Academic Profiles

Head of Department

Prof A Lombard
BSocSci BSocSci(Hons)(Free State) MA(SW)(RAU) DPhil(Pretoria)

Antoinette Lombard is professor in Social Work and head of the Department of Social Work and Criminology. Her scholarship includes research on developmental social work and social and economic development. She is he IASSW’s chair of the Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development, and coordinator of the Global Agenda in the Africa region, and serves on the board of the International Consortium for Social Development (ICSD). In 2013, she received the James Billups International Consortium for Social Development Leadership Award in Social Development. She received a national award from the Minister of Science and Technology as the second runner up for the 2015 Distinguished Women in Science Award (WISA) in the category Humanities and Social Sciences. Also in 2015, she received the researcher of the year award in the Cluster Applied Social Sciences in the Faculty of Humanities, University of Pretoria. She is the Programme Director at the University of Pretoria of the Ubuntu student exchange programme with Fordham UniversityProf Lombard is a C-1 rated National Research Foundation (NRF) researcher. She is the UP Programme Director of the Fordham University and University of Pretoria Ubuntu exchange programme.

Recent publications:

Berejena Mhongera, P. & Lombard, A. 2017. Who is there for me? Evaluating the social support received by adolescent girls transitioning from institutional care in Zimbabwe. Practice: Social work in action, 29(1):19-35.

Chiwara, P. & Lombard, A. 2017. The challenge to promote social and economic equality in Namibia through social work. Social Work / Maatskaplike Werk, 53(4):563-578.

Dhludhlu, S.L. & Lombard, A. 2017. Challenges of statutory social workers in linking foster care services with socio-economic development programmes. Social Work / Maatskaplike Werk, 53(2):165-185.

Lombard, A. & Schenck, R. 2017. Adam Small en sy pleidooi vir geregtigheid: 'n Gevallestudie. In J van der Elst (ed.) 'n Huldiging Adam Small denker, digter, dramaturg. South Africa, Pretoria: Protea Book House.

Lombard, A. 2017. Social work academia and policy in South Africa. In J. Gal & I. Weiss-Gal (eds.) Where academia and policy meet. London: Policy Press.

Katunga, W. & Lombard, A. 2016. The contribution of social entrepreneurship in meeting the needs of orphans in the Mberengwa District, Zimbabwe. Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk, 52 (2):188-207.

Berejena, M. P. & Lombard, A. 2016. Poverty to more poverty: An evaluation of transition services provided to adolescent girls from two institutions in Zimbabwe. Children and Youth Services Review, 64c:154-154.

Mayombe, C. & Lombard, A. 2016. The importance of material resources and qualified trainers in adult non-formal education and training centres in South Africa. International Review of Education, 15 March:1-18.

Lombard, A. 2015. Global agenda for social work and social development: A path toward sustainable social work. Social Work: A Professional Journal for the Social Worker, 51(4):482-499.

Lombard, A. 2015. Internationalising social work education: The South African experience. Indian Journal of Social Work, 7691):41-56.

Mayombe, C. & Lombard, A. 2015. How useful are skills acquired at adult non-formal education and training centres for finding employment in South Africa? International Review of Education, 61(5):611-630.

Geyer, L.S., Lombard, A. & Wairiri, G. 2015. A comparative content analysis of South African and Kenyan drug policies from a social development perspective. Social Work Practitioner Researcher, 27(2):144-168.

Lombard, A. 2014. A Developmental Perspective in Social Work Theory and Practice. In Spitzer, H., Twikirize, J. M. & Wairire, G.G. (eds.) Professional Social Work in East Africa. Towards Social Development, Poverty Reduction and Gender Equality. Kampala: Fountain Publishers.

Lombard, A. 2014. Book review. Midgley, J. 2014. Social Development: Theory & Practice. London: Sage Publications. Social Work/ Maatskaplike Werk, 50(2):303-304.

Lombard, A. & Twikirize, J. M. 2014. Promoting social and economic equality: Social workers’ contribution to social justice and social development in South Africa and Uganda. International Social Work, 57(4):313-325.

Lombard, A. & Viviers, A. 2014. Inclusion of children as stakeholders in social, economic and environmental development. In Hessle, S. (ed.) Environmental Change and Sustainable Social Development. Social Work-Social Development Volume II. UK: Ashgate Publishers.

Lombard, A. & Viviers, A. 2014. Children with disabilities in South Africa: Inclusion through participation. Social Dialogue, Issue 9. November. Social Dialogue is published by The International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW).

Bila, N., Le Roux, L. & Lombard, A. 2014. Developmental Social Work in South Africa focusing on Children with a Disability. In De Kock, C., Van Kerckhove, C. & Vens, E. (eds.). Social Work in an International Perspective. Antwerp-Apeldoorn: Garant Publishers, 253-266.

Geyer, L.S. & Lombard, A. October, 2014. A content analysis of the South African National Drug Master Plan: Lessons for aligning policy with social development. Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk. RO-008462

Viviers, A. & Lombard, A. 2013. The ethics of children’s participation: Fundamental to children’s rights realization in Africa. International Social Work, 56(1):7-21.

Steyn, F. & Lombard, A. 2013. Victim’s experiences of restorative mediation: A developmental social work perspective. Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk, 49(3):332-353.

Nugundu, K. & Lombard, A. 2012. The contribution of the informal economy to the social and economic development of women-headed households in the Chegutu Urban District in Zimbabwe. Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk, 48(1):1-16.

