Prof Ina Fourie

Professor Ina Fourie

BBibl BBibl(Hons) MBibl (UOVS)DLitt et Phil (RAU)
Postgrad Diploma Tertiary Education (Unisa)



NRF rating: C1 (since 2008)

E-mail: [email protected]
Office: IT 6-65
Telephone: +27 12 420 5216
Fax: +27 12 362 5181


Office hours

  • Tuesday: 8:00 – 10:00
  • Thursday: 8:00 – 10:00

Or by appointment (even during consultation hours it is better to make an appointment).


 Membership of national and international bodies



Honours degree programme (package coordinator)

Research master’s degree (coordinator for applications)

  • INL 210 (Coordinator)
  • INY 714 (Coordinator and lecturer)
  • INY 734 (Supervising honours students’ research projects)
  • MIT 843 (Coordinator and lecturer on information retrieval component)
  • MIT 868 (Coordinator and lecturer)
  • Supervision: masters students (full research dissertations and mini-dissertations) and doctoral students  

Prof Ina Fourie joined the Department in July 2001 as an Associate Professor. In January 2010 she was promoted to Full Professor. She started her lecturing career at the University of South Africa (Unisa) in 1988 where she was respectively a junior lecturer, lecturer and later senior lecturer. At Unisa she taught various aspects of information organisation and retrieval including indexing, abstracting, thesaurus construction, online searching and developing personal databases. Here she gained extensive experience in distance education and teaching adult learners who were mostly employed fulltime. She started her career as a librarian and later senior librarian at the Atomic Energy Corporation of South Africa.

Prof Fourie is currently involved in teaching undergraduate and postgraduate modules concerning information literacy, information retrieval, information organisation, information behaviour and information seeking. Students completing their masters' and doctoral studies under her supervision are working on a variety of topics including various aspects of information needs and information behaviour (her main research focus), aspects of information literacy such as workplace information literacy and distance learning programmes in information literacy, bridging the digital divide, the role of the library in various contexts, legal depositories, and information services in various contexts.

Apart from a number of national associations such as the Library and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA), the Southern Africa Online User Group (SAOUG), and the Organisation of South African Law Libraries (OSALL), Prof Fourie is a member of the UK Charted Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP), the UK E-Information Group, the UK Health Libraries Interest Group, the  Association American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST) (formerly the American Society for Information Science and Technology), the Medical Library Association (MLA), Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the European Association for Health Information and Libraries (EAHIL).

She is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of several international journals such as Online Information Review, The Electronic Library, Library Hi Tech, Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice (JISTaP) and Webology, and locally of Mousaion  and the South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science. She regularly reviews articles for ASLIB Proceedings and occasionally for other international journals such as Journal of Documentation, Journal of Librarianship & Information Science, African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science, Nursing Education Today, Library and Information Science Research, and national journals such as Innovation and South African Journal of Information Management.

She was a regular book reviewer for The Electronic Library and Online Information Review for many years and occasionally for other journals such as Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology and Library Information Management. Occasionally she still writes book reviews on request.

Occassionally she is a reviewer for the National Research Foundation (NRF) and publishers such as Chandos Publishing and various national and international conference programmes.

Prof Fourie serves as an external examiner on undergraduate and postgraduate level for various national institutions including the University of Cape Town, University of KwaZulu Natal, University of the Witwatersrand, University of Zululand, North West University (Potchefstroom) and University of South Africa (Unisa). In the African contexts she is an external examiner for masters and doctoral studies for the Makerere University (Uganda).

She has published journal articles, and delivered conference papers and workshops at national as well as international level within the field of information organisation, information retrieval, current awareness services and information behaviour, as well as issues concerning teaching and education (especially distance education), and the use of research methods such as autoethnography. These include invited presentations and key note addresses. Several of her articles have been selected as feature article of the month for The Informed Librarian Online.

She has been involved in contract work and contract research on international projects including the IFLA World Report (2007, 2010), Internet censorship and an evaluation project for the European Union.

Ina has been invited a guest lecturer and visiting researcher at the University of Milwaukee (Wisconsin), University of Alabama (USA), University at Buffalo (New York) (USA) and Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand). Her research collaborators include academics and practitioners from The Netherlands, USA, Australia and New Zealand, as well as library and information science academics and practitioners and healthcare professionals in the South African context.

Her research focus mostly on information behaviour – especially healthcare contexts such as cancer in general, cervical and other gynaecological cancers, palliative care, pain, HIV/AIDS and compassion fatigue as well as academic and various workplace contexts. In addition she pursues research opportunities in information literacy including academic and workplace information literacy, current awareness services, intermediary roles in information provision, collaborative information seeking and ad hoc topics such as trends in Internet censorship. She has received research funding and support from the National Research Foundation (NRF), UNESCO (project with Dr Kirstin Kraus), and the University of Pretoria fund for visiting scholars.


Publications: Journal Articles
1989 Moontlikhede vir rekenaarmatige opleiding in die biblioteek- en inligtingwese in Suid-Afrika. Mousaion, 7(2):76-86. Possibilities for computer training in library and information science in South Africa.
1989 Behoefte van professionele personeel in die biblioteek- en inligtingwese aan rekenaarmatige opleiding. South African journal of library and information science, 57(1):61-68. The need for computer training of professional personnel in librarianship and information work.
1995 Fourie, I. & Van Brakel, PA (supervisor, RAU). Multimediastudiepakket vir die afstandsonderrig van gerekenariseerde inligtingherwinning. South African Journal of Library and Information Science, 63(3):139-147. Multimedia study package for distance teaching of computerised information retrieval.
1995 Afstandsonderrigteorieë: ‘n vertrekpunt vir die ontwerp van onderrigprogramme. Progressio, 17(2):73-87. Theories of distance teaching: a point of departure for the design of teaching programmes.
1995 Beplanning van ‘n werkwinkel in leeskompakskyfherwinning: die situasie-analise. Mousaion, 13(1&2):198-224. Planning a workshop on CD-ROM retrieval: the situation analysis.
1996 Database design: the use of shareware. OLASA Review, 2:61-66.
1996 Johan Bekker: ‘n bibliografie. South African Journal of Library and Information Science, 64(3):119-123. Johan Bekker: a bibliography.
1997 Training in the use of textbase programmes: DB/TextWorks as an example. Mousaion, 15(1):106-124.
1997 Benutting van alternatiewe programmatuur in ‘n inligtingomgewing. Mousaion, 15(1):64-81. Use of alternative software in an information environment.
1997 Fourie, I. & Behrens, SJ (Unisa). South African Studies: a review of NISC’s anthology CD-ROM. South African Journal of Library and Information Science, 65(2):116-123.
1998 Die invloed van ‘n situasie-analise op die bevordering van afstandsonderrig van praktiese vaardighede. Progressio, 20(2):102-118. The influence of a situation analysis on the promotion of distance teaching of practical skills.
1998 A trainer’s view, in Association of Southern African Indexers and Bibliographers (ASAIB) newsletter, (7), August. (3 p.)
1999 The use of CAI for distance teaching in the formulation of search strategies. Mousaion, 17(1):48-75. Selected for Top 20 Library Instruction Articles, an annotated bibliography compiled by The Education Committee of ALA’s Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT).
1999 Creating Web sites in a library and information service environment: some basic guidelines. Mousaion, 17(2):93-113.
1999 Fourie, I. & Ten Krooden, E. (Unisa Library). Teaching research information skills to students in Environmental Education and Chemistry Education. Educare, 28(1&2):61-71.
1999 Fourie, I. & Ten Krooden, E. (Unisa Library). Providing learning opportunities for teaching research information skills. Progressio, 21(2). (Available online:
1999 Should we take disintermediation seriously. The Electronic library, 17(1):9-16. Permission requested by the Library and Information Science Department of Musica University to translate the article “Should we take disintermediation seriously?” in Spanish for the journal Anales de Documentation. (Published in 2001)
1999 Empowering users — current awareness on the Internet. The Electronic Library, 17(6):379-388.
1999 Fourie, I. & Van Niekerk, D. (National Research Foundation). Using portfolio assessment in a module in Research Information Skills. Education for Information, 17(4):333-352.
2000 Using the Internet to keep track of new developments in distance education. Progressio, 22: (Available online:
2001 Debemos tomarnos en serio la desintermediación? Anales de Documentation. Vol. 4:267-282. (Translation of “Should we take disintermediation seriously?” that appeared in The Electronic Library, 17(1):9-16.Translation byT Saorin).
2001 Fourie, I. & Van Niekerk, D. (Unisa). Follow-up to the use of portfolio assessment for a module in Research Information Skills: an analysis of its value. Education for Information, 19(2):107-126.
2001 The use of CAI for distance teaching in the formulation of search strategies. Library Trends, 50(1):110-127. (Reprinted from Mousaion).
2002 How can we take a socio-cognitive approach in teaching indexing and abstracting? The Indexer, 23(2):8-10.
2003 Using distance teaching methods to further the careers of working adults. Behavioural & Social Sciences Librarian, 21(2):29-48.
2003 A research agenda and framework for web information seeking/searching in South Africa. South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science, 69(2):115-125.
2003 How can current awareness services (CAS) be used in the world of library acquisitions? Online Information Review, 27(3):183-195.
2003 Fourie, I. & Van den Berg, H. (National Research Foundation). A story told by Nexus transaction logs: what to make of it. Mousaion, 21(2):11-40.
2004 Librarians and the claiming of new roles: how can we make a difference? Aslib Proceedings, 56(1):62-74. (Also featured article in April edition of The Informed Librarian)
2004 Penzhorn, C. (University of Pretoria) & Fourie, I. Challenges faced in Web-based teaching of reference work: experiences at the University of Pretoria. Mousaion, 22(1):70-88.
2004 Teaching indexers and abstractors through distance teaching programmes. Mousaion, 22(2): 172-195.
2004 A socio-cognitive approach to teaching indexing and abstracting that might help to bridge the gap between IR research and praxis. Mousaion, 22(2): 196-211.
2005 Fourie, I. Claasen-Veldsman, R. (University of Pretoria). Disintermediation: using intermediary skills to offer oncology nurses opportunities for their own world-wide web current awareness services (CAS). The article is based on a conference paper delivered at the 7th ISKO conference, 6-8 July 2005, Barcelona. Mousaion, 23(2):196-212.
2006 Learning from Web information seeking studies: some suggestions for LIS practitioners. The Electronic Library, 24(1):20-37.
2006 Skills in information monitoring: developing alertness to changing environments as a life-long skill. The International Journal of Learning, 12(7). Available online: /
2006 Fourie, I. & Bothma, T. (University of Pretoria). Addressing the digital divide in teaching information retrieval: a theoretical view on taking students from ICT access to knowledge sharing. The Electronic Library, 24(4):469-489.
2006 Fourie, I. & Thomas, G. Academic library consortia in South Africa: where we come from and where we are heading. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 32(4):432-438.
2006 Contributing to a culture of innovation through alerting services: exploring possibilities and complications. The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, 5(6). Available: /; Available online: /
2006 Web information monitoring services: a theoretical framework to take humanity students beyond information seeking skills. The International Journal of the Humanities, 3(5). Available online: /
2007 Fourie, I. & Claasen-Veldsman, R. (University of Pretoria). A South African perspective on oncology nurses’ need for current awareness services (CAS) via the WWW. Mousaion, 25(1):44-65.
2007 Fourie, I. & Bothma. T. (University of Pretoria). Information seeking: an overview of web tracking and the criteria for tracking software. Aslib Proceedings. 59(3):264-284
2007 Fourie, I. & Claasen-Veldsman, R. WWW current awareness services for oncology nurses: a theoretical framework. The Electronic Library, 25(1):36-53.

Rossouw, T. & Fourie, I. Current awareness services (CAS) available via the world wide web (www) for legal information. Mousaion, 25(1):66-81.


Fourie, I. & Burger, M. (Unisa). History of bibliographic control in South Africa. Mousaion, 25(2):95-119.


Fourie, I. Book indexing: a reflection on the contrasting complexities and ease of conceptualization and how we can deepen our understanding. Mousaion, 26(1):111-125.

2008 Fourie, I. Information needs and information behaviour of patients and family members in a cancer palliative care setting: an exploratory study of an existential context from different perspectives. Information Research, 13(4) paper 360. [Available at /]
2008 Fourie, I. Practical suggestions for information literacy programmes for healthcare professionals − learning from studies in human information behaviour (HIB). Mousaion. 
2009 Fourie, I. & Bakker, S (Central Cancer Library, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam). Experiences with a cross-country exploratory project to offer current awareness (CAS) services to oncology nurses. Mousaion.
2009 Du Preez, M. (Unisa) & Fourie, I. The information behaviour of consulting engineers in South Africa. Mousaion.
2009 Fourie, I. Learning from research on the information behaviour of healthcare professionals: a review of the literature 2004-2008 with a focus on emotion. Health Information and Libraries Journal.

Fourie, I. Deepening our understanding of information behaviour in health librarianship: information literacy skills in praxis. EAHIL (European Association of Medical and Health Libraries) conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 14 - 18 June 2010. 


