Dr Cecilia Penzhorn

Dr Cecilia Penzhorn

BA (Log) BBibl (Hons) HDBibl( Unisa) MIS(UP)  DPhil(UP)


Senior Lecturer

E-mail: [email protected]
Office: IT 6-49
Telephone: +27 12 420 2920
Fax: +27 12 362 5181


Consulting hours
By appointment only

Dr Penzhorn is a part-time senior lecturer at the Department of Information Science at the University of Pretoria. Before starting on her lecturing career in 1999 she was employed as librarian at the National Library (then State Library) and as subject librarian for Social Sciences and Law at the University of Pretoria Library. Over the years her teaching responsibilities on undergraduate level included teaching and /or co-ordinating courses in inter alia Digital Libraries, Information Organization and Representation, and Information Ethics. After retiring in 2012 she was asked to  continue her involvement at the Department in activities on post-graduate level.  She is research  supervisor or co-supervisor for students doing their dissertations for the MA Development  Communication degree as well as Masters in Information Technology students.  She also  coordinates and teaches two courses that form part of the Carnegie sponsored M.IT Programme  offered at the Department. She serves as external examiner for UNISA, UJ and the University of  Stellenbosch on undergraduate as well as post-graduate level and is asked to serve as reviewer for  journal articles on a regular basis. She is currently also involved in a further Carnegie-sponsored  Continuous Professional Development programme for librarians presented under the auspices of the  Department of Information Science.


  • 2015: The use of mobile technologies for the implementation of social media based services at the University of Development Studies Library,Ghana. To be published in: Information Development, 31(4) September 2015
    (with M Akeriwa & M Holmner)
  • 2015: Bothma, Cosijn, Fourie, Penzhorn.. Navigating information literacy: your information society survival toolkit. 4th ed. Cape Town: Pearson Education (Textbook)
  • 2014: The implementation of an innovative continuous assessment model for an Information Science undergraduate class: possible information ethical considerations. Innovation
    (with M Holmner & W van Wyk)
  • 2013: The use of social media in teaching a campus-wide information literacy course. Mousaion, 31(3): 57-7
  • 2011: Die gebruik van grappe en raaisels in 'n leesbevorderingsprojek: 'n loodsstudie in die Wes- en Oos-Kaap. Mousaion, 29 (3). (with M Snyman)
  • 2011: Leser en konteks: 'n resepsiestudie oor Afrikaanse romanselesers. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 51(2): 238-250. (with M Snyman)
  • 2011: Bothma, Cosijn, Fourie, Penzhorn. Navigating information literacy: your information society survival toolkit. 3rd ed. Cape Town: Pearson Education (Textbook) 
  • 2010: Participatory communication for local government in South Africa: a study of the Kungwini Local Municipality. Information Development, 26(3): 225-236. (with F Msibi) .
  • 2009: The use of social networking tools for innovative service delivery at the University of Pretoria Library. Innovation, 38: 66-77. (with H Pienaar)
  • 2008: Bothma, Cosijn, Fourie & Penzhorn. Navigating information literacy. Cape Town: Pearson Education (Textbook).
  • 2008: Implementing and managing legal deposit in South Africa: challenges and recommendations. International Information and Library Review. 40: 112–120. (with R and M Snyman).
  • 2007: Measuring levels of compliance with legal deposit legislation in South Africa: an exploratory study. Mousaion, 25(2):1-20. (with R and M Snyman)
  • 2007: An investigation into the processes used in the production of printed health messages in South Africa. Communicare, 26(1): 59-73. (with M Snyman).
  • 2007: Training for digital reference: a South African experience. Libri, 57(2): 76-91.
  • 2006: Bothma, Cosijn, Fourie & Penzhorn. Information Society Survival Toolkit. Pearson Custom Publishing (Textbook)
  • 2005: Participatory research: challenges and opportunities for research with women in South Africa. Women's Studies International Forum, Vol. 28.
  • 2004: Challenges in Web-based teaching of reference work: experiences at the University of Pretoria. Mousaion, 22(1). (with I Fourie).
  • 2002: The use of participatory research as an alternative approach for information needs research. Aslib-proceedings, 54(4).
  • 2000: Using the Balanced Scorecard to facilitate strategic management at an academic information service. Libri, 50(3). (with H Pienaar).

Conference presentations

  • 2013: The Amazing Information Race: innovative implementation of a new assessment model for Teaching an undergraduate class. Presented at the Clute 2013 International Academic Conference, Paris, France, June 9-11. 
  • 2012: Using social media in teaching a campus-wide information literacy course. Presented at the Clute 2012 European International Education Conference, Rome, Italy, June 6-8.
  • 2011: The use of social media for teaching information literacy in a mega class context. Presented at the 22nd SITE (Society for Information Technology Education) International Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.March 7-11. 
  • 2010: Time for a joke and a riddle: a reading promotion project in South Africa. Presented at the 32nd International IBBY Congress, Santiago, Spain, 8-12 September (with M Snyman).
  • 2009: Quality through improved service: the implementation of social networking tools in an academic library. Paper presented at the 30th annual IATUL Conference, 30th May-4th June, Leuven, Belgium.
  • 2009: In support of social scholarship: the role of the academic library. Paper presented at the African Digital Scholarship and Curation Conference,,CSIR Conference Centre, Pretoria, 12-14 May.
  • 2009: The academic library as partner in support of scholarship. Paper presented at the 20th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), March 2-6,Charleston, South Carolina, USA.
  • 2007: Reading the Romance in a crime ridden South Africa. Paper presented at the Fifth International Conference on the Book, 21-23 October, Madrid, Spain.
  • 2007: How do we know what they want to read? Determining the reading preferences and needs of Afrikaans children in South Africa. Paper presented at the Fifth International Conference on the Book, 21-23 October, Madrid, Spain (with M Snyman).
  • 2006: Preserving our books for the future: is legal deposit realizing the aim? Paper presented at the Fourth International Conference on the Book, 20-22 October, Boston, USA.
  • 2006: Technology for virtual reference training: a hands-on experience. Paper presented at the 17th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE), March 20-24, Orlando, Florida, USA.
  • 2006: Knowledge sharing and legal deposit: complementing endeavours. Paper presented at the XVII Standing Conference of Eastern, Central and Southern African Library and Information Associations (SCECSAL XVII), 10-14 July, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania (with M Snyman).
  • 2005: Preserving our cultural heritage through legal deposit: are we doing it right? Paper presented at the LIASA Conference, September 26-30, Nelspruit.
  • 2004: An investigation into the production of healthcare information products. Paper presented at the 16th Standing Conference of Eastern, Central and Southern African Library and Information Associations (SCECSALXVI), 5th-9th July, Kampala, Uganda (with M Snyman).
  • 2003: Teaching reference through WebCT. Paper presented at the CAL'03 Conference, 8-10 April, Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Ireland (with I Fourie).
  • 2001: Identifying information needs using a participatory approach. Paper presented at the LIASA Conference, September, Johannesburg.
  • 1999: Innovative implementation of the Balanced Scorecard in an academic information service. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Northumbria International Conference on Performance Management in Libraries and Information Services held at Longhirst Management and Training Centre, Longhirst Hall, Northumberland, England, 27 to 31 August (with H Pienaar).


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