Lombard, A., Kemp, M., Viljoen-Toet N., & Booyzen, M. 2012. An Integrated Developmental Model for Poverty Reduction in South Africa: An NGO’s Perspective. Special issue on Social Development and Social Work: Learning from Africa Journal of Community Practise, 20 (issue 1-2).

Lombard, A., Kemp, M., Viljoen-Toet N., & Booyzen, M. 2012. An Integrated Developmental Model for Poverty Reduction in South Africa: An NGO’s Perspective. Special issue on Social Development and Social Work: Learning from Africa Journal of Community Practise, 20 (issue 1-2).

Lombard, A. & Strydom, R. 2011. Community Development through social entrepreneurship. Themed Issue: community Development in Africa. The Social Work Practitioner-Researcher/ Die Maatskaplikewerk Navorser-Praktisyn, 23(3):327-344.

Lombard, A. 2011. Integrated social and economic development in South Africa: a social welfare perspective. Argumentum, Vitória (ES), 3 (2):231-247.

Social Work 

Ms NJ Bila
BA (SW)(Fort Hare) MA(SocSci)(Clinical Social Work)(UJ) Postgraduate Diploma Social Development(Wits)

Nontembeko Bila is a lecturer in the Department of Social Work and Criminology. She teaches both in undergraduate and postgraduate levels, focusing on the mental health and disability fields. Her research interests include mental health, disability and developmental social work. She is a task team member of the South African Council of Social Service Professions for social work in health care specialisation.  

Recent publications:

Roestenburg, W., Carbonatto C.L. & Bila N.J. 2016. Mental Health Services In South Africa. In: Sossou, M.A. & Modie-Moroka, T. (Eds.). Mental Health Conditions and Services in Selected African Countries: Implications for Social Work and Human Services Professions. New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers Inc.: 167-198, Ch 9. ISBN 978-1-63485-276-0 (E-Book).

Phatoli, R., Bila, N.J. & Ross, E. 2015. Being black in a white skin: Beliefs and stereotypes around albinism at a South African university. African Journal of Disability, 4(1):1-10.

Bila, N., Le Roux, L. & Lombard, A. 2014. Developmental Social Work in South Africa Focusing on Children with a Disability. In De Kock, C., Van Kerckhove, C. & Vens, E. (Eds.) Social Work in an International Perspective. History, views, diversity and human rights. Antwerpen: Garant.

Dr CL Carbonatto   
BA(SW)(Pretoria) MSW(Washington) MA(SW)(Medical SW) DPhil(Pretoria)

Charlene Laurence Carbonatto is a senior lecturer and Programme Manager of the MSW (Health Care) programme. She is a Fulbright Alumnus with an MSW degree from George Warren Brown School of Social Work, Washington University, St. Louis, USA.

Her fields of expertise and research include social work in health and mental health care, reproductive health and infertility, women’s health and HIV and AIDS and indigenous health issues. Teaching areas on undergraduate level include social work in health care and HIV and AIDS. Teaching on postgraduate level include: Social work in health care; health policy and systems; the multi-disciplinary health care team: allopathic, alternative, complementary and indigenous health care service providers;  cultural, religious and spiritual aspects of health care; psychosocial aspects and implications of illness, treatment and hospitalization; Women’s and maternal health; reproductive health and infertility; geriatric health; mental health; trauma and acute care; HIV and AIDS; end-of-life care and bereavement.

Charlene has done consultancy work for UP, Human Resources Division in establishing a HIV Workplace Policy and Wellness Programme. She is doing consultancy work for Universities SA, HEAIDS on a national level, namely training academics at different HEI’s with regards to HIV Curriculum Integration. She has done similar training in Lusaka, Zambia for the Association of African Universities (AAU), the Southern African Sub-regional Network on HIV and AIDS (SASRN), Swedish International Developmental Agency (SIDA) and Copperbelt University of Zambia, Kitwe in 2012.

Recent publications:

Roestenburg, W., Carbonatto C.L. & Bila N.J. 2016. Mental Health Services In South Africa. In: Sossou, M.A. & Modie-Moroka, T. (Eds.). Mental Health Conditions and Services in Selected African Countries: Implications for Social Work and Human Services Professions. New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers Inc.: 167-198, Ch 9. ISBN 978-1-63485-276-0 (E-Book).

Van Wyk, J & Carbonatto, C.L.  2016. The Social Functioning Of Women With Breast Cancer In The Context Of The Life World: A Social Work Perspective. Social Work/ Maatskaplike Werk, 52(3), Issue 8:439-458.

Prof LS Geyer
BA(SW) MA(SW)(Potchefstroom) MSW(Social Development & Policy)(Pretoria) UPLM(Organ)(Unisa) PhD(North-West)

Stephan Geyer is a senior lecturer in Social Work. He is the programme co-ordinator for the B Social Work degree.  He teaches both under- and postgraduate modules in community development and community work, social gerontology and substance abuse. His research interests include substance abuse, social gerontology and macro strategies to mitigate the impact of HIV and AIDS in communities. In 2011 Dr Geyer received a prestigious award, the Young Up and Coming Academic, from the Association of South African Schools of Social Work (ASASWEI).

Recent publications:

Geyer, S., Le Roux, L. & Hall, H. 2018. Students' voices on the involvement of social workers in services related to problematic internet use. Practice, 20(3):203-216.                                                                    Available:

Sesane, M.P. & Geyer, L.S. 2017. The perceptions of community members regarding the role of social workers in enhancing social capital in metropolitan areas to manage HIV and AIDS. Social Work / Maatskaplike Werk, 53(1):1-25.

