About French

French at UP



The French section welcomes students from diverse faculties and backgrounds to a wide range of courses in French Language, Literature, Professional Translation and Interpreting, and Teaching French as a Foreign Language. These courses are offered both on undergraduate and postgraduate level in small class settings in order to encourage interaction, and to develop language proficiencies.  Students are encouraged to gain insight into the variety of cultures and literatures of the countries in which French is spoken. In order to meet the increasing demand for professionals who are proficient in French, our programs are designed to include a comprehensive selection of cultural, professional and literary texts.  Lecturers are members of the Association for French Studies in Southern Africa, and regularly act as external examiners for other universities in South Africa. Apart from exchange programmes with French universities such as ICES, staff members are committed to developing a research culture in the department, and attend continuous training courses in the teaching of specialised French. A large number of our staff and students have had the opportunity to attend courses in metropolitan France and on Reunion Island, thanks to bursaries offered by the Cultural service of the French Embassy. Students also participate on a regular basis in a program of teaching internships to France. More information on the development of the French Language in South Africa, as well as bursaries and programmes offered by the French Embassy can be found on the following website: www.intofrench.org  


Academic programmes:

Academic offerings for French can be viewed under the page entitled Academic programmes, undergraduate and postgraduate from the following link:  


French @ UP: Live the language you learn!


2016: International Francophonie Project





In 2016, French lecturer, Willemien Rust's, collaborative project, “Philomène&” was selected to participate along with 52 other teams worldwide in an international francophonie project: caravanedesdixmots.com. Together with the second and third year French students, they produced a short documentary which captures the whole experience. In addition, they wrote a short story in French, with a strong South African flavour, which was turned into an animation. An original soundtrack was also produced. These videos will be released on the DVD of the French organisation, based in Lyon, and 5000 DVD’s will be distributed internationally. They upload all participant videos on their website and share them on their social media pages. The DVD launch will take place in November 2016, in Madagascar. The project coordinators of each of the teams have been invited to attend the launch as well as a two week creative conference. 

Facebook: Philomène& | Instagram: @philo.mien | Website: philomien.co.za

2015: « Belle rêverie »




Les premières rencontres avec l’homme ou la  femme de ses rêves pourraient nous laisser perplexes. On se demande : est-ce que je devrais lui  faire confiance, est-ce que je devrais prendre le risque…ou est-ce que ce ne fait simplement cliché,  comme une belle rêverie qui nous échappe aussitôt  que nous l’avons reçue.






2013 : « Enracinée en moi »



Apprendre le français langue étrangère c’est comme apprendre à aimer quelqu’un... Dans le clip “Enracinée en moi”, le couple représente la francophone et le scrabble, la langue française. Le serveur et les étudiants représentent les apprenants. C’est le serveur qui est le premier à être intrigué par le couple et c’est lui qui transmet la maladie d’amour, autrement dit, la langue française.






2012 : Le programme « Expression Créative »




The Creative Expression programme is a creative writing programme offered at second year level. Students listen to a large variety of French and francophone music as inspiration to their creative writing activities. They also reinterpret the literary texts (they study in the literature classes) in a creative manner in the creative expression classes.




2012 : « Etudiant à l’Université de la Vie »





N’arrêtons jamais de faire ce qu’on aime, nous sommes les étudiants à l’Université de la Vie.


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