

I pro-actively want to understand and appreciate deeply the thoughts and feelings of others. I encourage my fellow Asters to voice their opinion in an appropriate, responsible manner and I accept responsibility for my opinions.

I treat all people with respect and admiration. I look after my fellow Asters' best interests. I respect myself, my residence and all Asters. I live up to the expectations of behaving like an Aster lady at all times.

I always put Asterhof's best interest first. We are modest ladies that promote to govern with love and discipline rather than arrogant, self-serving pride.

I encourage others on the journey of life and provide support, creating a safe environment to make transition into adulthood and give a great foundation to all. It is my own responsibility to develop and grow, participating in the opportunities provided.

We are a family that shares good moral values. We are committed to deposit our energy and creativity in this family. We recognize the existence of each Aster and various structures of authority to which we are answerable. We strive to become true Aster ladies that can embrace our potential, reach the stars and be the best we can be.

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