Chairman, Discipline

A message from Themba Ncube


IMG_0018.jpgDear prospective Kuiken and Future Olympian

Congratulations on your acceptance into the esteemed Faculty of Health Sciences and House Olympus. This is by no means an easy feat and you will know all about the gruelling process the university uses to identify the best candidates possible. You should take great pride in this accomplishment.

At House Olympus we are known as Men of Distinction, a title that we carry into every facet of our lives. We continually strive for excellence with a shrewd determination but more importantly we seek to maintain the highest level of integrity. These two aforementioned qualities sets us apart from any other male residence. Once you step into this prestigious house you will instantly realise this. Be it in academics, sport, culture, outreach or social (work hard so you can reward yourself with some play) House Olympus is at the forefront of them all.

We pride ourselves in being the top Male Academic Residence for more than 10 years running due to our extensive mentorship programs. We also understand the intense nature of the degrees in the Faculty which is why we have established well-being networks to ensure your overall well-being. As an entire house we take it as our responsibility to ensure that we help you with a smooth transition from high school into tertiary education.

At House Olympus we value the uniqueness of each individual and it is because of this we all to spread ourselves across as many activities as possible with generally great success. These activities being namely UP A Capella, Step It UP, several sports, debating, community engagement as well hosting some of the University’s biggest social events. House Olympus is a home for all who reside in it.

House Olympus is a place that once you are in it, your life will never be as you once knew it. Soon you will come to learn why.

I look forward to meeting you in person!


Themba Ncube


[email protected]

- Author Themba Ncube

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