Lecturers attends the Seminar for University Teachers from Developing Countries, North East Normal University, Changchun, China

Posted on October 14, 2011

The seminar, held over a period of three weeks in September, was the 17th such event hosted by NENU, and brought together 38 lecturers from 17 developing countries – Eritrea, Ethiopia, Grenada, Seychelles and Myanmar, to name but a few - to learn about and learn from the experiences in education reform that have taken place in all sectors of Chinese education since its ‘opening up’ in 1978.

The UP contingent, as staff members of a University that already shares close ties with NENU, were offered the opportunity to address a group of post-graduate students on the South African education system in general. In response to this invitation, Dr. Mia Abrie, with the assistance of Mr. Eberlein, prepared and delivered a very well received hour-long talk on the similarities and differences in the education systems of the two countries’ systems.

The greatest benefit of seminars such as this one is the opportunity to build international networks and relationships and to experience first-hand the triumphs and challenges of teacher education in other countries.

The seminar, held over three weeks in September, was the 17th such event hosted by NENU, and brought together 38 lecturers from 17 developing countries – Eritrea, Ethiopia, Grenada, Seychelles and Myanmar, to name but a few - to learn about and learn from the experiences in education reform that have taken place in all sectors of Chinese education since its ‘opening up’ in 1978.

Participants were also treated to a tour of places of interest in large Chinese cities such as Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Beijing.

The UP contingent, as staff members of a University that already shares close ties with NENU, were offered the opportunity to address a group of post-graduate students on the South African education system in general. In response to this invitation, Dr. Mia Abrie, with the assistance of Mr. Eberlein, prepared and delivered a very well received hour-long talk on the similarities and differences in the education systems of the two countries’ systems.

The greatest benefit of seminars such as this one is the opportunity to build international networks and relationships and to experience first-hand the triumphs and challenges of teacher education in other countries.

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