Swanepoel, I., Geyer, L.S. & Crafford, G. 2016. Risk factors for relapse among young African adults following in-patient treatment for drug abuse in the Gauteng Province. Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk, 52(3):414-438. [SA: DoHET; ISSN: 0037-8054; SJR: 0.19.]

Geyer, L.S., Le Roux, M.P. & Hall, H. 2015. Exposure to substance use in the social environment: The experiences of adolescents in the Tshwane metropole.   Maatskaplikewerk-Navorser-Praktisyn / Social Work Practitioner-Researcher, 27(3):322-343 [SA: DoHET.]

Alant, E., Geyer, L.S. & Verde, M. 2015. Developing empathetic skills among teachers and learners in high schools in Tshwane: an inter-generational approach involving people with dementia. Perspectives in Education, 33(3):141-158. [International: IBSS.]

Geyer, L.S., Lombard, A. & Wairire, G. 2015. A comparative content analysis of South African and Kenyan drug policies from a social development perspective. Maatskaplikewerk-Navorser-Praktisyn / Social Work Practitioner-Researcher, 27(2):144-168. [SA: DoHET.]

Geyer, L.S. & Lombard, A. 2014. A content analysis of the South African National Drug Master plan from a social development perspective: Lessons for the developing world. Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk, 50(3):329-348. [SA: DoHET.]

Shilubane, T. & Geyer, L.S. 2013. Khomanani: An HIV and AIDS community mobilisation programme for resource-constrainted settings. Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk, 49(1):67-86. [SA: DoHET.]

Delport, C.S.L., Strydom, H., Theron, L.C. & Geyer, S.  2011.  Voices of HIV&Aids-affected educators: how they are psychosocially affected and how REds enabled their resilience. AIDS Care, 23(1):121-126. [International: IBSS.]

Dr P Gutura

BSW, MSW, D Phil (SW) (University of Fort Hare).

Priscilla Gutura is a Social Work theory lecturer in the Department. She teaches Social Work intervention with communities at undergraduate level. She is also involved in the supervision of postgraduate students. After graduating with her PhD, Priscilla was involved in Post-Doctoral Fellowship at University of Fort Hare. Her research interests include social protection, food security and gender issues.

Recent publications:

Gutura, P. and Tanga, P.T. 2016.  “Bargaining with children”: Unintended consequences of children’s grants in rural South Africa. Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology, 7(1): 35-43.

Tanga. P. T and Gutura, P. 2016. Women Handling of Domestic Violence in rural township of Alice, South Africa. Anthropologist, 23(3): 598-605.

Tanga, P, Gutura, P. and Shava, G. 2016. Management of HIV/AIDS Programmes at the Workplace: A Case Study of Selected Organisations in Chris Hani District, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Journal of Human Ecology, 55(3): 227-236.

Gutura, P. and Tanga, P.T. 2015. The Intended Outcomes of Social Grants in South Africa: A Case Study of Ngqushwa Local Municipality in the Eastern Cape Province. Journal of Economics, 6(3): 238-249.

Gutura, P. and Tanga, P.T. 2015. “Twenty years of democracy. The Social Assistance Programme revisited”. The Social Work Practitioner, 27 (1): 65-88.

Tanga, P.T; Oyeleke, I.A and Gutura, P. 2015. Influence of Child Support Grant on increased birth rate among women of child bearing age in Alice Town. South Africa. Journal of Human Ecology, 52(3): 236-245.

Gutura, P. 2015. Social Grants and poor rural households in South Africa. Lambert Academic Publishing.  ISBN 13: 978-3-659-63491-8

Gutura, P. and Tanga P.T. 2014. “Boosting their stomachs”: The role of social grants in South Africa. Journal of Economics and Behavioural Studies, 6 (2): 105-119.

Gutura P. and Tanga P.T. 2013. Paternal involvement in the financial welfare of children receiving Child Support Grant in South Africa. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences, 10: 190-197.

Tanga, P. and Gutura, P. 2013. The impact of Child Support Grant on participation by female beneficiaries on the labour market. Social Work/ Maatskaplike Werk, 49 (1): 128-140.

Dr H Hall
BA(SW)( Port Elizabeth) BA(Hons)(Medical)( Stellenbosch) MA(SW)(Supervision) DPhil(Pretoria)

Herna Hall is a lecturer in the Department of Social Work and Criminology. She teaches Social Work Intervention with Individuals and with Groups on undergraduate level and is involved in the MSW (Play-based Intervention) course on postgraduate level. She is involved in the supervision of postgraduate students on master’s and doctoral level.

Her research focus is on the social functioning of children in middle childhood and in adolescence, with a specific focus on vulnerable children.

Recent publications:

Geyer, S., Le Roux, L. & Hall, H. 2018. Students' voices on the involvement of social workers in services related to problematic internet use. Practice, 20(3):203-216.                                                                      Available:

Tanderera, C. & Hall, H. 2017. Challenges faced by parents of children with learning disabilities in Opowu, Namibia. African Journal of Disability, 6:1-10.

Geyer, L.S., Le Roux, M.P. & Hall, H. 2015. Exposure to substance use in the social environment: the experiences of adolescents in the Tshwane Metropole. Social Work Practitioner Researcher, 27(3):433-343.

Hall, H. & Delport, C.S.L. 2013. The young adult’s perception of religion and formal structures: a postmodern perspective. HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies, 69(1).


