PhD Students Fiona Mumoki

PhD Student

Thesis title: The role of honeybee mandibular gland pheromones in reproductive dominance


Email address: [email protected]

Room 3-12, Zoology Building

Telephone: +27124202533

Ms Vongai Paradza

PhD Student

PhD title: Development of Biopesticides against resistance strains of whiteflies in vegetable production

Email address: [email protected]

Mr Pascal Ayelo

PhD Student

Thesis title: Recruitment of Natural enemies with semiochemicals for tomato protection against tomato leafminer and white flies

Email address: [email protected]

Ms Nadia Toukem

PhD Student

Thesis title: Management of key avocado pests and its integration to pollinators conservation in East Africa


Email address: [email protected]


Ms. Cathy Bester

PhD Student

Thesis title:

Email address: [email protected]

Room 3-12, Zoology Building

Telephone: +27124202533

Mr Abdelmutalab Gesmalla

PhD Student

Thesis title: Development of a risk analysis toolkit for major insect pests of Arabica coffee in East Africa


Email address: [email protected]

Ms Akua Antwi-Agyakwa

PhD Student

Thesis title: Development of semiochemical based tools for the management of African citrus trizoid (ACT)


Email address: [email protected]

Ms Olabimpe Olaide

PhD Student

Thesis title:The Semiochemical basis of repellency of Zebra to tsetse flies

Email address: [email protected]


Mr Fairo Dzekashu Foryuy

PhD Student

Thesis title: Diversity of Bee pollinators, plants and their networks in natural and agricultural habitats in Eastern African Biodiversity hotspot

Email address: [email protected]; [email protected]

Mr Aiki Istifanus P.

PhD Student

Thesis title:Diversity, Nesting behaviour and Chemical Ecology of Termites in a Nigerian Savannah

Email address: [email protected]

Room 2-54, Zoology Building

Telephone: +27640414853
Ms Caroline Wanjiku Kungu

PhD Student

Thesis title:Development of surveillance tools for adult males of select  Afrotropical disease vectors

Email address: [email protected]

Ms Bethelihem Mekonnen

PhD Student

Thesis title: Development of Oecophylla longinoda-based semiochemical repellents: A new tool for crop protection against Fruit flies

Email address: [email protected]


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