Fourie, I. Health librarians modeling information literacy behaviour: improved practice of what is preached and feeling it where it hurts. EAHIL (European Association of Medical and Health Libraries) conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 14 - 18 June 2010. 


Fourie, I. Interpreting the information behaviour of patients and families in palliative cancer care: a practical approach. Innovation, 40:34-46.


Nel, M. (University of Pretoria) & Fourie, I. An exploratory study of the information behaviour of veterinary practitioners in South Africa, Mousaion, 28(2):107-133.


Fourie, I. & Krauss, K. (University of Pretoria). Information literacy for teachers in a developing South African context: suggestions for a multi-disciplinary planning approach. Innovation, 41:107-122.

 2011  Fourie, I. & Krauss, K. (University of Pretoria). 2011. Information literacy for teachers in rural South Africa. Journal of Information Systems and Information Technology, 13(3):303-321.
 2011 Fourie, I. An evaluation of content to explore opportunities for research and challenges for practice from a conference programme: 10th International Conference on Medical Librarianship (ICML) as exemplar. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 29(3):197-213.
2011 Fourie, I. & Claasen-Veldsman, R. (University of Pretoria). Exploration of the needs of South African oncology nurses for current awareness services (CAS) available via the Internet. Information Research, 16(3). [Available at:].
2011 Fourie, I. Personal information and reference management – librarians increasing creativity. Library Hi Tech, 29(2):387-393.
2011 Fourie, I. Librarians alert: How can we exploit what is happening with personal information management (PIM), reference management and related issues? Library Hi Tech, 29(3):550-556. 
2011 Fourie, I. Personal information management (PIM), reference management and mind maps – the way to creative librarians? Library Hi Tech, 29(4):764 -771. 
2011 Bitso, C. (University of Pretoria) & Fourie, I. Information seeking behaviour of secondary level geography teachers in Lesotho. Mousaion, 29(2):173-194.
2012 Bitso, C. (University of Pretoria) & Fourie, I. An investigation of information-seeking behaviour of geography teachers for an information service intervention: the case of Lesotho. Information Research, 17(4) paper 549. [Available at]. 
2012 Fourie, I. Understanding information behaviour in palliative care: arguing for exploring diverse and multiple overlapping contexts. Information Research, 17(4) paper 540.              [Available at]. 
2012 Fourie, I. Content analysis as a means of exploring research opportunities from a conference programme. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 29(3):197-213. 
2012 Fourie, I. Collaboration and personal information management (PIM), Library Hi Tech, 30(1):186-193. 
2012 Fourie, I. Understanding and exploiting idiosyncrasy in the use of ICT devices such as tablets: setting the background. Library Hi Tech, 30(2):359-366. 
2012 Fourie, I. “Libraries go green”: an information behaviour perspective. Library Hi Tech, 30(3):428-435. Selected by Emerald to be included in a review of best articles in order to reach a broader practitioner readership and guide busy professionals to articles they feel will be of greatest value to them, and to support researchers and students who need to digest the main points of an article quickly. Managing Information, 20(1). 2013:70-71 (Membership magazine of ASLIB). 
2012 Fourie, I. & Ball, L. (University of Pretoria). Promotional strategies for information products and services – aligning with the serious and entertainment facets of information consumers’ lives. Library Hi Tech, 30(4):683-692. (Featured article in The Informed Librarian Online ( November 2012 issue.)
2013 Fourie, I. Twenty-first century librarians: time for Zones of Intervention and Zones of Proximal Development? Library Hi Tech, 31(1):171-181. 
2013 Fourie, I. & Fourie, H. Getting it done on time. Library Hi Tech, 31(2):391-400. (Featured article in The Informed Librarian Online (, May issue for 2013.) 
2013  Kruger, J., Fourie, I. & Dick, A. Positioning audience research for public dialogue: a double-dialogical approach. Mousaion, 31(2):58-77.
2013 Bitso, C. (University of Cape Town), Fourie, I. & Bothma, T. Trends in transition from classical censorship to Internet censorship: selected country overviews selected country overviews. Innovation, 46:166-191.
2013 Fourie, I. Overview of research on information behaviour in context of palliative care with an indication of some research gaps. African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science, 23(1):23-32. 
2013 Fourie, I. All about information – balancing ICT, IRS and making a difference. Library Hi Tech, 31(3):554-561. 
2013 Fourie, I. & Julien, H. (University of Alabama, USA). IRS, information services and LIS research – a reminder about affect and the affective paradigm… and a question. Library Hi Tech, 32(1):190-201. 
2013 Fourie, I. & Bakker, S. (Central Cancer Library, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam).  Value of a manageable research life cycle for LIS: a cancer library exploring the needs of clinicians and researchers as example. The Electronic Library, 31(5):648-663. 
2014 Fourie, I. & Meyer, H.W.J. (Unisa). Conceptualisation of nurses as information intermediaries for patients in palliative care. African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science, 24(1):91-105. 
2014 Fourie, I. & Fourie, H. Targeting users in information provision – more than researchers, students and professionals. Library Hi Tech, 32(1):164-172.
2014 Fourie, I., Bitso, C. (University of Cape Town) & Bothma, T. Methods and resources to monitor Internet censorship. Library Hi Tech, 32(4): 723-739.
2014 Fourie, I. & Julien, H. (University at Buffalo, NY). Ending the dance: a research agenda for affect and emotion in studies of information behaviour. Information Research, 19(4):108-124 [Available at isic09.html].
2014 Kleynhans, A. (University of Pretoria) & Fourie, I. Ensuring accessibility of electronic information resources for visually impaired people – the need for libraries to clarify concepts such as visually impaired. Library Hi Tech, 32(2):368-379.
2014 Bitso, C. (University of Cape Town) & Fourie, I. Information-seeking behaviour of prospective geography teachers at the National University of Lesotho, Information Research, 19(3): 151-165. paper 637. [Available at].
2015 Julien, H. (University of Alabama) & Fourie, I. A reflection of affect in studies of information behaviour in HIV/AIDS contexts: A quantitative content analysis. Library and Information Research, 37(1):3-9. 
2015 Anderson, T.D. (University of Technology, Sydney) & Fourie, I. Collaborative autoethnography as a way of seeing the experience of caregiving as an information practice. Submitted to Information Research, 20(1). [Available at:].
2015 Westbrook, L. (University of Texas) & Fourie, I. A feminist information engagement framework for gynecological cancer patients:  the case of cervical cancer (In press for Journal of Documentation).
2015 Meyer, A. & Fourie, I. Collaborative information seeking (CIS) environments benefiting from holistic ergonomics: eliminating system issues identified in CIS literature. Library Hi Tech, 33(3):462-459. (ISI listed)
2015 Fourie, I. & Meyer, A. What to make of all the hype about makerspaces – tools, DIY and creativity only – or is there an interconnected space for information and information resources? Library Hi Tech, 33(4):519- 525. (ISI listed)
2016 Molopyane, JM. & Fourie, I. A framework for workplace information literacy in an academic context: Central University of Technology, Free State (South Africa) as case study. The Electronic Library, 33(4):562-583. (ISI listed)
2016 De Beer, M., Van der Merwe, M., Ball, L. & Fourie, I. Legal deposit of electronic books–a review of challenges faced by national libraries. Library Hi Tech, 34(1):87-103. (ISI listed)
2016 Nel, M. & Fourie, I. Information behavior and expectations of veterinary researchers and their requirements for academic library services. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 42(1):44-54. (ISI listed)
2016 Fourie, I. & Meyer, A. Role of libraries in developing an informed and educated nation. Library Hi Tech, 34(3): 422-432. (ISI listed)
2017 Parbhoo, N. & Fourie, I. Effective use of value-added features and services of proprietary databases in an academic context. Information Research, 22(1). (ISI listed)
2017 Anderson, TD. & Fourie, I., 2017. Falling together-a conceptual paper on the complexities of information interactions and research gaps in empathetic care for the dying. Information Research, 22(1). (ISI listed)
2017 Fourie, I. & Nesset, V. An exploratory review of research on cancer pain and information-related needs: What (little) we know. Information Research, 22(1). (ISI listed)
2017 Meyer, A. & Fourie, I. Thematic analysis of the value of Kuhlthau's work for the investigation of information behaviour in creative workspaces in academic libraries. Information Research, 22(1). (ISI listed)
2017 Du Bruyn, K. & Fourie, I. From a framework for advanced research information literacy skills to a map of opportunities to be addressed by academic librarians. Innovation. (In press)
2017 De Klerk, MAD. & Fourie, I. 2017. Facilitating the continuing education needs of professional cataloguers in South Africa: a framework for self-directed learning. Mousaion. (In press)

Books & chapters in books

1999 From basic needs to information literacy, in I in the sky: a vision of the information future. Edited by A. Scammel. London: Aslib.
2001 Current awareness services in an electronic age — the whole picture, in Handbook of information management. 8th edition. Edited by A. Scammel. London Aslib:274-306.
2005 Conceptualisation: what is it all about? In, Indexing for Southern Africa: a manual compiled in celebration of ASAIB's first decade. J.A. Kalley, E. Schoeman & M. Burger. Pretoria: Unisa Press, pp. 20-28.
2005 Fourie, I. & Burger, M. (Unisa). Book indexing. In, Indexing for Southern Africa: a manual compiled in celebration of ASAIB's first decade. J.A. Kalley, E. Schoeman & M. Burger. Pretoria: Unisa Press, pp. 68-85.
2005 Fourie, I. & Burger, M. (Unisa). Verbal subject description. In, Indexing for Southern Africa: a manual compiled in celebration of ASAIB's first decade. J.A. Kalley, E. Schoeman & M. Burger. Pretoria: Unisa Press, pp.53-67.
2005 Burger, M. (Unisa) & Fourie, I. Organisation policy. In, Indexing for Southern Africa: a manual compiled in celebration of ASAIB's first decade. J.A. Kalley, E. Schoeman & M. Burger. Pretoria: Unisa Press, pp.44-52.
2006 Information society survival toolkit. Bothma, T. (Coordinating author); Cosijn, E., Fourie, I. Penzhorn, C. (authors) & Thompson, L. (assisting author). Harlow: Pearson Custom Publishing. (Three chapters)
2006 How LIS professionals can use alerting services. Oxford: Chandos Publishers.
2007 Fourie, I. South African library and information (LIS) service structure. In World Library and Information Congress 73rd IFLA General Conference and Council: Libraries for the Future: Progress and Development of South African Libraries. Edited by T. Bothma, P. Underwood, P. Ngulube. Pretoria: LIASA: 25-42. 
2008 Revision of Information society survival toolkit. (Title change: Navigating information literacy). Three chapters.
2010 Navigating information literacy with Bothma, T. (Coordinating author); Cosijn, E., Fourie, I. Penzhorn, C. (revision). Three chapters.
2011 Fourie, I. Foreword. Innovations in information retrieval: perspectives for theory and practice. Edited A. Foster & P. Rafferty. London: Facet Publishing: xiii – xiv.
2014 Extensive revision of Navigating information literacy with Bothma, T. (Coordinating author); Cosijn, E., Fourie, I. Penzhorn, C. (revision) (three chapters) (now including and enhanced interactive e-book).

Other Publications

2008 Fourie, I. Thoughts on achieving inclusivity at public libraries (based on a paper presented at the IFLA World Library and Information Congress conference, 19-23 August, Durban). (Request permission to publish an abbreviated version). Freestate Libraries, (Aug-Dec).
2009 Fourie, I. Building a collage for indexers and bibliographers: photo albums, mirrors, magnifying glasses and crystal balls out of Africa. The Indexer, 27(4):146-151. (Professional journal of the British society of Indexers) on request after paper delivered at ASAIB conference, 9-10 March, Maroepeng. (Peer reviewed, but not accredited).
2009 Fourie, I. Information literacy for healthcare professionals − learning from studies in human information behaviour (HIB). Forum Bibliotek Medycznych, 2, 1(3).                         [Available at:].
2009 Short contribution on how general practitioners may use the Internet to contribute to the care of cancer patients (GP more than simple information source for cancer patients). It will appear in HMR Africa, April, 5(3). (Written on request after paper delivered at SASMO/SASCRO conference in February 2009; Title of paper: Patients, daily tasks and professional survival: how can the Internet help?).
2009 Appropriate use of the Internet and useful sources concerning H1N1 (swine flue). It should appear in HMR Africa, June, 5(5).  
2009 NHI – keeping pace with what is happening. Health Management Review, 5(9):17-18.
2009 Very short contribution by Joan van Zyl (assistant editor for Health24 in Print, What’s New DOC, Huisgenoot Pols/YOU Pulse and Jump (Momentum Health) based on the paper delivered at SASMO/SASCRO conference in February 2009; Title of paper: Patients, daily tasks and professional survival: how can the Internet help?. I have added some advice on general sources for medical professionals and patients as well as advice on what patients should note when searching the Internet. Dealing with Googling patients. What’s new Doc, 4(6):35. 
2010 Fourie. I. Building a collage for indexers and bibliographers: photo albums, mirrors, magnifying glasses and crystal balls out of Africa. Key Word (On request based on paper delivered at ASAIB conference, 9-10 March 2009, Maropeng; reprinted from The Indexer).
2013 Fourie, I. How can information literacy training promote awareness of information needs and realising gaps in knowledge? A perspective allowing for patients, families and healthcare providers - but applicable to others from caring professions. Bladen voor documentatie - Cahiers de la documentation, vol 3: 32-40.
On request; based on conference paper for EAHIL in Brussels, 2012.
2013 Olivier, E. & Fourie, I. Advisor reviews: African Electronic Journals (SA ePublications). The Charleston Advisor, April:33-38 (

Published reports

2003 Evaluation report for a European Union project: Library books and training for historically disadvantaged institutions. Project No.: 95-75070-009. Supervisor: The Department of Education. Management Agency: The British Council. With Proff T Bothma (Team leader), AL Dick, H Brits.
2007 FAIFE: International survey of freedom of access to information. Contracted research for the FAIFE Interest Group, IFLA. With TJD Bothma (editor) et al. (hard copy & web access:

FAIFE: International survey of freedom of access to information. Contract research for the FAIFE Interest Group, IFLA. With TJD Bothma (editor) et al. (


Krauss, K. & Fourie, I. UNESCO report: A Report on an Information & Communication Technology (ICT) and Information Literacy (IL) training initiative at Kgoro Primary School (Zithobeni district) in Bronkhorstspruit.


