Faculty of Education proudly awarded several degrees at Spring Graduation ceremony

Posted on September 02, 2016

On 31 August 2016 the Faculty of Education awarded eight Doctoral degrees; 19 Master’s degrees; more than 300 Honours degrees (Distance Education); 23 Bachelor degrees as well as 37 Advanced Certificates in Education. The ceremony took place in the Rembrandt Hall at the LC de Villiers grounds.
Prof Stephanie Burton, Vice Principal and Prof Chika Sehoole, newly appointed Dean of the Faculty of Education, proudly awarded the degrees and certificates to the education students.
Two staff members in the Faculty were awarded PhD degrees. Dr Alfred du Plessis from the Department of Educational Psychology did his thesis on ‘Total knee replacement patients’ experiences of a brief hope-based in-hospital intervention’ with Dr Suzanne Bester as Supervisor. Dr Yolandi Woest from the Department of Humanities Education did her thesis on ‘Bayakhuluma kaninigi: the influence of own teachers on the professional identity of beginner teachers’. Her Supervisor was Prof Saloshna Vandeyar.
Prof Saloshna Vandeyar from the Department of Humanities Education was the Supervisor of three Doctoral students. Dr Thomas Elufisan did his thesis on ‘Reconstruction of Nigerian immigrant professional identities at a South African university’. Dr Colleen Gamedze did her thesis on ‘The constitution, negotiation and representation of immigrant student identities in Swaziland schools’. Dr Gamedze received a standing ovation from the audience in recognition of her perseverance and accomplishment as she completed her PhD during time of serious illness.
Dr Brigitta Hambrock did her thesis on ‘Student perspectives on the introduction of mobile learning in a journalism course’ with Prof Linda van Ryneveld as her Supervisor.
Dr Chinwe Igbafe did her thesis on ‘Emotional intelligence in coping with professional, academic and institutional challenges in Nigerian Universities’ with Dr Miems Steyn as Supervisor.
Dr Poppy Mahlangu’s thesis was about ‘The academic experiences of Grade 12 top achievers in maintaining excellence in first-year university programmes’. Dr Billy Fraser was her Supervisor.
Dr Ntombu Mohladi-Tlaka did her thesis on ‘The contribution of a text-based approach to English education for communicative competence’ with Dr Lizette de Jager as Supervisor.

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