Dr MP le Roux
BSW BA(Hons)(SW) MA(Medical Social Work), DPhil(SW)(Stellenbosch)

Liana le Roux is a senior lecturer in Social Work. She is programme manager for the masters degree in play-based intervention. Play-based intervention allows social workers to communicate with children on their level. Interventions with children take into account the context of their families and community.

Her research interests are play-based intervention, Gestalt play therapy, attachment, the effects of trauma on the child, the well-being of the child in the family and community as well as pre-trial therapy for child victims of alleged abuse.

Recent publications:

Geyer, S., Le Roux, L. & Hall, H. 2018. Students' voices on the involvement of social workers in services related to problematic internet use. Practice, 20(3):203-216.                                                                      Copy available:

Fouché, A. & Le Roux, L. (M.P.)  2018. Social workers’ views on pre-trial therapy in cases of child sexual abuse in South Africa. Child Abuse & Neglect, 76:23-33.

Spies, G.M., Delport, C.S.L. & le Roux, M.P. 2017. Safety and risk assessment for the South African child protection services: theory and practice. Acta Criminologica: Southern African Journal of Criminology, 30(2):116-127.

Spies, G.M. & le Roux, M.P. 2017. A critical reflectino on the basic principles of assessment of the child at risk. International Journal for Studies on Children, Women, Elderly and Disabled, 1:201-205.

Flores, K., van Niekerk, C. & le Roux, M.P. 2016. Drumming as a medium to promote emotional and social functioning of children in middle childhood in residential care. Music Education Research, 18 (3):254-268.

Spies, G.M., Delport, C.S.L. & Le Roux, M.P. 2015. Developing Safety and Risk Assessment Tools and Training Materials: A Researcher-practice Dialogue.  Research on Social Work Practice, 25(6):670-680.

Geyer, S., Le Roux, L. & Hall, H. 2015. Exposure to substance use in the social environment: the experiences of adolescents in the Tswhane Metropole. The Social Work Practitioner-Researcher, 27(3):322-343.

Bila, N., Le Roux, L. (M.P.) & Lombard, A. 2014. Developmental Social Work in South Africa Focusing on Children with a Disability. In De Kock, C., Van Kerckhove, C. & Vens, E. (Eds.) Social Work in an International Perspective. History, views, diversity and human rights. Antwerpen: Garant

Fouché, A. & Le Roux, L. (M.P.)  2014. Legal professionals’ views on pre-trial therapy in cases of child sexual abuse in South Africa.  Journal of Psychology in Africa, 24(2):307-214.

Prof CE Prinsloo
BA(SW) MA(SW) DPhil(Pretoria)

Reineth Prinsloo is an Associate Professor in Social Work. Her fields of expertise include group work, community engagement, social work values and ethics, sensitivity to diversity, and family development and guidance. Her research focus is on the integration of values and principles and teaching sensitivity to diversity in the context of small group dynamics.

She is a board member of IASWG (International Association for the Advancement of Social Work with Groups), representing the South African Chapter for the Advancement of Social Work with Groups. The association continuously looks into group work curricula from an international perspective and provides resources for teaching.

Recent publications:

Prinsloo, C.E., Botha, J., Human, L., Maphalala, L, Masuku, T., Tshapela, Z. & Van der Berg, E.C. 2017. Flowers and a garden, children and games, laugther and fun: unity in diversity. Social Work with Groups, 40(1):129-136.

Prinsloo, C.E. & Van der Berg, C. 2017. Strengths-based services offered to the homeless by Non-Governmental and Faith-Based Organisations in Tshwane Region Three, South Africa. Social Work and Social Sciences Review, 19(2):6-19.

Prinsloo, C.E. 2015. Group intervention with institutionalised older persons. HTS Teologiese Studies – Theological Studies, 71(3):1-7.

Prinsloo, C.E. 2014. Social Work Values and Principles: Students' Experiences in intervention with Children and Youths in Detention, Journal of Social Work Practice: Psychotherapeutic Approaches in Health, Welfare and the Community, 28(4):445-460.

Prinsloo, C.E & Pillay, V. 2014. Impact of the Integrated Food and Nutrition Programme in Kungwini. 2014. Social Work and Social Sciences Review. 17(2):6-21.

Prinsloo, R. 2012. The “rainbow nation” way of teaching sensitivity to diversity for social work with groups. Groupwork, 22(1):27-38.

Prinsloo, C.E. & Prinsloo, G.T.M. 2013. Family as Lived Space: an interdisciplinary and intertextual reading of Genesis 34. In Christl M. Maier and Gert T. M. Prinsloo (Eds.). Constructions of Space V: Place, Space, and Identity in the Ancient Mediterranean World (LHBOTS; London: T&T Clark)

Prof GM Spies BA(SW) MA(SW)(Pretoria) DLitt et Phil(Unisa)

Vollie (GM) Spies is an Associated Professor at the Department of Social Work and Criminology at the University of Pretoria.  She is the programme manager of different modules which predominantly focuses on theoretical approaches in the work with individuals, children and families, child protection services, family violence and more specifically sexual trauma in families. She is also involved as research supervisor for final year social work students as well as for masters and doctorate students in the department.  She received a master’s degree in Social Work in 1988 at the University of Pretoria with the title “Family therapy with the incest family” and a Doctorate in 1997 at the University of South Africa with the title “The healing of the adult survivor of child sexual abuse.”  

She is a committed athlete and marathon runner, and competes in local and international races. In 2013 she won the Grand Masters Category in the Swiss City Marathon in Lucerne, Switzerland. She represented South Africa in the Masters World Championships in Finland and on two occasions in America.