Krauss, K. & Fourie, I. Bitso, C., Fourie, I. & Bothma, T. E-censorship in selected countries (contract research for a FAIFE, IFLA project commissioned by Prof Kai Ekholm, National Librarian, Finland to be published as a FAIFE Spotlight ).


Extensive revision of Navigating information literacy with Bothma, T. (Coordinating author); Cosijn, E., Fourie, I. Penzhorn, C. (revision) (three chapters) (now including and enhanced interactive e-book).

Papers published in conference proceedings

1995 Karaktertrekke van ‘n multimedia-studiepakket vir afstandsonderrig. Conference proceedings of the Educational Media Institute of SAARDHE. The role of educational media in higher education. Compiled by A. Venter & A.I. le Roux. Pretoria: Unisa:170-181.Characteristics of a multimedia study package for distance education.
1996 Fourie, I. & Snyman, D. (Unisa Library). Distance teaching in online searching, in Online information 96. Proceedings, (1996: London). Edited by D.I. Raitt & B. Jeapes. Oxford: Learned Information:85-92.
1997 Understanding the process of indexing: a practical approach, in Association of Southern African Indexers and Bibliographers (ASAIB) workshop: indexing, the art of. Edited by R. Musiker. Johannesburg: ASAIB:12-25.
1997 Back-of-the-book indexing: guidelines, in Association of Southern African Indexers and Bibliographers (ASAIB) workshop: indexing, the art of. Edited by R. Musiker. Johannesburg: ASAIB:26-41.
2000 Van Niekerk, D. (Unisa) & Fourie, I. An analysis of the value of portfolio assessment for a module in Research Information Skills, in Assessment for competency: transforming policy into practice. ASEESA conference proceedings. (Port Elizabeth: 26-29 September):156-163.
2001 Teaching electronic information research skills to teachers. (Published in the conference proceedings for SITE 2001, 5-10 March.)
2001 Using a variety of teaching methods to teach online search skills to working adults. (Published in the conference proceedings for National Online Meeting 2001, 15-17 May.). Edited by M.E. Williams. Medford, NJ: Information Today:139-156.
2001 The scenery, paths, side-steps and hurdles of an indexing career, in Mastering indexing skills: steps along the way: papers read at a conference held in Johannesburg on 27th June 2001. Edited by J.A.Kalley. Johannesburg: Association of Southern African Indexers and Bibliographers:1-22. (Keynote address)
2001 Burger, M. (Unisa) & Fourie, I. Indexing software: MACREX as an exemplar, in Mastering indexing skills: steps along the way: papers read at a conference held in Johannesburg on 27th June 2001. Edited by J.A. Kalley. Johannesburg: Association of Southern African Indexers and Bibliographers:79-87.
2002 A review of web information-seeking/searching studies (2000 – 2002): implications for research in the South African context. In Progress in Library and Information Science in Southern Africa: proceedings of the second biennial DISSAnet Conference (PROLISSA conference, 24-25 October, Pretoria). Edited by T. Bothma & A. Kaniki. Pretoria: Infuse:49-75.
2003 A theoretical model for studying web information seeking/searching behaviour, in Trends in knowledge organization research (Tendencias de Investigación en Organización del Conocimiento), 6th ISKO conference, Spanish chapter, 5-7 May 2003, Salamanca. Edited by J. Friás & C. Travieso. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad:169-172.
2004 A theoretical model for studies on web information seeking behaviour: how to look and what we might see. In Progress in Library and Information Science in Southern Africa: proceedings of the third DISSAnet Conference (PROLISSA conference, 28-29 October, Pretoria). Edited by T. Bothma & A. Kaniki. Pretoria: Infuse:67-86.
2004 Conceptualisation: easy getting easier or more complex. Book indexing and beyond: proceedings of a conference held in Johannesburg on 16-17.
2005 Fourie, I. & Claasen-Veldsman, R. (University of Pretoria). Disintermediation: using intermediary skills to offer oncology nurses opportunities for their own world-wide web current awareness services (CAS). In 7th Congreso del Capítulo Español de ISKO: La dimension humana de la oganización del conocimento (the human dimension of knowledge organization). 2005. Editors: J Gascón & F Burguillos. Barcelona: Departement de Biblioteconomia Documentació de la Universitat de Barcelona:187-200.

Fourie, I. Information needs and information behaviour of patients and family members in a cancer palliative care setting: an exploratory study from different perspectives. ISIC 2008 (Information Seeking in Context): Conference Material; 17-19 September 2008, Vilnius, Lithuania:81-93.

2010 Krauss, K. (University of Pretoria) & Fourie, I. Towards Information Literacy training for teachers in rural South African communities: research in progress. 4th IDIA Conference 2010: Exploring Success and Failure in Development Informatics: Innovation, Research and Practice. 3-5 November 2010, Cape Town. (Published on CD-ROM as part of conference proceedings)
2010 Fourie, I. (Poster presentation), Information behavior in palliative care: an exploratory reflection on the diversity and multiplicity of contexts. ASIS&T conference, 22-27 October 2010, Pittsburgh. Conference proceedings: Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. Volume 47, Issue 1, November/December 2010, Pages: 1–3.
2011 Fourie, I. Using context as framework to study information behaviour in palliative care: or do we call it environment, or situation, or small world... or something else? PROLISSA conference, 8-9 March 2011, Pretoria.

Bitso, C. (University of Pretoria) & Fourie, I. Information seeking behaviour of secondary geography teachers in Lesotho. PROLISSA conference, 8-9 March 2011, Pretoria.

2011 Du Toit, PH, Bothma, TJD, de Boer, A-L, Fourie, I and Scheepers, D. 2011. From creativity to innovation to transformation in Information Literacy for university students: Learning material that makes a difference. LILAC 2011, London, 18 – 20 April 2011. See also:
2012 Bitso, C. (University of Pretoria) & Fourie, I. An investigation of information-seeking behaviour of geography teachers for an information service intervention: the case of Lesotho. ISIC (Information Seeking in Context) conference, Tokyo, 5-7 September 2012) (Peer-reviewed).
2012 Fourie, I. Understanding information behaviour in palliative care: arguing for exploring diverse and multiple overlapping contexts. ISIC (Information Seeking in Context) conference, Tokyo, 5-7  September 2012) (Peer-reviewed).
2012 Bitso, C. & Fourie, I. The information-seeking behaviour of prospective geography teachers at the National University of Lesotho. ISIC (Information Seeking in Context) conference, Tokyo, 5-7 September 2012) (Peer-reviewed).
2012 Fourie, I. Review of research on information behaviour in contexts of palliative care with an indication of some research gaps. 12th Information Studies Conference, University of Zululand, South Africa 10th – 12th September, 2012 (“Empowering and Inspiring Current Information Studies Worldwide”). Invited keynote speaker. ( under link for Research).

Conference papers presented

1995 Karaktertrekke van ‘n multimedia-studiepakket vir afstandsonderrig. Conference of the Educational Media Institute of SAARDHE. The role of educational media in higher education. Cape Town. Characteristics of a multimedia study package for distance education.
1996 Fourie, I. & Snyman, D. (Unisa Library). Distance teaching in online searching,Online information 1996. London.
1997 Understanding the process of indexing: a practical approach. Association of Southern African Indexers and Bibliographers (ASAIB) workshop: indexing, the art of. Johannesburg.
1997 Back-of-the-book indexing: guidelines. Association of Southern African Indexers and Bibliographers (ASAIB) workshop: indexing, the art of. Johannesburg.
1997 Should we take disintermediation seriously? Fourth Southern African Online Information Meeting, 12-13 June, Midrand.
1999 Empowering clientele — current awareness on the Internet. Fifth Southern African Online Information Meeting, 9-10 June, Midrand.
2000 Van Niekerk, D. (Unisa) & Fourie, I. An analysis of the value of portfolio assessment for a module in Research Information Skills, in Assessment for competency: transforming policy into practice. ASEESA conference proceedings. (Port Elizabeth: 26-29 September).
2001 Distance teaching of indexers: keeping track of new challenges as well as traditional practices (Workshop delivered at the American Society of Indexers’ 33rd Annual Conference, 1-3 June, Boston).
2001 The scenery, paths, side-steps and hurdles of an indexing career. Mastering indexing skills: steps along the way: conference held in Johannesburg on 27th June 2001. Association of Southern African Indexers and Bibliographers:1-22. (Keynote address)
2001 Teaching electronic information research skills to teachers. SITE conference, 5-10 March 2001, Orlando.
2001 Using a variety of teaching methods to teach online search skills to working adults. National Online Meeting 15-17 May 2001, New York.
2002 Revitalised librarians for the 21st century: education as the energy booster. LIASA conference, 1-4 October, Port Elizabeth.
2002 How can current awareness services (CAS) be used in the world of library acquisitions? LIASA conference, 1-4 October, Port Elizabeth.
2002 A review of web information-seeking/searching studies (2000 – 2002): implications for research in the South African context. Progress in Library and Information Science in Southern Africa. second biennial DISSAnet Conference, 24-25 October, Pretoria.
2003 Positioning collaborative information seeking in a collaborative e-learning environment, CAL2003, 8-10 April, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
2003 Addressing the digital divide through advanced information retrieval skills, CAL2003, 8-10 April, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
2003 Penzhorn, C. (University of Pretoria) & Fourie, I. Teaching reference workers through WebCT, CAL2003, 8-10 April, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
2003 Abstracting: from basic indicative abstracts to critical abstracts, Joint ASI-IASC/SCAD Conference, 19-21 June, Vancouver, Canada.
2003 A theoretical model for studying web information seeking/searching behaviour, in Trends in knowledge organization research (Tendencias de Investigación en Organización del Conocimiento), 6th ISKO conference, Spanish chapter, 5-7 May 2003, Salamanca.)
2003 How can we take a socio-cognitive approach in teaching indexing and abstracting, Joint ASI-IASC/SCAD Conference, 19-21 June, Vancouver, Canada.
2003 Fourie, I. & Van der Berg, H. (National Research Foundation). A story told by Nexus transaction logs: what to make of it. 7th Southern African Online Meeting, June 2003, Muldersdrift.
2003 Libraries and information services: how do we see our way to exemplary skills development? ETDP SETA National Conference, 3-5 September 2003, ICC, Durban.
2004 A theoretical model for studies on web information seeking behaviour: how to look and what we might see. In Progress in Library and Information Science in Southern Africa: third DISSAnet Conference, 28-29 October, Pretoria.
2004 Conceptualisation: easy getting easier or more complex. Book indexing and beyond: proceedings of a conference held in Johannesburg on 16-17 September.
2005 Fourie, I. & Claasen-Veldsman, R. (University of Pretoria). Disintermediation: using intermediary skills to offer oncology nurses opportunities for their own world-wide web current awareness services (CAS) at the 7th ISKO conference, 6-8 July, Barcelona.
2005 Skills in information monitoring: developing alertness to changing environments as a life-long skill at the 12th International Conference on Learning, 11-14 July, Granada.
2005 Contributing to a culture of innovation through alerting services: exploring possibilities and complicationsat the 5th Management Conference, 19-22 July, Rhodes, Greece.
2005 Web information monitoring services: a theoretical framework to take humanity students beyond information seeking skills at the Third International Humanities Conference, 2-5 August, Cambridge.
2006 Fourie, I. & Claasen-Veldsman, R. (University of Pretoria). Exploring the need of oncology nurses to use current awareness services (CAS) available via the www: a South African perspective. Canadian Health Libraries Association, 12-16 May, Vancouver.
2006 Fourie, I. & Claasen-Veldsman, R. (University of Pretoria). Expanding the information literacy skills of practicing health care professionals to keep up in demanding societies: oncology nurses as example. LILAC 2006: Librarians’ Information Literacy annual conference, 27-29 March 2006, Leeds.

