Prof Lise Korsten

Prof Korsten is currently the Co-Director within the Department of Science and Technology, Centre of Excellence Food Security. She is also responsible for the food safety and regulatory control programmes within the DST Centre of Excellence Food Security. She is a chief editor of Crop Protection and is chairing the International Society for Plant Pathology Task Force on Global Food Security.

Research by Prof Lise Korsten

  • Stories

    Clean water

    Despite the fact that access to clean and disease-free drinking water is a basic human right enshrined in South Africa’s constitution, utilities often find it difficult to produce safe drinking water as they have to deal with highly contaminated water.

  • Photo

    High tech, high touch: technology enables a new community health platform

    South Africa faces four epidemics - Infectious diseases (especially HIV/AIDS and TB), non-communicable diseases (especially diabetes and cardiovascular diseases), high levels of violence and injury, and mother and child illness and death

  • Story

    ’Life would be tragic if it weren't funny’ – Stephen Hawking (1942–2018)

    Stephen Hawking was one of those rare scientists whose communicative approach to theoretical physics helped to shape the popular understanding of the complex theories of relativity and the idea that black holes emit radiation.

  • Story

    COVID-19: Are men the weaker sex?

    Along with Italian colleagues, Prof Robert Millar published a paper in the journal Neuroendocrinology about the differences between men and women.

  • Infographic

    How giraffes keep it cool

    The African landscape would be incomplete without the majestic silhouette of the giraffe to adorn the savannah sunset tableau. Researchers at the Centre for Veterinary Wildlife Studies at the University of Pretoria...

  • Talking Point

    Herding for Health

    The Herding for Health Project initiated by the Faculty of Veterinary Science at the University of Pretoria is a One Health, pro-poor, rural development project which aims to respond to pressing challenges at the livestock/wildlife interface.

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