Recent publications:

Strydom, L.T. & Spies, G.M. 2017. The voice of the child: experiences of children in middle childhood regarding children's court procedures. Social Work / Maatskaplike Werk,  53(1):74-95.

Spies, G.M., Delport, C.S.L. & le Roux, M.P. 2017. Safety and risk assessment for the South African child protection services: theory and practice. Acta Criminologica: Southern African Journal of Criminology, 30(2):116-127.

Spies, G.M. & le Roux, M.P. 2017. A critical reflectino on the basic principles of assessment of the child at risk. International Journal for Studies on Children, Women, Elderly and Disabled, 1:201-205.

Mosoma, Z. & Spies, G.M. 2016. Social workers’ experiences with the South African policy manual on family preservation services. Social Work Practitioner Researcher, 28 (2):187-202.

Spies, G.M., Delport, C.S.L. & le Roux, MP. 2015. Developing Safety and Risk Assessment Tools and Training Materials: A Researcher-practice Dialogue. Research on Social Work Practice, 25(6):670-680.

Da Costa, G., Spies, G.M. & Coetzee, L. 2014. Contributory factors to child on child sexual abuse:  Perceptions of diverted female youth sex offenders. Child Abuse Research:  A South African Journal, 15(2):35-50.

Delport, R. & Spies, G.M. 2014. Adolescents’ right to participate during statutory intervention. The Social Work Practitioner-Researcher, Vol. 26(1), pp 24-41.

Spies, G.M. 2012. Long-term consequences of child abuse. In Pretoruis, D., Mbokazi, A.J., Hliase, K.K.. & Jacklin, L. Child Abuse: Guidelines and applications for Primary Healthcare Practitioners. Cape Town: Juta Publishers.

Sambo, J. & Spies, G.M. 2012. The role of the social worker in the prevention of child trafficking in South Africa. Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk, 48(2):190-208.

Prof LS Terblanche
BSocSci BSocSci(Hons)(Free State) MA(SW)(UNISA) DSocSci(Free State)

Prof Terblanche specialises in Social Work Supervision and Management as well as Employee Assistance Programmes.  He is the programme manager for a course work master’s programme in EAPs and actively involved in continuing education, research, national and international structures in the EAP field.

He was awarded as ‘Exceptional EAP Professional’ in September 2011 by the Employee Assistance Professionals Association of South Africa (EAPA-SA) in Umhlanga, KZN. In October 2012 he was nominated as ‘EAPA Member of the Year’ by the Employee Assistance Professionals Association (EAP) in Baltimore, Maryland, for his contribution to the enhancement of Employee Assistance Programmes both nationally and internationally.

Recent publications:

Terblanche, L.S. 2018. Creating legacy in EAP Business. The South African approach towards employee assistance.  Pretoria: St Paul & John Publishers.

Cekiso, N.A. & Terblanche, L.S. 2016. Pricing Models of Employee Assistance Programs: Experiences of Corporate Clients Serviced by a Leading Employee Assistance Programme. In Maiden, P. & Sharar, D. (Eds). Global Perspectives of Employee Assistance Programs. New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. 141-165.

Cekiso, N.A. & Terblanche, L.S. 2015. Pricing models of employee assistance programs: Experiences of corporate clients serviced by a leading employee assistance program service provider in South Africa. Journal of Workplace Behavioural Health, 30:154-178.

Verhoef, H.P. & Terblanche, L.S. 2015. The effect of dissolved workplace romances on the psychosocial functioning and productivity of the employees involved. Social Work: A Professional Journal for the Social Worker, 51(2):287-310.

Terblanche, L.S. 2014. Occupational Social Work and Employee Assistance Programmes in South Africa: An overview in Occupational Social Work from an International Perspective, edited by Guillermina Garza Trevino. Monterrey:  Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo León.

Engelbrecht, L.K. & Terblanche, L.S. 2014. Schools of Thought in Management. Management and Supervision of Social Workers, edited by L K Engelbrecht. Hampshire:  Cengage Learning.

Van Wyk, A.A. & Terblanche, L.S. 2014. Critical Incidents and Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) – An Employee Assistance Programme Perspective.  Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk. 50 (1): 19-37.

Keet, A.C.S. & Terblanche, L.S. 2013.   A Return on Investment in Employee Assistance Programmes: a theoretical underpinning. Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk, 49(2):183-194.

Pillay, R. & Terblanche, L.S. 2012.  Caring for South Africa’s Public Sector employees in the workplace:   A study of Employee Assistance and HIV/AIDS Workplace programmes. Journal of Human Ecology, 39(3):229-239.

Ms CM van der Berg
BA(SW)(Pretoria) MA(SW)(UNISA) PGCHE(Pretoria)  

Corlie van der Berg is a lecturer with the Department Social Work and Criminology. Her research interests are human rights and social work education, specifically in relation to creativity in higher education. She lectures in the field of social development on undergraduate level.

Recent publications:

Prinsloo, C.E. & Van der Berg, C. 2017. Strengths-based services offered to the homeless by Non-Governmental and Faith-Based Organisations in Tshwane Region Three, South Africa. Social Work and Social Sciences Review, 19(2):6-19.

Social work: Practise Lecturers

University of Pretoria:

Dr G Wessels
BA(MW) MA(MW) DPhil(Pretoria)

Gerna Wessels is a senior practice lecturer in the Department. She is a practice lecturer for first and fourth year social work students, as well as the practice co-ordinator in the Department. Her field of expertise is social work practice and student supervision. Her research focus is on Social Work Practice teaching and the professional and personal development of social work students.