Fourie, I. & Claasen-Veldsman, R. (University of Pretoria). Interactive presentation: Current Awareness Services (CAS) for health professionals.Health Libraries Group Conference (HLG), 10 - 12 July Eastbourne.

  • Poster: Empowering the wider community of health care professionals to use the WWW as a resource for professional information.
  • Poster: Interpreting the needs of oncology nurses: starting point for suggestions on using the WWW to stay abreast of the professional field.
2006 Fourie, I. & Claasen-Veldsman, R. (University of Pretoria). Exploring the need for current awareness services (CAS) available via the WWW: oncology nurses as example. European Conference of Medical and Health Libraries, 11 – 16 September 2006, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
2006 Fourie, I. & Claasen-Veldsman, R. (University of Pretoria). Promoting information skills to health care professionals: oncology nurses as an example LIASA conference, 25-29 September 2006, Pretoria.
2006 Fourie, I. & Bothma, T. (University of Pretoria). From information literacy to knowledge generation, communities of practice and advocacy to help bridging the digital divide: a theoretical model. LIASA conference, 25-29 September 2006, Pretoria.
2006 Fourie, I. & Steynberg, S. (University of Pretoria, Academic Information Service). How information professionals can support collaborative research efforts in building a knowledge community. LIASA conference, 25-29 September 2006, Pretoria.
2006 Fourie, I. & Claasen-Veldsman, R. (University of Pretoria). Exploring the need of South African oncology nurses for current awareness services (CAS) available via the WWW. PROLISSA conference, 2-3 November, 2006, Pretoria.
2006 Conceptualisation: easy getting easier or more complex. Book indexing and beyond: proceedings of a conference held in Johannesburg on 16-17 September 2004, edited by K. McGuirk. Pretoria: ASAIB, pp. 42-62.
2007 Fourie, I. & Burger, M. (Unisa). The history of bibliographic control in South Africa. IFLA conference, 19-23 August 2007, Durban. (Full-text available on conference website and article published in International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control (peer-reviewed)).

Fourie, I. Public libraries addressing social inclusion: how we may think… IFLA conference, 19-23 August 2007, Durban. (Full-text paper published on conference website).


Fourie, I. Information literacy for healthcare professionals − learning from studies in human information behaviour (HIB). EAHIL Conference, 12 – 15 September, Karkow, Poland (Full-text paper published on conference website).

2007 Fourie, I. & Burgers, W. (Mary Potter Oncology Centre, Pretoria). Information needs and information behaviour of patients and family members in a cancer palliative care setting: an exploratory study. 6th Annual Kaleidoscope International Palliative Care Conference: Life lessons: insights into grief and loss in palliative care, 30-31 May, Dublin. (Poster) (Also poster at NONSA conference, 19-22 September 2007, Bloemfontein; Also poster at EAHIL conference, Kracow, 12-15 September 2007)
2007 Fourie, I. & Burgers, W. (Mary Potter Oncology Centre, Pretoria). Information needs and information behaviour of patients and family members in a cancer palliative care setting: an exploratory study. 6th Annual Kaleidoscope International Palliative Care Conference: Life lessons: insights into grief and loss in palliative care, 30-31 May, Dublin. (Poster) (Also poster at NONSA conference, 19-22 September 2007, Bloemfontein; Also poster at EAHIL conference, Kracow, 12-15 September 2007)
2007 Fourie, I. & Burgers, W. (Mary Potter Oncology Centre, Pretoria). How is the Internet used by patients and their family members in South African cancer palliative care settings with special reference to dealing with grieve and loss? 6th Annual Kaleidoscope International Palliative Care Conference: Life lessons: insights into grief and loss in palliative care, 30-31 May, Dublin. (Poster)

Fourie, I. & Burgers, W. (Mary Potter Oncology Centre, Pretoria). How can oncology social workers in palliative care settings use the World Wide Web (WWW) to keep track of developments in their field? 6th Annual Kaleidoscope International Palliative Care Conference: Life lessons: insights into grief and loss in palliative care, 30-31 May, Dublin. (Poster)


Fourie, I. & Burgers, W. (Mary Potter Oncology Centre, Pretoria). How is the Internet used by patients and their family members in South African cancer palliative care settings? NONSA conference, 19-22 September 2007, Bloemfontein.


Fourie, I. & Bakker, S. (Central Cancer Library, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam). Experiences with a Cross-Country Exploratory Project to Offer Current Awareness (Alerting) (CAS) Services to Oncology Nurses. 11th EAHIL Conference (European Conference on Medical and Health Libraries), 23 – 28 June, Helsinki (Finland). (Full-text paper on conference website).


Fourie, I. Promoting effective task-related Internet information seeking for healthcare professionals: oncology nurses as example. CHLA (Canadian Health Library Association). 26 – 30 May, Halifax, Nova Scotia.


Fourie, I. Transformation and research trends: dictated by preference. Unisa research conference. 4 July. Florida. (PowerPoint submitted for publication on website)


Fourie, I. Health librarians of the future: knowledgeable, alert and sensitive. 3rd HICSA (Health Information Community of South Africa), 24-25 November 2008, Pretoria.


Fourie, I. Patients, daily tasks and professional survival: how can the Internet help? SA Society of Clinical & Radiation Oncology (SASCRO) / SA Society of Medical Oncology (SASMO), 19 – 22 February 2009, Cape Town. (Invited speaker by South African Oncology Social Worker Association)


Fourie, I. Building a collage for indexers and bibliographers: photo albums, mirrors, magnifying glasses and crystal balls out of Africa. ASAIB (Association of Southern African Indexers and Bibliographers): Excellence from A to Z. International Conference and Triennial Meeting, 8-10 March 2009, Maroepeng.


Fourie, I. & Bakker, S. (Central Cancer Library, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam). Exploring the use of library and information services (including CAS) in oncology healthcare contexts. EAHIL (The European Association for Health Information and Libraries, EAHIL Workshop), 2-5 June, Dublin. (Slides published on conference website)


Fourie, I. & Bakker, S. (Central Cancer Library, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam). Exploring information needs and information behaviour in oncology contexts: the importance of tasks, roles and organisational settings. 10th International Congress on Medical Librarianship, 31 August – 4 September 2009, Brisbane, Australia. (Full-text conference paper published on conference website)


Fourie, I. Interpreting the information behaviour of patients and families in palliative cancer care: a practical approach. 10th International Congress on Medical Librarianship, 31 August – 4 September 2009, Brisbane, Australia. To be delivered. (Full-text conference paper published on conference website)


Fourie, I. A healthcare management issue: what are the pros and cons of the Internet with respect to medical consultations? Healthcare Summit, 24-26 January 2010, Birchwood Conference Centre (Johannesburg). (Invited paper)

 2010 Fourie, I. Deepening our understanding of information behaviour in health librarianship: information literacy skills in praxis. EAHIL (European Association of Medical and Health Libraries) conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 14 - 18 June 2010.

Fourie, I. Health librarians modeling information literacy behaviour: improved practice of what is preached and feeling it where it hurts. EAHIL (European Association of Medical and Health Libraries) conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 14 - 18 June 2010. Presented as a poster.

2010 Krauss, K. (University of Pretoria) & Fourie, I. Towards Information Literacy training for teachers in rural South African communities: research in progress. 4th IDIA Conference 2010: Exploring Success and Failure in Development Informatics: Innovation, Research and Practice. 3-5 November 2010, Cape Town.
2010 Fourie, I. Paradigm shift in information behaviour: implications for a developing country. Annual LIS Research Symposium: Towards the 2020 African library and beyond, 29-30 July, Midrand.
2010 Fourie, I. FRUITFUL: exciting evolvement according to user needs and expectations. Tenth Southern African Online Information Meeting, 3 – 6 August 2010, Pretoria.

Fourie, I. & Krauss, K. (University of Pretoria). School libraries, teachers & Internet information literacy: acknowledging the challenges faced in a developing country. SYLIS pre-conference to LIASA conference, Pretoria (Power Point)

2010 Fourie, I. (Poster presentation), Information behavior in palliative care: an exploratory reflection on the diversity and multiplicity of contexts. ASIS&T conference, 22-27 October 2010, Pittsburgh. Conference proceedings:

Fourie, I. Information behaviour: expanding knowledge of culture and literacy (round table discussion). Cancer, culture and literacy conference, 20 – 22 May, Clearwater Beach, Florida.


Fourie, I. Using context as framework to study information behaviour in palliative care: or do we call it environment, or situation, or small world... or something else? PROLISSA conference, 8-9 March 2011, Pretoria.

