
Jasmyn Accomplishments:

2018-            3rd Place in Residence Debating

                      Best Reception at the annual UP Expressions and Nothing but Vernac

 2015-            2nd Place in Rag Procession

                     1st years winners of Spirit Cup at Ienk Athletics

2014-             1st years winners of War Cry
                        1st years winners of Spirit Cup for Ienk Athletics
                      Ladies Academic Residence of the year

2013-             1st Place, Catheryn Abernety at Expression 
                        2nd Place, Simone du Preez at Expression

                        Jasmyn and Vividus Men: 3rd Place in Pot en Pons

                        1st Place, Short term RAG projects

                        3rd Place, RAG overall

                        Nqobile Thela awarded best Academic HK of the term                                       2012/2013

2012-             Cayla Esterhuysen (Member of House Jasmyn) winner of Miss Tuks Varsity Cup 

                        2nd place - Ladies Ienkmelodienk
                        Slurpies winners of War Cry


2011 -             3rd Place in Ladies Ienkmelodienk

                        Won Best Dressed Ladies

                        5th Place in Ladies Serrie


2010 -              4th Place in Ladies Ienkmelodienk

                        Won Plakboek of the year


2009 -              Winners of Tuks Student Sport Directors Trophy for Recreational Participation

                        Received a Certificate of Appreciation from the Mmamotse Primary School


2008 -              4th Place in Ienkmelodienk


2007 -              Best War Cry during UP Citizenship Program

                        Perdeby Newsmaker of the Year


2005 -              2nd Place in Tuks Rag Blood donation

                        5th Place in Tuks Rag Prestige


2004 -              Best Script in Ladies Ienkmelodienk

                        2nd Place SRC Academic Residence of the Year


2003 -              3rd Place SRC Academic Residence of the Year


2002 -              Winners of Tuks Rag Pot en Pons


2001 -              1st Place in Tuks Rag Debutants

                        3rd Place in Tuks Rag Charity

                        2nd Place in Tuks Rag Week Games

                        3rd Place in Tuks Rag Blood donation

                        3rd Place in Tuks Rag Buddy Project

                        2nd Place Jasmyn and Olienhout:Tuks Rag Most Unique float

                        2nd Place Tuks Rag Prestige

                        3rd Place in SRC Academic Honorary Colours

1999 -              Jasmyn and Maroela: Winner of Best Tuks Rag Float

                        Jasmyn and Maroela: Winner of most Unique Float

                        Jasmyn and Maroela: Winner of Best Looking Float


2000 -              3rd Place in Tuks Rag Ladies Short Term Projects

                        2nd Plce in Ladies Tuks Rag Fundraising

                        3rd Place in Ladies Tuks Rag Blood donation

                        1st Place in SRC Academic Trophy

1997 -              Winner of SJK Tuks Rag Ladies Blood donation Trophy

                        Winner of the Pretoria News Float building Trophy

                        3rd Place in Tuks Rag Mini-Procession

                        3rd Place in Tuks Rag Rope Pull competition

                        2nd Place in Ladies Ienkmelodienk

                        3rd Place in Ladies Ienkkonsert

                        Won a Golden certificate for Serrie

                        3rd Place Culture Trophy

1996 -              1st Place in Ladies Ienkmelodienk

                        3rd Place overall winners of Tuks Rag ames

                        2nd Place in Tuks Rag Games: Touch Rugby

                        3rd Place in Tuks Rag Games: Volleyball

                        2nd Place in Tuks Rag Games: Drastoel

                        3rd Place in Ladies Cross Country

1995 -             Tuks Rag Buddy Trophy Winners

                        3rd Place Tuks Rag Prestige Trophy


1994 -              Carlein la Cock (Jasmyn lady) Rag Princes Finalist

                        Winners of the Jasmyn-Klaradyn Volleyball trophy

                        Winners of Ladies Residences Sport Trophy

                        Jasmyn and Maroela: Tuks Rag Winning Float

                        Jasmyn and Maroela: Tuks Rag Best Rag Partners

                        Jasmyn and Maroela: Tuks Rag Best Rag Partner

                        2nd Place in Tuks Rag Ladies Student fun & Development

                        1st Place in Tuks Rag Ladies Outreach

                        Winners of Tuks Rag Charity Tropy

                        Winners of the Buddy Project

                        1st Place in Ienkkonsert

                        2nd Place in Ienkmelodienk


1993 -              Winners of the Jasmyn-Klaradyn Volleyball trophy


1992 -              Winners of the Jasmyn-Klaradyn Volleyball trophy

                        Winner of Best Looking Tuks Rag Float

1991 –             Tuks Rag Collection list Winner

                        Best Tuks Rag Buddy Project

                        Tuks Rag Farm Winners

                        Winners of the Jasmyn-Klaradyn Volleyball trophy

                        Marita von Ameron (Jasmyn Lady) Tuks Rag Queen

1990 -              Winners of the Jasmyn-Klaradyn Volleyball trophy

1986 -              Winners of Tuks Rag Prestige Trophy

1985 -              Winners of Tuks Rag Prestige Trophy

1977 -              Winners of the Sportburo Trophy

1976 -              Winners of Ladies Ienkmelodienk

                        Lucille Burger (member of House Jasmyn) Rag Princes

                        Winners of the Sportburo Trophy

1971 -              According to Perdyby Jasmyn has best Newspaper

                        Win Spring day Rugby against Klaradyn

                        2nd in Hockey League

                        Winners of Boeresport


1970 -              Won Ladies Rugby day

                        Won InterRes Cross Country Competition

                        Hockey Team won “Die Peodel”


1969 -              Jasmyne – First publoished House Newspaper on Tuks Won Ladies Rugby day

                        Won the Milk drinking trophy

1968 -              Won Ladies Rugby day


1966 -              Won Ladies Rugby

1965 –             Jasmyn originates out of “Vergeet my nie” or “Die Fant” Won Ladies Rugby day

  ** Undated Achievements:  3rd Place Serrie Reception 2nd Place Ladies Ienkmelodienk 2nd Place Overall Winners - Ladies 2nd Place Ladies Residence Internal Culture 2nd Place Ladies Residence External Culture 1st Place Ladies Ienkmelodienk


1983 -              Winners of Athletics League

                        Winners of Tuks Rag Prestige Trophy

1979 -              Jasmyn and Boekenhout: 5th Palce in Swim Marathon

                        Winners of Ienk Swim Gala

                        Winners of the Sportburo Trophy


1978 -              Winners of Spirit trophy at Ienk Athletics

                        Jasmyn and Maroela: 2nd in Tuks Rag Swim-marathon

Leatitia Steynberg, Annebie Lubbe and Anna Marie Boshof (Jasmyn ladies) received Dux-medals on Spring day.

Winners of Table Tennis League

Winners of Ladies Newspaper on Campus – Jysmyne

Winners of Spring day Sport Trophy

Winners of the Sportburo Trophy  

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