Postgraduate Studies


BVSc Honours

  • (Gen 702) Small Animal Medicine 702

Advanced theoretical study in small animal medicine. Modules include: neurology, intensive care medicine, dermatology, haematology, immunology and immune-mediated disease, infectious disease and oncology. The modules may include selected practical aspects. 

  • (Gen 707) Small Animal Medicine 707

Advanced theoretical study in small animal medicine specifically applicable to condition of the internal organs. Modules include: cardiology, pulmonology, nephrology, hepatic and pancreatic disease, gastro-intestinal disease. The modules may include selected practical aspects 

  • (Gen 709) Small Animal Behavioural Medicine 709

Broad based theoretical and selected practical training in small animal behavioural medicine aimed at the provision of a high standard of clinical services in aspects of small animal behavioural medicine.  


MMedVet Small Animal Medicine – Specialist


  • (Gen 803) Small Animal Medicine 803

Advanced theorectical and clinical training in organ, metabolic and deficiency diseases of small animals. Pathophysiology, diagnostic and treatment methods are emphasised. An internship is mandatory.


For further information regarding:

· Availability

· Course duration

· Course outlines

· Course co-ordinators


Email: [email protected]

[email protected]


Or alternatively contact Student Administration:

Ms Magda Human Tel: +27 012 529 8375


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