2011 Du Toit, P.H., Bothma, T. De Boer, A., Fourie, I. & Scheepers, D. 2011. From creativity to innovation to transformation in Information Literacy for university students: Learning material that makes a difference. LILAC conference, 18-20 April, London.
2012 Fourie, I. 21st Century information professionals: time to work on zones of intervention. SAUOG conference, 6-7 June, Sandton.
2012 Ball, L. (University of Pretoria) & Fourie, I. If love is in the air… will student become better searchers. SAUOG conference, 6-7 June, Sandton.
2012 Fourie, I. How can information literacy training promote awareness of information needs and realising gaps in knowledge: a perspective allowing for patients, families and healthcare providers? EAHIL, 4-6 July, Brussels.
2012 Fourie, I. & Bakker, S. (Central Cancer Library, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam). Workshop:  A manageable, cyclic approach to studies of user needs and information behaviour. EAHIL, 4-6 July, Brussels.
2012 Fourie, I. Understanding information behaviour in palliative care: arguing for exploring a diversity and multiplicity of overlapping contexts. ISIC conference, 5-7 September, Tokyo.
2012 Bitso, C. (University of Pretoria) & Fourie, I. Information-seeking behaviour of prospective geography teachers at the National University of Lesotho. ISIC conference, 5-7 September, Tokyo.
2012 Bitso, C. (University of Pretoria). An investigation of information-seeking behaviour of geography teachers for an information service intervention: the case of Lesotho. ISIC conference, 5-7 September, Tokyo.
2012 Fourie, I. Innovation in LIS research. UNISA LIS research symposium, 26-27 July. Invited speaker.
2012 Fourie, I. Overview of research on information behaviour in contexts of palliative care and research gaps.  12th Information Studies Conference, University of Zululand, South Africa 10th – 12th September, 2012 (“Empowering and Inspiring Current Information Studies Worldwide”). Invited keynote speaker.
2012 Bitso, C. (University of Pretoria), Fourie, I. & Bothma, T. Trends in transition from classical censorship to Internet censorship: selected countries overview. ARNE conference, Pretoria, September.
2012 Bitso, C. (University of Pretoria) & Fourie, I. Trends in transition from classical censorship to Internet censorship: selected countries overview. Nairobi. June.
2012 Bitso, C. (University of Pretoria), Fourie, I. & Bothma, T. Trends in transition from classical censorship to Internet censorship: selected countries overview. Arne conference, Kiewietskroon, Pretoria, September.
2013 Fourie, I. & Meyer, H.W.J. (Unisa). Conceptualisation of nurses as information intermediaries for patients in palliative care. PROLISSA conference, 6-8 March, Pretoria.
2013 Bitso, C. (University of Cape Town) & Fourie, I. Trends in transition from classical censorship to Internet censorship: the case of South Africa. PROLISSA conference, 6-8 March, Pretoria.
2013 Fourie, I. Why is it so difficult to understand and fulfill pain related information needs in palliative care? SASMO/SASRO (South African Society for Medical Oncology / South African Society for Radio Oncology), 26-29 September 2013, Drakensberg.
2013 Fourie, I. & Burgers, W. (Drs G & R de Meulennaere, LCM Radiation Oncology, Pretoria). Web information resources and compassion fatigue: where can oncology nurses and social workers turn to? SASMO/SASRO (South African Society for Medical Oncology / South African Society for Radio Oncology), 26-29 September 2013, Drakensberg.
2013 Fourie, I. & Julien, H.E. (University at Buffalo, NY). A reflection of affect in studies of information behaviour in HIV/AIDS contexts: A quantitative content analysis. I3 (Information: Interactions and Impact) conference, 25-28 September, Aberdeen, Scotland. 
2013 De Bruyn, K., Fourie, I. & Bothma, T. Exploratory framework for a study on designing a research focused advanced information literacy program for engineering postgraduates. IATUL conference, April 2013, Cape Town.
2013 Fourie, I. & Burgers, W. (Drs G & R de Meulennaere, LCM Radiation Oncology, Pretoria). Compassion fatigue in Palliative Care and using the Internet for current awareness services.  African Palliative Care Association and Hospice Palliative Care Association of South Africa’s palliative care conference, 18-20 September, Johannesburg.
2013 Fourie, I. Can conditions of palliative care provide a framework to take a multiplicity context approach to study information behaviour in palliative care? African Palliative Care Association and Hospice Palliative Care Association of South Africa’s palliative care conference, 18-20 September, Johannesburg.
2014 Fourie, I., Burgers, W. (Drs G & R de Meulennaere, LCM Radiation Oncology, Pretoria) & Fourie, H. Dealing with compassion fatigue in palliative care: information behaviour and Internet resources. 13th Annual Kaleidoscope Palliative Care Conference, St Francis Hospice, 28 – 29 May, Dublin (Ireland).
2014 Fourie, I. & Fourie, H. Compassion fatigue: a content analysis of public postings in terms of information needs in healthcare contexts (requested to be presented as a short course). EAHIL, 9-13 June 2014, Rome (Italy).
2016 Meyer, A. & Fourie, I. Make the makers’ voices count: combining universal design and participatory ergonomics to create accessible makerspaces for individuals with (physical) disabilities. EAHIL, 6-11 June 2016, Seville, Spain.
2016 Harrison, J. (University of Loughborough, UK) & Fourie, I. An opportunity for health librarians - improving on information provision for children about cancer. EAHIL, 6-11 June 2016, Seville, Spain.
2015 Fourie, I. & Fourie, H. Compassion fatigue, information behaviour and information practices with specific reference to the importance of awareness  PROLISSA conference, 11-13 March 2015, Pretoria.
2015 Bitso, C. (University of Cape Town) & Fourie, I. Reflection on the value of a widely cited model of the information seeking behaviour of professionals: the Leckie, Pettigrew and Sylvain (1996) model. PROLISSA conference, 11-13 March 2015, Pretoria.
2015 Fourie, I. Thematic analysis in qualitative research: making sense of words, opinions, views, etc. – from practice to perfect. EAHIL, ICAHIS and ICLC conference, 10-12 June 2015, Edinburgh. (Halfday workshop).
2015 Fourie, I.  Focus group interviews.  EAHIL, ICAHIS and ICLC conference, 10-12 June 2015, Edinburgh. (Halfday workshop).
2016 Make the makers’ voices count: combining universal design and participatory ergonomics to create accessible makerspaces for individuals with (physical) disabilities. EAHIL, 6-11 June 2016, Seville, Spain.
2016 Harrison, J. (University of Loughborough, UK) & Fourie, I. An opportunity for health librarians - improving on information provision for children about cancer. EAHIL, 6-11 June 2016, Seville, Spain.
2016 Meyer, A. & Fourie, I. Make the makers’ voices count: combining universal design and participatory ergonomics to create accessible makerspaces for individuals with (physical) disabilities. EAHIL conference, Seville, Spain.
2016 Anderson, T.D. & Fourie, I., 2017. Falling together-a conceptual paper on the complexities of information interactions and research gaps in empathetic care for the dying. ISIC2016, Zadar, Croatia.
2016 Parbhoo, N. & Fourie, I. Effective use of value-added features and services of proprietary databases in an academic context. ISIC2016, Zadar, Croatia.
2016 Fourie, I. & Nesset, V. An exploratory review of research on cancer pain and information-related needs: What (little) we know. ISIC2016, Zadar, Croatia.
2016 Meyer, A. & Fourie, I. Thematic analysis of the value of Kuhlthau's work for the investigation of information behaviour in creative workspaces in academic libraries. ISIC2016, Zadar, Croatia.
2016 Meyer, A. & Fourie, I. Fourie, I. Information behavior studies that can make a difference in society - taking up the responsibility. PRoLISSA, 15-17 March 2017, Pretoria.
2017 Meyer, A. & Fourie, I. Exploring the actions, thoughts and emotions of architecture students in questions-asking behaviour during creative design projects. PROLISSA, 15-17 March 2017, Pretoria.
2017 Louw, J. & Fourie, I. Diet and nutritional information needs and information seeking behaviour in a cancer context: an oncologist and general practitioner perspective. PRoLISSA, 15-17 March 2017, Pretoria.
2017 Pharboo, N. & Fourie, I.From understanding academic tasks, preferences and value added database features to exploring applicable theories. PRoLISSA, 15-17 March 2017, Pretoria.
2017 Sebata, T. & Fourie, I. Analysing failures in competitive intelligence from an information behaviour research lense. PRoLISSA, 15-17 March 2017, Pretoria.
2017 Akanbi, O. Fourie, I. Contextualising the Mckenzie everyday life information practice model - pregnant women’s needs for information monitoring. PRoLISSA, 15-17 March 2017, Pretoria.
2017 Mphidi, H. & Fourie, I. Strategies for South African public libraries to bridge the digital divide. PRoLISSA, 15-17 March 2017, Pretoria.
2017 De Klerk, T. (University of South Africa) & Fourie, I. Framework for self-directed continuing education for cataloguers . . . and even metadata specialists. PRoLISSA, 15-17 March 2017, Pretoria.
2017 Anderson, TD. & Fourie, I. Writing with Feeling: evocative writing techniques for studying information interactions. Round table discussion. I3 (Information, Interaction and Impact conference), June, Aberdeen (Scotland).
2017 Fourie, I. & Anderson, TD. Autoethnography as method to deepen understanding of empathy in caregiver information encounters. SASCRO/SASMO, August 2017, Johannesburg.
2017 Fourie, I. & Harrison, J. Research methods used in studies with children regarding cancer, information needs and information provision. SASCRO/SASMO, August 2017, Johannesburg.
2017 International panel discussion for ASIS&T 2017 conference (Washington) initiated by Prof Noa Ahorony (Bar-Illan University, Israel): Information literacy in an era of information uncertainty. (Other collaborators include Prof Louise Limberg, University of Boras, Sweden; Prof Heidi Julien, University at Buffalo, NY; Prof Kendra Albright, Kent State University (USA); and Dr Jenny Bronstein (Bar-Illan University, Israel)
2017 International panel discussion for ASIS&T 2017 conference (Washington) initiated by Prof Hsin-liang Chen (University of Massachutes, Boston, USA): How international is your LIS/IS program in the global higher education. (Other collaborators include Prof Sandr Hirsh (San Jose State University, USA); Ruhua Huang (Wuhan University, China; Tatjaba Aparac Jelusic, University of Osijek, Croatia).
2017 Workshop on qualitative research methods – initiative of Dr Alison Pickard (Northumbria University, UK) (under review for iSchool Conference 2018 in Sheffield, UK). With: Prof Theresa Anderson (Sydney University of Technology, Australia), Prof Heidi Julien (University at Buffalo, NY), Prof Kendra Albright (Kent State University, USA), Prof Annemaree Llyod (Boras University, Sweden)
2017 Interactive session on issues ethics of in ethnographic/autoethnographic research (under review for iSchool Conference 2018 in Sheffield, UK). With: Prof Theresa Anderson (Sydney University of Technology, Australia). Based on a content analysis of reported studies of autoethnography (with Anika Meyer and Liezl Ball – they are indicated as non-attending presenters).

Other presentations

1994 Basic guidelines for abstracting. SAILIS Interest group for Cataloguing. Practical workshop on indexing, 4 August, Pretoria.
1995 Practical workshop on indexing. SAILIS Interest Group for Cataloguing, 15 August, Unisa, Pretoria. (Assisted with practical exercises.)
1995 Online searching and the basic commands for Knight Ridder Information (In-service training programme for staff members of Unisa Library Services), 5-6 September, Unisa, Pretoria.
1995 Doktorale seminaar: Die eienskappe van ‘n multimedia-studiepakket vir afstandsonderrig van gerekenariseerde inligtingherwinning, 23 Mei, Unisa, Pretoria. Doctoral seminar: The characteristics of a multimedia study package for distance teaching in computerised information retrieval, 23 May, Unisa, Pretoria.
1995 Inmagic user’s day. Training for Inmagic, 1 June, Pretoria.
1995 Ontwerp van rekenaargesteunde onderrigtutoriale vir die opleiding van eindgebruikers in intydse soektogte. Akademiese Inligtingdiens, Universiteit van Pretoria, 13 Oktober, Pretoria. Design of computer asssisted tutorials for the training of endusers in online searching. Academic Information Service, University of Pretoria, 13 October, Pretoria.
1996 Online searching and the basic commands for Dailog (available through Knight Ridder Information) (In-service training programme for staff members of Unisa Library Services), 3 September, Unisa, Pretoria.
1996 Training endusers in an electronic environment: how to develop a training programme (In-service training programme for staff members of Unisa Library Services), 16 September, Unisa, Pretoria.
1996 How to develop a training programme (In-service training programme for staff members of Unisa Library Services), 15 October, Unisa, Pretoria.
1997 Should we take disintermediation seriously? Meeting of Client Services, Unisa Library Services, 31 August, Pretoria. (Paper presented at the Fourth Southern African Online Information Meeting.)
1997 Current awareness services (In-service training programme for staff members of Unisa Library Services), 3-5, 7 October, Unisa, Pretoria.
1997 - 2000 DB/TextWork basic courses (for the company Mindex Systems, Johannesburg. They are the local distributors of the programme. Presented an average of four to six courses a year.)
2001 How can indexers benefit form indexing theory (focus on socio-cognitive approach to document representation). Presented to indexers (organised by the National Library of South Africa). 10 October, Pretoria.
2001 Database indexing. University of the Orange Free State, Bloemfontein. 3 October.
2001 Distance teaching of indexers: keeping track of new challenges as well as traditional practices (Workshop delivered at the American Society of Indexers’ 33rd Annual Conference, 1-3 June, Boston). (Presented as a workshop).
2001 Current awareness service (as part of a workshop on search engines). (28 September, 22 August).
2003 Abstracting: from basic indicative abstracts to critical abstracts, Joint ASI-IASC/SCAD Conference, 19-21 June, Vancouver, Canada. (Presented as a workshop).
2006 Current awareness services available via the WWW for oncology nurses (28 February & 4 March). With Retha Claasen-Veldsman (junior lecturer).
2006 How oncology nurses can use the Internet (presentation for Pfizer as part of the continuing education programme for oncology nurses): Cape Town and Durban (September 2007).
2007 Workshop on indexing (University of Free State Library), Bloemfontein, September 2007 (full day). On request.
2009 Conference feedback presentation, HICS, 25 November, Pretoria (feedback on the ICML conference in Brisbane, September 2009).
2009 Guest lecture to a students at the School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (Use of current awareness services in professional contexts).
2010 Guest lecture (HIV/AIDS and information retrieval), 14 January, group of visiting students from the School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
2010 UNESCO funded training: Information Literacy (IL) training initiative at Kgoro Primary School (Zithobeni district) in Bronkhorstspruit. Project initiated and driven by Kirstin Krauss.
2011 Annual guest lecture (HIV/AIDS and information retrieval), 8 January, group of visiting students from the School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
2012 Guest lecture (HIV/AIDS and information retrieval), 6 January, group of visiting students from the School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
2012 Fourie, I. & Bakker, S. (Central Cancer Library, The Netherlands Cancer Institute). A manageable, cyclic approach to studies of user needs and information behaviour. Continuing education course, EAHIL conference, Brussels, 3 July.
2009 - 2014 Internet research (several short courses presented every year).
2012 Invited for two guest lectures at the University of Alabama (Tuscaloosa, USA). 
•    Understanding information behaviour in palliative care: arguing for exploring diverse and multiple overlapping
     contexts:context of pain as example.
•    Overview of research on information behaviour in contexts of palliative care with reference to research gaps.

Two guest lectures at the University at Buffalo (Buffalo, NY)

  • Focus groups (for post-graduate class).
  • Compassion fatigue and information behaviour.