Dr M Coetzee-Spies
BA(SW) MA(SW)(Medical) DPhil(SW)(Pretoria)  

Magriet Coetzee-Spies is a senior practice lecturer in the Department and is practice lecturer for first and fourth year social work students. Her field of expertise is social work in health care, while her research focus is on HIV and AIDS.  

Ms K Curtis
BA(SW)(Johannesburg) MSc(Evidence Based Social Intervention)(Oxford)  

Kirsten Curtis is a practice lecturer for first and third year social work students, as well as third-year practice coordinator, while research methodology is her field of expertise. Her research focus is on marginalized communities with an interest in race and diversity. She received her MSc in Evidence Based Social Intervention from The University of Oxford, United Kingdom and further completed the following two fellowships in the United Kingdom: The University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education, and University College London, Population Health and Epidemiology. Kirsten hopes to submit her PhD study later this year.

Ms J Sambo
BA SWK(NWU)MSW(Pretoria)  

Juliet Sambo is a practice lecturer responsible for practice supervision of social work students on first, second and third year levels.  She obtained her degree in social work (cum laude) from North West University and completed her masters’ degree in social work at the University of Pretoria. Her principal research interests lie in the field of human trafficking and its impact on children and women in South Africa. For her masters’ degree she completed a research study on the role of the social worker in the prevention of child trafficking in South Africa.  Her current research as a doctoral candidate, focuses on holistic intervention guidelines for women survivors of human trafficking in South Africa.

Recent publications:
Sambo, J. & Spies, G.M. 2012. The role of the social worker in the prevention of child trafficking in South Africa. Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk, 48(2):190-208.

Mr S Sibanda
HSW(Zimbabwe)MSW(Social Development & Policy)(Pretoria)

Sipho Sibanda is a practice lecturer responble for the practice supervision of social work students on first, second and fourth year levels.  Mr Sibanda obtained his honors in Social Work Degree (HSW) from the University of Zimbabwe.  His masters thesis was titled "Challenges faced by Social Workers working in child protection services in implementing the Children's Act 38/2005."  He is currently pursuing a PhD in Social Work at the University of Pretoria, where he intends to develop an integrated family reunification services model for children placed in alternative care by social workers working in child protection services. He is also a member of the Child Bill Working Group

Ms S van Jaarsveldt
BA(SW) MA(SW) BSocSci(Hons)(Psychology)(Pretoria)

Semantha van Jaarsveldt is a practice lecture for first and second year social work students. Her field of interest is on all spheres and aspects of children's development. Her research focus is on the following phenomena:  school anxiety and school refusal.

Social Christian Council:

Ms H E Klopper
BA(MW)(Stellenbosch) MDev UNIN (Polokwane)  

Helena Klopper is a practice lecturer for third year social work students. Her field of expertise focuses on families (foster care, family adoptions, family reunification, parenting skills), HIV and AIDS, and social development (upliftment of vulnerable communities). Helena is an external examiner at the Wits Business School for Project Management. This involves presentation of various community development programmes.

Recent presentations:

M. Coetzee-Spies & Klopper, H.E.  Building on HIV and AIDS prevention strategies: an integration of the bio-psychosocial systems. Poster presentation for 6th SA AIDS conference: Durban, June 2013.

Suid-Afrikaanse Vrouefederasie (SAVF):

Ms L Jordaan
BSW MSW(Play Therapy)(Pretoria)  

Leanne Jordaan is a practice lecturer for fourth year social work students. Her field of expertise in play therapy with children and her research interests are linked to working with children. She acts as practice coordinator for the students from Fordham University in the USA, who are involved in the Ubuntu Project of the University of Pretoria.

Mrs F Ndamba

BSW, MA (Health Care)

Felistus Ndamba is a lecturer in social work practice. She teaches first and third year social work practice within the context of individuals, families, groups and community. Her research interests are HIV and AIDS, oncology, social work development in less privileged communities, and the well- being of women in their families and community.


Prof C Bezuidenhout
BA BA(Hons) MA(Pretoria) MSc(Oxford) DPhil(Pretoria)  

Christiaan Bezuidenhout is an associate professor in the Department of Social Work and Criminology, University of Pretoria. He has a special interest in the transformation and service delivery of the South African Police Service, youth misbehaviour as well as the effective functioning of the criminal justice system. He teaches Psychocriminology, criminal justice and contemporary criminology on undergraduate and postgraduate level. Research Methodology and ethics, Psychocriminology, Policing issues and Youth Misbehaviour are some of his research foci. He is the coordinator of the Criminology Honours degree programme at the University of Pretoria, and has also supervised several postgraduate studies (MA and DPhil students). During his academic career he has published numerous scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals, authored chapters in various books and acted as editor-in-chief for different scholarly works. Participation in national and international conferences, active involvement in various community projects focusing on crime prevention, and assistance to the South African government in the development of different crime prevention initiatives are some of hisachievements. He was selected onto the executive committee and was elected the President of The Criminological and Victimological Society of Southern Africa (CRIMSA) [2015 – 2017].

Recent publications:

Bezuidenhout, C. 2017. Using police reserves to support the South African Police Service. In J Albrecht (ed.) Police services and volunteers: enhancing organizational effectiveness and public trust. USA, Boca Raton: CRC Press. 

