Mathematics in Finance

Passport and Visa

Passports and Visa

NOTE: Requirements for entry into South Africa differ from country to country, and are subject to change. Always make inquiries before travelling to South Africa.

Every visitor to South Africa must have a valid passport.

Passports should have at least 2 completely empty pages otherwise entry may be denied.

Passports must be valid for at least 6 months after your intended date of departure.

Delegates requiring visas, and who intend taking tours to neighbouring Southern African countries, are advised to secure a multiple entry visa.
Tourists must satisfy immigration officers that they have the means of support for the duration of their stay in the country and return /onward tickets.

Visas cannot be obtained on arrival.
Depending on your nationality, and the purpose and duration of your visit, you may not need a visa to visit South Africa: 

What are the requirements for entering South Africa?

  • A valid acceptable passport or travel document good for a sufficient period to cover your intended stay.
  • A valid visa, if required.
  • Sufficient funds.
  • A return or onward ticket.
  • At least two blank pages in your passport.
  • Yellow fever certificates are required if the journey starts or entails passing through the yellow fever belt of Africa or South America. 

Get your visa before leaving for South Africa

If you are subject to visa requirements, you should apply for your visa at least four weeks BEFORE your departure for South Africa, and await the outcome of your application before departing. Visas are NOT issued at South African ports of entry, and airline officials are obliged to insist on visas before allowing passengers to board. If you arrive without a visa, immigration officials are obliged by law to refuse you entry to South Africa and to place you on a return flight to your country.