Book reviews

1996 Online information hunting. N. Goldman. Progressio, 18(2):121-122.
1997 The student’s guide to the Internet. I. Winship & A. McNab. South African journal of library and information science, 65(1):131-132.
1997 Who else writes like?: a reader’s guide to fiction authors. R. Huse & J. Huse (eds). South African journal of library and information science, 65(1):136-137.
1997 New directions in technical services: trends and sources (1993-1995). Edited by P. Johnson. South African journal of library and information science, 65(4):244-245.
1998 Thesaurus construction and use. J. Aitchison, A. Gilchrist & D. Bawden. The Electronic library, 16(4):266.
1998 TFPL survey of UK special library statistics. C. Creaser & D. Spiller. South African journal of library and information science, 66(3):122-123.
1998 Academic library surveys and statistics in practice. South African journal of library and information science, 66(3):122.
1998 Going online, CD-ROM and the Internet. P. Bradely. The Electronic library, 16(5):343.
1998 Handbook of special librarianship and information work. Edited by A. Scammel. The Electronic Library, 16(5):344.
1998 Information systems success measurement. E. J. Garrity & G. L. Sanders. The Electronic Library. (Publication details not known)
1998 Perspectives on distance education: quality assurance in higher education — selected case studies. Progressio, 20(1):140-151.
1998 Perspectives on distance education: quality assurance in higher education — selected case studies. South African journal of higher education, 12(1):229.
1998 Information management in academic and research libraries. M. Mahapatra, D.B. Ramesh, P. Padhi & B. Parida. The Electronic library, 17(2):124-125.
1999 Research for business: avoiding the ‘nice to know’ trap. T.J. Webb. The Electronic library, 17(1):52.
1999 Empowering the information user: new ways into user education. J. Kirby, L. Liddiard & K. Moore. The Electronic library, 17(3):190.
1999 Chemical librarianship: challenges and opportunities. Edited by A.N. Somerville. The Electronic library, 17(4):274-275.
1999 Secrets of the super Net searchers: the reflections, revelations, and hard-won wisdom of 35 of the world’s top Internet researchers. R. Basch. The Electronic library.
1999 Managing the reference collection. C.W. Nolan. The Electronic library.
1999 Management of library and archival security: from the outside looking in. Edited by R.K. O’Neill. The Electronic library, 17(4):275.
1999 Management information systems: managing information technology in the Internetworked enterprise. J.A. O’Brien. The Electronic library.
1999 Business information systems: a process approach. B. Warboys, P. Kawalek, M. Greenwood. The Electronic library.
1999 Who next...?: a guide to children’s authors. Edited by N. Irvin & L. Cooper.Mousaion.
1999 The library & information organizations & networks handbook. Edited by S. Broughton. The Electronic library, 18(1):74-75.
1999 The information systems development life cycle: a first course in information systems. The Electronic library.
2000 Staying legal: a guide to issues and practice for users and publishers of electronic resources. The Electronic library, 18(6):448-469.
2000 Interactive directory of training resources. The Electronic library. 18(4):285-304.
2000 Online retrieval: a dialogue of theory and practice. The Electronic library, 18(6):448-469.
2000 Who else writes like: a readers’ guide to fiction authors. Mousaion, 28(2):106-107.
2000 Managing media services: theory and practice. The Electronic library, 18(6):448-469.
2000 Apartheid in South African libraries: the Transvaal experience. Journal of education for library and information science., 42(2):161-163.
2000 Adaptive technology for the Internet: making electronic resources accessible to all. Journal of education for library and information science, 42(2):163-165.
2000 Net-working teaching, learning & professional development with the Internet. Journal of education for library and information science.
2000 From Web to workplace: designing open hypermedia systems. Journal of the American Society of Information Science.
2001 Planning document access: options and opportunities. The Electronic library, 19(2):116-118.
2001 Fundraising and friend-raising on the Web. The Electronic library. 25(2):131-141.
2001 Providing materials for library users. Managing information.
2001 Academic libraries as high-tech gateways: a guide to design & space decisions. Journal of the American Society for Information Scientists, 52(11):983.
2001 UKOLUG quick guide to personal bibliographic software. The Electronic Library.
2001 Inventing the Internet. Online information review. 25(4):271-279.
2001 Managing web-based technologies in organizations: a global perspective. Online information review.
2001 International yearbook of library and information management:2000-2001 (collection management). The Electronic Library, 19(4):262-264.
2002 Ethical issues of information technology. The Electronic library. 20(2):158-159.
2002 Intranets: a guide to their design, implementation and management. Online Information Review. 6(3):221-222.
2002 Free business & industry information on the Web. Online & CD-ROM review. 26(2):122-129.
2002 Internet and the changing information environment. The electronic library, 20(1):58-62.
2002 Copyright made easier. 3rd edition. Online information review, 26(4):278-279.
2002 Internet research: theory and practice. Online information review, 26(5):352-353.
2002 Browsable classroom: an introduction to e-learning for librarians. Online information review, 26(6):425.
2002 Digital futures: strategies for the information age. The Electronic Library, 20(5):430-431.
2002 The information professional’s guide to career development online. Online Information Review, 26(4):279-280.
2002 Distributed multimedia databases: techniques and applications. The Electronic Library. 20(6): 515-516.
2002 Information management for the intelligent organization: the art of scanning the environment. Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 54(2):184-185.
2002 The librarian’s guide to intellectual property in the digital age: copyrights, patents, trademarks. Online information review, 26( 6):427.
2002 Managing your internet and intranet services: the information and library professional’s guide to strategy. Online information review, 26( 3):223.
2002 The laws of the web: patterns n the ecology of information. The Electronic library, 20(3):245-246.
2002 Intelligent technologies in libraries and information service applications. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 53(4):321-322.
2003 Teens.library: developing Internet services for young adults. The Electronic library, 21(1): 67.
2003 Database integrity: challenges & solutions. The Electronic library, 21(2):171.
2003 Getting and staying noticed on the web: your web promotion questions answered. The Electronic library, 21(2):170-171.
2003 Introduction to digital libraries (Online Information Review), 2(6):454.
2003 Conducting the reference interview: a how-to-do-it manual for librarians. The Electronic Library, 21(6):617.
2003 The accidental webmaster. The Electronic Library, 21(6):616-617.
2003 Naked in cyberspace: how to find personal information online (2nd ed). Online Information Review, 27(4):289-290.
2003 Database-driven web sites. Online Information Review, 27(6):453-454.
2004 Building a virtual library. Online Information Review, 28(1):81
2004 A history of online information services, 1963 – 1976. Online Information Review, 28(4):314
2004 The digital age and local studies. Online Information Review, 28(5):377.
2004 Who else writes like…?: a readers‘ guide to fiction authors. Mousaion, 21(2):148-150.
2004 A semantic web primer. Online Information Review, 28(5):381.
2004 Business statistics on the Web: find them fast – at little or no cost. Online Information Review, 28(2):162-163.
2004 Centred on learning: academic case studies on learning centre development. The Electronic Library, 22(1):83.
2004 Challenges of teaching with technology across the curriculum: issues and solutions. The Electronic Library, 22(2):193-194
2004 Who next…?: a guide to children’s authors. Mousaion, 21(2):150-152.
2004 Creating a successful e-information services. The Electronic Library, 22(4):366.
2004 Chemistry resources in the electronic age. The Electronic Library, 22(3):239.
2004 International yearbook of Library Information Management 2003-2004: metadata applications and management. The Electronic Library, 22(4):362-363.
2004 Using community informatics to transform regions. The Electronic Library, 22(3):289-290.
2004 Protecting your library’s digital sources: the essential guide to planning and preservation . The electronic library, 22(6):535.
2005 Disaster management for libraries and archives. Online information review, 28(6):462.
2005 The extreme searcher’s Internet handbook: a guide for the serious searcher. The Electronic Library, 22(5):450.
2005 Online information services in the Social Sciences. Online information review, 29(1):117-118
2005 Why intranets fail (and how to fix them): a practical guide for information professionals. Online Information Review, 29(4):441-446.
2005 Who else writes like…?: a readers‘ guide to fiction authors. South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science, 71(2):206-207.
2005 Who next…?: a guide to children’s authors. South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science, 71(2):205-206.
2005 The extreme searcher’s Internet handbook: a guide for the serious searcher. The Electronic Library, 22(5):450.
2005 Online information services in the Social Sciences. Online information review, 29(1):117-118.
2005 Why intranets fail (and how to fix them): a practical guide for information professionals. Online Information Review, 29(4):441-446.
2005 Who else writes like…?: a readers‘ guide to fiction authors. South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science, 71(2):206-207.
2005 Who next…?: a guide to children’s authors. South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science, 71(2):205-206.
2005 Content and workflow management for library web studies. Online Information Review, 29(6):683-684.
2005 Managing digit@rights: a practitioner’s guide.The Electronic Library, 23(4):506-507.
2005 Innovative redesign and reorganization of library technical services. The electronic library, 23(2):257-258.
2005 The strategic management of technology: a guide for library and information services. The Electronic Library, 23(6):709-710.
2005 Digital versus non-digital reference: AskaLibrarian online and offline. The Electronic Library, 23(6):713-714.
2005 Pathways to nursing: a guide to library and online research in nursing and lied health. Online Information Review, 29(3):331-332
2005 Digital libraries: policy, planning and practice. The electronic library, 23(3):371-372.
2005 The eleventh off-campus library services conference proceedings. The Electronic Library,24(1):114-115.
2006 Managing academic support services in universities: the convergence experience. The Electronic Library, 24(1):115-116.
2006 Handbook of corporate university development: managing strategic learning, initiatives in public and private domains. The Electronic Library, 24(2):283-284.
2006 Technology for results: developing service based plans. Online Information Review, 30(1):83-84.
2006 Emerging issues in the electronic environment: challenges for librarians and researchers in the Sciences. Online Information Review, 30(2):199-200.
2006 Online ecological and environmental data. Online Information Review, 30(2):202-203.
2006 Collection management and strategic access to digital resources: the new challenges for research libraries. Online Information Review, 30(6).
2006 Copyright law for librarians and educators: creative strategies and practical solutions. Online Information Review, 30(6).
2007 Improving Internet reference services to distant learners. The Electronic Library, 24(6):867-868.
2007 Internet guide to anti-aging and longevity. Online Information Review, 30(6).
2007 Technology for results. Online Information Review, 30(1):83-84
2007 Cyber terrorism: political and economic implications. Online Information Review, 31(2):242-243.
2007 Selected styles in Web-based educational research. The Electronic Library, 25(2):251-252.
2007 Self, peer and group assessment in e-learning. Online Information Review, 31(1):92
2007 Handbook of research on eportfolios. Online Information Review, 31(1):94-95.
2007 A guide to developing end user education programs in medical libraries. Library Hi Tech, 25(3):438-439.
2007 Ethical decision making for digital libraries. Online Information Review, 31(1):95.
2007 Internet reference support for distance learners. The Electronic Library, 25(5):627
2007 Managing electronic records. The Electronic Library, 25(5):628-629.
2007 Computer network security and cyber ethics. Online Information Review, 31(4):538-539.
2007 Reference librarianship: notes from the trenches. The Electronic Library, 25(4):478-479
2008 Technology made simple: an improvement guide for small and medium libraries. The Electronic Library, 26(4):605-606.
2008 Collection development issues in the online environment. The Electronic Library, 26(3):424-425.
2008 Cyber sins and digital good deeds: a book about technology and ethics. Online Information Review, 32(1): 117-118.
2008 New directions in reference. The Electronic Library, 26(2):277-277.
2008 Intellectual freedom manual 7th ed. Collection Building, 27(2):91.
2008 Technology made simple: an improvement guide for small and medium libraries. The Electronic Library, 26(4):605-606
2008 Reference assessment and evaluation. Collection Building, 27(4):175-175
2008 Intr@nets for info pros. Online Information Review, 32(5):691-692.
2008 Library project funding: a guide to planning and writing proposals. Online Information Review, 32(5):692-693.
2008 Using interactive technologies in libraries. Online Information Review, 32(5):693-694
2008 The accidental technology trainer: a guide for libraries. Online Information Review, 32(5):695-696.
2008 Digital rights management: the problem of expanding ownership rights. The Electronic Library, 26(5):765-766.
2008 Medical librarian 2.0: use of Web 2.0 technologies in reference services. Library Hi Tech, 26(4): 689-690.
2008 Intr@nets for info pros. The Electronic Library, 26(6):927-929.
2008 Reference assessment and evaluation. Collection Building, 27(4):175.
2009 The Second Life herald: the virtual tabloid that witnessed the dawn of the metaverse. Online Information Review, 33(1).214-215.
2009 Web services research and practices. Online Information Review, 33(2):394-395.
2009 Digital consumers: reshaping the information profession. Webology, 5(4) (
2009 Digital rights management: a librarian’s guide to technology and practice. Webology, 5(4) (
2009 Digital literacies. Webology, 5(4) (
2009 Change management in information services. Library Hi Tech, 27(2):311-312.
2009 Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, vol 42, 2008. Library Hi Tech, 27(2):308-309.
2009 Transforming library service through information commons: case studies for the digital age. Library Hi Tech, 27(3):480-481.
2009 Transforming library service through information commons: case studies for the digital age. Library Hi Tech, 27(3):480-481.
2009 Learning commons: evolution and collaborative essentials. Library Hi Tech, 27(3):483-484.
2009 Ethical, legal, and social issues in medical informatics. Library Hi Tech, 27(4):635-637.
2009 Strategic planning for results. Library Hi Tech, 27(3):482-483
2009 E-journals access and management. The Electronic Library, 27(4):736-737.
2009 Information and emotion: the emergent affective paradigm in information behavior research and theory. The Electronic Library, 27(3):555-556.
2009 Responsible librarianship: library policies for unreliable systems. The Electronic Library, 27(3):560-561.
2009 A guide to Chinese medicine on the Internet. Online Information Review, 33(3):618-619.
2009 Making digital cultures: access, interactivity, and authenticity. Online Information Review, 33(4):838-839.
2010 Convergence and collaboration of campus information services. Library Hi Tech, 28(4):718-719.
2010 Text editing, print and the digital world. Library Hi Tech, 28(2):324.
2010 Digital libraries. The Electronic Library, 28(5):760-761.
2010 Metadata. The Electronic Library, 28(5):762.
2010 Knowledge policy: challenges for the 21st century. The Electronic Library, 28(6):899-900.
2010 Tacit knowledge in organizational learning. The Electronic Library, 28(6):892-893.
2010 The law of virtual worlds and Internet social networks. Online Information Review, 34(6):987-988.
2010 Handbook of research on Web 2.0 and second language learning. Online Information Review, 34(1):192-193.
2010 Virtual representation of the past. Online Information Review, 34(1):195-196.
2010 Social and political implications of data mining: knowledge management in e-government. Online Information Review, 34(1):194-195.
2011 Literary education and digital learning; methods and technologies for human studies. Online Information Review, 35(1):165-165.
2011 The extreme searcher’s Internet handbook: a guide for the serious searcher. Online Information Review, 35(3):504-505.
2011 Technology management handbook for school library media centres. Online Information Review, 35(3):511-512.
2011 Integral research and innovation: transforming enterprise and society. Online Information Review, 35(3):507-509.
2011 Introductory concepts in Information Science. Online Information Review, 35(3):509-510
2011 Health informatics: a patient-centered approach to diabetes. Online Information Review, 35(3):505-506.
2011 Designing the digital experience: how to use experience design. Online Information Review, 35(3):503-504.
2011 Information nation: education and careers in the emerging information professions. Online Information Review, 35(3):506-507.
2011 Wikis for libraries. The Australian Library Journal, 60(2):187-188.
2011 Library programs online: possibilities and practicalities of Web conferencing. Online Information Review, 35(2):320-321.
2011 The accidental taxonomist. The Electronic Library, 29(1):152-153.
2011 Gaming in libraries. Online Information Review, 35(2:318-319.
2011 Collaborative search and community interest: trends in knowledge sharing and assessment. Online Information Review, 35(4):686.
2011 The anywhere library: a primer for the mobile library. The Electronic Library, 29(5):727.
2011 Using 2.0 tools in the K-12 classroom. Library Hi Tech, 30(1):195.
2011 Securing library technology. Library Hi Tech, 30(1):194.
2011 Entropy and information theory. Online Information Review, 36(3):481.
2011 Introduction to Information Science and Technology. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63(8).
2011 Auditing social media: a governance and risk guide. Online Information Review, 36(3):479.
2011 Building your library career with Web 2.0. The Electronic Library, 30(4):558.
2011 Semantic Web personalization and context awareness: management of personal identities and social networking. Online Information Review, 36(4):622.
2011 E-activity and intelligent Web construction: effects of social design. Online Information Review, 36(2):620.
2011 Collections development in the digital age. The Electronic Library, 30(5):749.
2011 Privacy: defending an illusion. Online Information Review, 37(4):666-667.
2011 Dancing with digital natives: staying in step with the generation: that's transforming the way business is done. Online Information Review, 37(4):659-660.
2011 Management of electronic digital media. The Electronic Library, 31(6):808-809.
2011 Convergence of libraries and technology organizations: new information support models. The Electronic Library, 31(6):808.
2011 Key issues regarding digital libraries: evaluation and integration. Online Information Review, 389(5):698-699.