Coetzee, L. & Bezuidenhout, C. 2017. Victim empathy of youth sex offenders in youth correctional centres. Acta Criminologica: Southern African Journal of Criminology, 30(4):55-71.

Moen, M.C. & Bezuidenhout, C. 2017. FAmiliemoord gepleeg deur kinders: 'n gevallestudie. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 57(4):990-1002.

Coetzee, L. & Bezuidenhout, C. 2016. An assessment of youth sex offender empathy levels for general victims of child-on-child sexual abuse. Child Abuse Research in South Africa, 17(1), 10-23.

Bezuidenhout, C. & Van Niekerk, G. 2015. Community engagement in Correctional Facilities: changing perceptions to make Correctional Centres sites of preference. Acta Criminologica: Southern African Journal of Criminology, 2:38-48.

Booyens, K. & Bezuidenhout, C. 2015. Sex, drugs and tattooing in correctional facilities and the relationship to STIS, HIV and AIDS. Acta Criminologica: Southern African Journal of Criminology, 1:144-159.

Bezuidenhout, C. 2014. Information security: They have all your information - They know it all. Servamus: Community-based Safety and Security Magazine, 107(1), 16-18.

Bezuidenhout, C. 2014. A Criminological Research Report and Prevention Strategy on Rhino Poaching, (54 pages) for the CSIR - Defence, Peace, Safety and Security Division (research and strategies accepted by the CSIR as part of a non-disclosure agreement)

Booyens, K. & Bezuidenhout, C. 2014. “An exploratory study of sex and rape behind bars in a South African prison.” International Criminal Justice Review 24(4), pp 377-391.

Lanier, M.M, Farrell, C.T. & Bezuidenhout, C. 2014. A Comparative Analysis of Human Trafficking Between the United States of America (USA) and the Republic of South Africa (RSA). International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, (3), 275-283.

Coertze, S. & Bezuidenhout, C. 2013. The perceptions of youths in early adolescence concerning the role obesity play in bullying. Child Abuse Research in South Africa, 14(1):67-81.

Bezuidenhout, C. & Wharren, M. 2013. An analysis of the probable association between narcissistic personality disorder and a rage-type Murder event (Part 1). Pakistan Journal of Criminology, 5(2):252-273.

Bezuidenhout, C. & Wharren, M. 2013. The role of Narcissistic Personality disorder in rage-type murder (Part2). Pakistan Journal of Criminology, 5(2):275-298.


Bezuidenhout, C. 2015. Intriguing paradox: the inability to keep South Africa safe and the successful hostig of mega global sporting events. In Albrecht, J., Dow, M., Plecas, D. & Das, E. (Eds) Policing major events: Perspectives from around the world. Boca Raton: CRC Press (Taylor and Francis Group), pp. 195-222.

Bezuidenhout, C. 2013. Formulating Hypotheses. In M.M. Lanier & L.T. Briggs (Eds.) Research methods in criminal justice and criminology: A Mixed Methods Approach. New York: Oxford University Press.

Bezuidenhout, C. 2013. ‘n Perspektief vanuit die Kriminologie [Hoofstuk 19: Nogmaals die Hangpaal]. In A. Blake. Moord en Roof: In die Kop van ‘n Baasspeurder. Kaapstad: Tafelberg.

Bezuidenhout, C. 2013. Introduction and operational definitions In C.Bezuidenhout (Ed.) Child and youth misbehaviour in South Africa: A holistic approach. 3rd ed. Pretoria: Van Schaik.

Booyens, K., Beukman, B. & Bezuidenhout, C. 2013. The nature and extent of child and youth misbehaviour in South Africa. In C. Bezuidenhout (Ed.) Child and youth misbehaviour in South Africa: A holistic approach. 3rd ed. Pretoria: Van Schaik.

Liese, J. & Bezuidenhout, C. 2013. The socio-moral redirection of troubled youth. In C. Bezuidenhout (Ed.) Child and youth misbehaviour in South Africa: A holisticapproach. 3rd ed. Pretoria: Van Schaik.

Joubert, S. & Bezuidenhout, C. 2013. Traditional theoretical explanations for youth misbehaviour. In C. Bezuidenhout (Ed.) Child and youth misbehaviour in South Africa: A holistic approach. 3rd ed. Pretoria: Van Schaik.

Joubert, S. & Bezuidenhout, C. 2013. Contemporary theoretical explanations for youth misbehaviour. In C. Bezuidenhout (Ed.) Child and youth misbehaviour in South Africa: A holistic approach. 3rd ed. Pretoria: Van Schaik.

Bezuidenhout, C. 2013. Concluding thoughts. In C.Bezuidenhout (Ed.) Child and youth misbehaviour in South Africa: A holistic approach. 3rd ed. Pretoria: Van Schaik.

Bezuidenhout, C. 2013. Oorsig van plaasaanvalle in Suid Afrika en die potensiële uitwerking daarvan op die samelewing. [Overview of farm attacks in South Africa and the potential influence thereof on society]. In Hermann, D., Van Zyl, C. & Nieuwoudt, I. (Eds.). Treurgrond: Die realiteit van plaasaanvalle, 1990 – 2012. Pretoria: Kraal Publishers.

Bezuidenhout, C. 2012. Legal and Ethical Issues in Mental Disorders. In A. Burke (Ed.) Abnormal Psychology. Cape Town: Oxford University Press.

Bezuidenhout, C. & Little, K. 2012. Juvenile Justice in South Africa: Challenges and Existing Processes. In Kratcoski, P.C. (Ed.) Juvenile Justice Administration. New York: CRC Press.

