
A message from Kiash Arjun


IMG_0016.jpgDear Prospective Olympian

Massive congratulations for getting selected into the Health Science faculty, and more importantly, well done on achieving your spot in this elite residence that we call House Olympus. You should feel extremely proud of yourself, for here at Olympus, we accept only the greatest.

Our motto at this beautiful residence is “Virorum Inlustrium” which translates to “Men of Distinction”, and indeed we are. Here at Olympus we fulfil every task with the utmost distinction and we hope to show you that within the near future. You will soon learn that this wonderful place is more than what meets the eye. It will enhance your student life by miles and there is more than enough for everyone to do – from UP A Capella to Serrie, as well as the different sporting codes that we offer.

My job on the House Committee is to ensure that whatever is discussed at meetings is well-communicated amongst the team, as well as the residence. If you want make your voice heard about matters in res, please feel free to speak to me and I will bring it up in meetings. Although my portfolio entails secretary tasks, it is still my mission to ensure that your transition between high school and university is a smooth one. We aim to show you the many fruits that residence life has to offer and will reassure why you chose this place.

Olympus bears a strong reputation for being the top male academic residence at the University of Pretoria and we are extremely serious about our work. Stemming from the fact that we are a smaller residence than most others, we are fortunate to have a brotherhood, a family, and a strong support system, which helps us get through the seriousness of our academics. While I strongly advise you prospective Kuikens to study hard and reap the benefits of such, I encourage you to find a balance that also allows you to participate in the residence as well. In my experience, I found that being well-involved in the residence usually yields the best results in whatever you are doing, and I have no doubt that each member of the house will agree.

I wish you well in your final exams and I look forward to meeting all of you in January next year. The Mountain of Gods awaits your arrival, and Mercury seeks your calling.

Kiash Arjun


[email protected]

- Author Kiash Arjun

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