 Membership of national and international bodies

2009 Very short contribution on how general practitioners may use the Internet to contribute to the care of cancer patients (GP more than simple information source for cancer patients). It will appear in HMR Africa, April, 5(3). (Written on request after paper delivered at SASMO/SASCRO conference in February 2009; Title of paper: Patients, daily tasks and professional survival: how can the Internet help?)
2009 Appropriate use of the Internet and useful sources concerning H1N1 (swine flue). It should appear in HMR Africa, June, 5(5).
2009 NHI – keeping pace with what is happening. Health Management Review, 5(9):17-18.
2009 Very short contribution by Joan van Zyl (assistant editor for Health24 in Print, What’s New DOC, Huisgenoot Pols/YOU Pulse and Jump (Momentum Health)) based on the paper delivered at SASMO/SASCRO conference in February 2009; Title of paper: Patients, daily tasks and professional survival: how can the Internet help?. I have added some advice on general sources for medical professionals and patients as well as advice on what patients should note when searching the Internet. Dealing with Googling patients. What’s new Doc, 4(6):35.

Participation in conferences & workshops

2003 Libraries and information services: how do we see our way to exemplary skills development? ETDP SETA National Conference, 3-5 September 2003, ICC, Durban. (Discussion paper for group work)
1999 How to use a computer — an introductory course, 2 & 10 August, Unisa, Pretoria.
1999 Retrieving information and designing a database — a basic course, 3-5 August, Unisa, Pretoria.
1999 Basic course on how to use the Internet, 11 August, Unisa, Pretoria.
1999 Basic course in using Internet search tools (e.g. search engines, directories and subject guides), 12-13 August, Unisa, Pretoria.
1999 Current awareness services (CAS) and how to use the Internet, 1-2 September, Unisa, Pretoria.
1999 Indexing, abstracting and thesaurus construction, 5-6 October, Unisa, Pretoria.
2000 How to use a computer — an introductory course, 5 and 17 January, Unisa, Pretoria.
2000 Basic course in electronic information retrieval, 6-7, 18-19 January, Unisa, Pretoria
2000 Basic course in the organisation of information in a small database, 10 and 20 January, Unisa, Pretoria
2000 Basic course on the use of the Internet and Internet search tools, 11-12, 21-22 January, Unisa, Pretoria.
2001 Current awareness service (as part of a workshop on search engines).(28 September, 22 August).
2006 Current awareness services available via the WWW for oncology nurses (28 February & 4 March). With Retha Claasen-Veldsman (junior lecturer)
2007 Workshop on indexing (University of Free State Library), Bloemfontein, September 2007 (full day). On request.
2009 How oncology nurses can use the Internet (presentation for Pfizer as part of the continuing education programme for oncology nurses): Cape Town and Durban (September 2007).
2009 How oncology nurses can use the Internet (presentation for Pfizer as part of the continuing education programme for oncology nurses): Cape Town and Durban (September 2007).
2009 Short course (2 day) through CE@UP on Internet Research. (4 presentations)
2010 Short course (2 day) through CE@UP on Internet Research. (4 presentations)
2010 UNESCO funded training: Information Literacy (IL) training initiative at Kgoro Primary School (Zithobeni district) in Bronkhorstspruit. Project initiated and driven by Kirstin Krauss.
2011 Short course (2 day) through CE@UP on Internet Research. (4 presentations planned); several requests for in- house courses.
2012 Short course (2 day) through CE@UP on Internet Research. (3 presentations planned)
2014 Short course (2 day) through CE@UP on Internet Research; Mahikeng – inhouse course
2017 Unisa Research Indaba, May 2017, Pretoria. Invited paper: Research light bulb moments: generating research topics.
2017 Unisa masters and doctoral student workshop, 16 May 2017, Pretoria. Invited paper: Research landscape.


2001 Distance teaching of indexers: keeping track of new challenges as well as traditional practices (Workshop delivered at the American Society of Indexers’ 33rd Annual Conference, 1-3 June, Boston). (Presented as a workshop)
2003 Abstracting: from basic indicative abstracts to critical abstracts, Joint ASI-IASC/SCAD Conference, 19-21 June, Vancouver, Canada. (Presented as a workshop)
2015 Workshop of focus group interviews. EAHIL conference, June 2015, Edinburgh (Scotland)
2015 Workshop on thematic analysis. EAHIL conference, June 2015, Edinburgh (Scotland)
2012 Fourie, I. & Bakker, S. (Central Cancer Library, The Netherlands Cancer Institute). A manageable, cyclic approach to studies of user needs and information behaviour. Continuing education course, EAHIL conference, Brussels, 3 July.
2017 Anderson, TD. & Fourie, I. Writing with Feeling: evocative writing techniques for studying information interactions. Round table discussion at I3Conference Aberdeen (Scotland), June 2017

Teamwork & Collaboration

2003 Research on information retrieval on the Nexus database, with Me Henda van den Berg (NRF): 1 conference paper and one article.
2008-2014 Collaboration with Dr Suzanne Bakker, Central Cancer Library (The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam): current awareness services and needs for library services. Resulted in several conference papers and articles as well as a workshop.
2007-2014 Collaboration with Mrs Wilna Burgers (Mary Potter Oncology Centre, Pretoria): the information needs of cancer patients and their family members in a palliative care contexts, as well as compassion fatigue. Resulted in several conference papers, articles and posters.
2010-2011 Collaboration with Kirstin Krauss, Department of Informatics, University of Pretoria: UNESCO funding – Teachers and information literacy ( DO_TOPIC&URL_ ECTION=201.html). Resulted in two conference papers and two articles.
2012-Present Collaboration with Prof Heidi Julien (University of Alabama; University at Buffalo, NY): Affect, emotion, information behaviour and HIV/AIDS, information literacy and related issues. Resulted in several conference papers and several articles; ongoing collaboration.
2012-Present Collaboration with Prof Lynn Westbrook (University of Texas, Austin, USA): Information behaviour including information interaction and cervical cancer. Resulted in a conference paper.
2014-Present Collaboration with Prof Theresa Dirndorfer Anderson (Sydney University of Technology, Australia): Autoethnography, with specific references to caregivers in palliative care. Several conference papers, articles and other interactions.
2014-Present Collaboration with Prof Anne Goulding (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand): Feminism and feminist theories in library and information science and specifically related to information services.
2014-Present Collaboration with Dr Philip Calvert (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand): Job information seeking of people with learning disabilities.
2015-Present Dr Janet Harrison, Loughborough University: Information provision to children with cancer – a specific focus on research methods.

 Collaboration, Memoranda of Understanding & Hosting International Scholars

2012 I visited Prof Heidi Julien (Head of Department, University of Alabama); research collaboration
2012 I visited Prof Lynn Westbrook (University of Texas); research collaboration
2013 I hosted Prof Heidi Julien (Head of Department, University of Alabama / accepting position as Head of Department of Library and Information Studies, University at Buffalo, NY). She gave 2 public lectures, a presentation on publishing in top tier journals, a presentation on successful grant application, and a lecture to my honours class for INY714. (As a result of our collaboration Prof Julien and I have published 3 articles and 2 conference papers; we are currently working on further collaboration) (Received UP funding for visiting professors – shared funding with Prof Lynn Westbrook)
2013 I hosted Prof Lynn Westbrook (University of Texas); part of our research collaboration. We published 1 article; currently working on further collaboration. She gave a public lecture, and a lecture to my honours class for INY714. (Received UP funding for visiting professors – shared funding with Prof Heidi Julien)
2014 Memorandum of agreement signed between the Department of Information Science and the Department of Library and Information Studies from the University at Buffalo (NY) based on my initiative (Since the signing of the agreement, myself and Prof Archie Dick paid a visit to them. Professor Val Nesset visited our Department in 2015. We are in the process of planning reciprocal visits for 2018). University at Buffalo made some contribution towards the visits for myself and Prof Archie Dick.
2015 I hosted Dr Janet Harrison (University of Loughborough, UK); part of our research collaboration. She gave 2 public lectures and a lecture to my honours class for INY714. We did 2 conference papers and we are working on an article, as well as research collaboration with a South African private oncology medical practice group. (Self-funded visit.)
2016 I hosted Professor Val Nesset (University at Buffalo (NY)); part of our memorandum of agreement. We did a conference paper and an article. She presented two public lectures, as well as an online lecture to a group of masters students (MIT 868). (University at Buffalo provided some funding for her visit.)
2016 I hosted Dr Janet Harrison (University of Loughborough, UK); part of our research collaboration. The University of Loughborough provided funding for her visit to establish closer relationships between the Centre for Information Management, School of Business and Economics, Loughborough University and the Department of Information Science. Dr Harrison conducted a very successful half day workshop with junior colleagues on collaboration and professional social networking. (Junior colleagues from Unisa’s Department of Information Science were also invited to attend). She met with individual colleagues to discuss collaboration. In addition she donated 5 new textbooks on research methods to the Department of Information Science – available for all staff.
2014 Since 2014 I have been working with Professor Theresa Anderson (Sydney University of Technology, Australia) on various projects. To date (October 2017) we have presented 4 conference papers, and published 2 articles. Further collaboration is in process for 2018.
2017 International panel discussion for ASIS&T 2017 conference (Washington) initiated by Prof Noa Ahorony (Bar-Illan University, Israel): Information literacy in an era of information uncertainty. (Other collaborators include Prof Louise Limberg, University of Boras, Sweden; Prof Heidi Julien, University at Buffalo, NY; Prof Kendra Albright, Kent State University (USA); and Dr Jenny Bronstein (Bar-Illan University, Israel).
2017 International panel discussion for ASIS&T 2017 conference (Washington) initiated by Prof Hsin-liang Chen (University of Massachutes, Boston, USA): How international is your LIS/IS program in the global higher education. (Other collaborators include Prof Sandr Hirsh (San Jose State University, USA); Ruhua Huang (Wuhan University, China; Tatjaba Aparac Jelusic, University of Osijek, Croatia).
2018 Workshop on qualitative research methods – initiative of Dr Alison Pickard (Northumbria University, UK) (under review for iSchool Conference 2018 in Sheffield, UK). With: Prof Theresa Anderson (Sydney University of Technology, Australia), Prof Heidi Julien (University at Buffalo, NY), Prof Kendra Albright (Kent State University, USA), Prof Annemaree Llyod (Boras University, Sweden)
2018 Interactive session on issues ethics of in ethnographic/autoethnographic research (under review for iSchool Conference 2018 in Sheffield, UK). With: Prof Theresa Anderson (Sydney University of Technology, Australia). Based on a content analysis of reported studies of autoethnography (with Anika Meyer and Liezl Ball – they are indicated as non-attending presenters).
2018 Unisa – Research Indaba – 16 March, Pretoria. Welcome and setting the scene
ASIS&T American Society of Information Science and Technology (International) (member; 2000 )
CILIP Charted Institute of Library and Information Science Professionals (International) (member; 2000 ; used to be Institute for Information Scientists)
LIASA Library and Information Association of South Africa (member; 1982 ; used to be SAIBI)
SAARDHE South African Association for Research and Development in Higher Education (member; 1989 )
ASAIB Association of Southern African Indexers and Bibliographers (not sure; founder member)
SAOUG Southern African Online User Group (member; 1984 )
UKeIG United Kingdom Electronic Information Group (International) (member; 2000 )
HLG United Kingdom Health Libraries Interest Group (International) (member; 2005 )
SLIS Special Library and Information Services (member; 2003 )
ISLS International Society of the Learning Science (International) (member 2005 )
  Subscribe to the Online Informed Librarian (subscription since 2005)

 Guest Professor or Researcher Overseas

1996 University of Loughborough, Aston University (Birmingham) & University of Leichester (UK)
2003 University of Loughborough: Dr Anne Morris, University of Sheffield: Prof Tom Wilson, Prof Peter Willett, Dr Nigel Ford, City University (London): Prof David Nicholas, Aberystwyth University: Dr Allen Foster & University of British Columbia: several academics
2008 The Netherlands Cancer Institute (Amsterdam) – collaborative research project with Suzanne Bakker, Head of the library services, Central Cancer Library
2010 University of Wisconsin Milwaukee (School of Information Studies) – guest lecture on use of current awareness services in professional contexts (June 2009)
2010 Guest lecture (HIV/AIDS and information retrieval), 14 January, group of visiting students from the School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
2011 Guest lecture (HIV/AIDS and information retrieval), 8 January, group of visiting students from the School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
2012 Guest lecture (HIV/AIDS and information retrieval), 6 January, group of visiting students from the School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
2011 University of Alabama (gave two guest lectures: public lecture and lecture to postgraduate students) • Guest lecture to postgraduate students: Overview of research on information behaviour in contexts of palliative care with an indication of some research gaps • Understanding information behaviour in palliative care: arguing for exploring diverse and multiple overlapping contexts
2014 University at Buffalo (NY) • Compassion fatigue and information behaviour (public lecture) • Qualitative methods – focus group interviews
2014 Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand) • Compassion fatigue and information behaviour (public lecture) • Suggestions on understanding information behaviour and palliative care and exploring opportunities to make a difference (lecture to group of librarians specialising in palliative care) I worked with two staff members on projects to be published: • Prof Anne Goulding: feminism and feminist theories in Library and Information Science/services and studies on information behaviour • Dr Philip Calvert: job information seeking behaviour of people with intellectual disabilities

Editorial activities

Online Information Review (ISI listed journal): Editorial Advisory Board

The Electronic Library (ISI listed journal): Editorial Advisory Board

Library Hi Tech (ISI listed journal): Editorial Advisory Board

Mousaion: Editorial Board; Accredited journal

Webology (International online journal) Editorial Board; Book review editor

Library Hi Tech (ISI listed journal): Editorial Advisory Board: Writing a column: 2011 -

Reviewer for:
Health Information and Libraries Journal
Journal of Information
Communication & Ethics in Society (JICES)

Professional services performed

  Chair: SGB: Library and Information Services (until August 2005); member SGB since August 2005. Deputy Chair: RETIG (LIASA interest group for research, education and training): 2006 – 2008 ISIC (Information Seeking in Context – Secretary of Permanent Group: 2016 –
2003 Expert evaluator: European Union project: Library books and training for historically disadvantaged institutions. Project No.: 95-75070-009. Supervisor: The Department of Education. Management Agency: The British Council. With Proff T Bothma (Team leader), AL Dick, H Brits.
1995 Doktorale seminaar: Die eienskappe van ‘n multimedia-studiepakket vir afstandsonderrig van gerekenariseerde inligtingherwinning, 23 Mei, Unisa, Pretoria. Doctoral seminar: The characteristics of a multimedia study package for distance teaching in computerised information retrieval, 23 May, Unisa, Pretoria.
1995 Inmagic user’s day. Training for Inmagic, 1 June, Pretoria.
1995 Ontwerp van rekenaargesteunde onderrigtutoriale vir die opleiding van eindgebruikers in intydse soektogte. Akademiese Inligtingdiens, Universiteit van Pretoria, 13 Oktober, Pretoria.
1995 Design of computer asssisted tutorials for the training of endusers in online searching. Academic Information Service, University of Pretoria, 13 October, Pretoria.
1997 Should we take disintermediation seriously? Meeting of Client Services, Unisa Library Services, 31 August, Pretoria. (Paper presented at the Fourth Southern African Online Information Meeting.)
2001 How can indexers benefit from indexing theory (focus on socio-cognitive approach to document representation). Presented to indexers (organised by the National Library of South Africa). 10 October, Pretoria.
1994 Basic guidelines for abstracting. SAILIS Interest group for Cataloguing. Practical workshop on indexing, 4 August, Pretoria.
1995 Practical workshop on indexing. SAILIS Interest Group for Cataloguing, 15 August, Unisa, Pretoria. (Assisted with practical exercises.)
1995 Online searching and the basic commands for Knight Ridder Information (In-service training programme for staff members of Unisa Library Services), 5-6 September, Unisa, Pretoria.
1996 Online searching and the basic commands for Dailog (available through Knight Ridder Information) (In-service training programme for staff members of Unisa Library Services), 3 September, Unisa, Pretoria.
1996 Training endusers in an electronic environment: how to develop a training programme (In-service training programme for staff members of Unisa Library Services), 16 September, Unisa, Pretoria.
1996 How to develop a training programme (In-service training programme for staff members of Unisa Library Services), 15 October, Unisa, Pretoria.
2008 Selection committee for promotions to associate professor (Unisa, Department of Information Science)
2009 Conference feedback presentation, HICS, 25 November, Pretoria (feedback on the ICML conference in Brisbane, September 2009)
2010 Guest lecture (HIV/AIDS and information retrieval), 14 January, group of visiting students from the School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
2011 Guest lecture (HIV/AIDS and information retrieval), 8 January, group of visiting students from the School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
2012 Guest lecture (HIV/AIDS and information retrieval), 6 January, group of visiting students from the School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
2008 Internet research (several short courses presented every year)
2017 Unisa week for masters and doctoral students: extended presentation: methodological landscape
2017 Unisa research indaba for staff: Research light bulb moments
2017 University of Pretoria Library staff: Good searching – playing the theoretical ball game

Involvement with other Universities

External Examination: Local


Unisa: several papers: undergraduate, Honours, Masters, Doctoral

External examiner University of Cape Town: masters and doctoral studies

External examiner Rand Afrikaans University: masters and doctoral studies

External examiner University of Kwa-Zulu Natal: masters and doctoral studies

North West University (Potchefstroom): undergraduate module

Approved as external examiner masters and doctoral studies: Stellenbosch University

External examiner: Cape Town University of Technology: masters and doctoral studies

External examiner: University of the Witwatersrand (masters dissertations)

External Examination: International


Charles Sturt University (Australia)

Approved as external examiner masters and doctoral studies: Makerere University, Uganda

External Involvement with Other Universities

2017 Reference Group Library and Information Science (LIS) selected by the Council for Higher Education (CHE) to prepare a national benchmark standard
2017 External reviewer: Unisa, Department of Information Science, B.Inf (Honours) programme (Information Science Honours) (with Prof Dennis Ocholla, University of Zululand)
2017 Unisa Advisory Board for the Centre for Applied Information and Communication
2017 ember of the advisory board for the Carnegie sponsored M.IT degree for librarians

Editorial Review Board


Online Information Review (ISI listed journal): Editorial Advisory Board

The Electronic Library (ISI listed journal): Editorial Advisory Board

Library Hi Tech (ISI listed journal): Editorial Advisory Board; Writing a column since beginning 2011-2016 (invited)

Mousaion (local accredited journal): Editorial Advisory Board

South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science (local accredited journal): Editorial Advisory Board

Webology (international accredited journal; online): Editorial Advisory Board

Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice (international journal): Editorial Advisory Board

Refereeing Duties: Journal Articles


ISI listed (international): The Electronic Library; Online Information Review; Library Hi Tech; Webology (online)

Local accredited journal: Mousaion; South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science

International peer-reviewed journals: Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice

International open access: Open Information Science (De Gruyter Open) ISI listed (international): Aslib Proceedings


ISI listed (international) journals: African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science; Health Information and Libraries Journal; Journal of Documentation; Library and Information Science Research; Journal of the Association of Information Science and Technology; Information Processing and Management: Information Research; Journal of Information, Communication & Ethics in Society (JICES)

International peer reviewed journals: The International Journal of Learning; The International Journal of Knowledge; Culture and Change Management; International Journal of the Humanities; Nursing Education Today; Health Education

Local accredited journals: Innovation; South African Journal of Information Management

Refereeing: Book Review


ISI listed (international) journals – regular reviewing for many years: The Electronic Library;

Library Hi Tech; Online Information Review (extensive list of reviews included) ISI listed (international) journal – occasional reviewing: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology

Conferences: Programme Committees


International: ICML (International Conference on Medical Librarianship): 2010 International Programme Committee

International Data and Information Management Conference, Loughborugh University (UK). 2016. International Programme Committee

ISIC (Information Seeking in Context) 2018, Krakow (Poland)

SACLA (Southern African Computing Lecturers’ Association) Conference 2016

ASIST - SIG ILL International Paper Contest Committee 2018

Conferences: Review of Papers & Posters



SITE (Society for Information technology & Teacher Education International) conference (2004; Australia)

ISLS (International Society of the Learning Sciences) conference (2005, 2008, 2010)

IADIS (International Conference on Internet Technologies & Society) (ITS 2010; 2011, 2012)

ISIC: Information Seeking in Context (2016, 2018) Local: Annual Information and Knowledge conference (Johannesburg University



ASIS&T (Association for Information Science and Technology) - Information behaviour poster submissions: 2012


  International: ASIST (Association for Information Science and Technology) 2013 – Jury panel for doctoral dissertations submitted for the Proquest reward

Review Panels & Session Chairs



NRF (National Research Foundation – South Africa): applications for researcher rating, research grants (various oaccassions)

NRF review panel for research chair applications (Post Secondary Education and Training (PSET)) (2017).



ISIC (Information Seeking in Context): 2012, 2014, 2016 Fascilitator:

AHILA fullday planning meeting for future of the organisation: August 2015 Planning committee

ICML 2021 (international conference to be held in Pretoria)

First University of South Africa Biennial internationalconference on library and information science research in Africa (UNILISA)

Grants and promotion Reviews

  Invited reviewer for international applications for promotion (Bar-Illan University, Ramat Gan, Israel). Research Grants and Partnerships Division, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (research grant)

Other Achievements

2000 The article “The use of CAI for distance teaching in the formulation of search strategies” which appeared in Mousaion, 17(1):48-75, 1999, has been selected for Top 20 Library Instruction Articles, an annotated bibliography compiled by The Education Committee of ALA’s Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT).
2000 Permission requested by de Library and Information Science Department of Musica University to translate the article “Should we take disintermediation seriously?” that appeared in The Electronic Library, 17(1):9-16, in Spanish for the journal Anales de Documentation.
2001 The article “The use of CAI for distance teaching in the formulation of search strategies” which appeared in Mousaion, 17(1):48-75, reprinted in Library Trends.
2003 Kohlrabi honorary acknowledgement of input (2003 ASI conference)
2004 Librarians and the claiming of new roles: how can we make a difference? Aslib proceedings, 56(1):62-74. (Also featured article in April edition of The Informed Librarian)
2007 Learning from Web information seeking studies: some suggestions for LIS practitioners. 2006. The Electronic Library, 24(1):20-37. (Rewarded as Outstanding paper for The Electronic Library, 2006. An ISI listed journal)
2009 Learning from research on the information behaviour of healthcare professionals: a review of the literature 2004-2008 with a focus on emotion. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 26(3):171-186. (ISI listed) Amongst top 20 downloaded articles for the journal for 2009.
2010 Outstanding reviewer for The Electronic Library (an ISI listed journal)
2012 Fourie, I. & Ball, L. Promotional strategies for information products and services – aligning with the serious and entertainment facets of information consumers’ lives, Library Hi Tech, 30(4): 683-692. (Featured article in The Informed Librarian Online ( November 2012 issue.)
2012 Fourie, I. & Fourie, H. Getting it done in time. Library Hi Tech, 31(2). (Featured article in The Informed Librarian Online ( May 2013 issue.)
2014 Outstanding reviewer for Online Information Review (an ISI listed journal)
2014 Honorarium from the South African Journal of Library and Information Science as appreciation for article reviewers. (Awarded to only a few reviewers)
2015 2015 Personal Information Management (PIM), reference management and mind maps – the way to creative librarians? (Featured article in The Online Informed Librarian ( December 2011 issue
2016 De Beer, M., Van der Merwe, M., Ball, L. & Fourie, I. Legal deposit of electronic books - a review of challenges faced by national libraries (Featured article in The Online Informed Librarian ( March issue)

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