Dr K Booyens
BA BA(Hons)(Pretoria) MA(Cambridge) DPhil(Pretoria)

Karen Booyens is a lecturer in Criminology. Her field of expertise focuses on penology and economic offences. Her research focus is on corrections.  

Recent publications:  

Hesselink, A. & Booyens, K. 2017. The significance of criminological pre-sentence evaluation reports for rehabilitation policy and practice. Acta Criminologica: Southern African Journal of Criminology, 30(4):55-71.

Steyn, F. & Booyens, K. 2017. A profile of incarcerated female offenders: implications for rehabilitation policy and practice. Acta Criminologica: Southern African Journal of Criminology, 30(4):33-54.

Hesselink, A.E. & Booyens, K. 2016. When parents interchange love with abuse: An analysis of parental-child abuse for correctional intervention. Child Abuse Research: A South African Journal. Vol 17(2). (SAPSE)

Bougard, N.B. & Booyens, K. 2015. Adult female rape victims’ views about the Thuthuzela care centres: A South African multi-disciplinary service deliver model. Acta Criminologica: Southern African Journal of Criminology, Special Ediction (5):19-33.

Bougard, N.B., Booyens, K. & Ehlers, R. 2015. Adult female rape survivors’ views about the constitutional, human rights and compulsory HIV testing of alleged sex offenders. Acta Criminologica: Southern African Journal of Criminology,1(4):50-72.

Booyens, K. & Bezuidenhout, C. 2015. Sex, drugs and tattooing in correctional facilities and the relationship to STIS, HIV and AIDS. Acta Criminologica: Southern African Journal of Criminology,1:144-159.

Du Preez, J., Steyn, F. & Booyens, K. 2015. Risk factors and circumstances surrounding suicides in correctional centres in Gauteng, South Africa. Acta Criminologica: Southern African Journal of Criminology, 1(3):125-143.

Booyens, K. & Bezuidenhout, C. 2014. An exploratory study of sex and rape behind bars in a South African prison. International Criminal Justice Review 24(4), pp 377-391.

Hesselink, A & Booyens, K. 2014. Correctional Criminology: An Innovative South African Practice. Acta Criminologica: Southern African Journal of Criminology, Sp (1), pp 1-15.

Steyn, F., Booyens, K., Foster, H. & Ehlers, R. 2012. The crime-related views of first-year Criminology students attending two parallel-medium South African universities. CRIMSA Conference Special Edition, Vol 1, 2012. (DoE).

Booyens, K., Beukman, B. & Bezuidenhout, C. 2013. The nature and extent of child and youth misbehaviour in South Africa. In C. Bezuidenhout (Ed.) Child and youth misbehaviour: A holistic approach. 3rd ed. Pretoria: Van Schaik.  

Dr L Coetzee
BA BA(Hons) MA(Pretoria) DPhil Criminology(Pretoria)

Laetitia Coetzee is a lecturer in the Department of Social Work and Criminology. She holds a BA Law and an Honours and a Master's degree in Criminology (both cum laude). In addition she completed her DPhil Criminology degree in 2015. Her Master's degree focused on preventative measures aimed at restricting the use of the Internet as an avenue for initiating sexual activities with adolescents and the focus of her Doctoral thesis was on victim empathy in youth sex offenders. Her academic fields of interest are youth misbehaviour, sexual offending, victimology and penology.

Recent publications:

Coetzee, A. & Steyn, F. 2017. Workplace violence in private and public secondary schools in Tshwane, Gauteng. Acta Criminologica: Southern African Journal of Criminology,  30(3):29-45.

Coetzee, L. & Bezuidenhout, C. 2016. An assessment of youth sex offender empathy levels for general victims of child-on-child sexual abuse. CARSA, 17(1):10-23.

Coetzee, L. 2015. Victim empathy in youth sex offenders. Pretoria: University of Pretoria (DPhil Thesis.).

Da Costa, G., Spies, G.M. & Coetzee, L. 2014. Contributory factors to child on child sexual abuse:  Perceptions of diverted female youth sex offenders. Child Abuse Research:  A South African Journal, 15(2):35-50.

Coetzee, L. 2013. The prevention and control of youth misbehaviour in South Africa. In Bezuidenhout, C. (Ed.). Child and youth misbehaviour in South Africa: A holistic approach. 3rd ed. Pretoria: Van Schaik.

Ms HF Klopper
BA BA(Hons) MA(Pretoria)  

Ms Harriét Klopper holds a Masters degree in Criminology and has been a lecturer in Criminology at the University of Pretoria, Department of Social Work and Criminology for the past 26 years. Her academic fields of expertise include women offenders, Forensic criminalistics and research ethics. Her research focus is centred on women offenders and gender issues in Criminology.

Recent publications:

Steyn, F. & Klopper, H.F. 2015. Ubi vuimus, quo vadis Acta Criminologica? Acta Criminologica: Southern African Journal of Criminology, 1(5):1-18.

Steyn, F., Coetzee, A. & Klopper, H.F. 2015. A survey of car guards in Tshwane. South African Crime Quarterly, 22:15-24.

Klopper, H.F. 2013. Historical overview of female juvenile delinquency theories. In C. Bezuidenhout, (Ed.) Child and youth misbehaviour in South Africa: A holistic approach. 3rd ed. Pretoria: Van Schaik.

Klopper, H.F. 2011. The coordinating nature of forensic criminalistics. In C. Bezuidenhout (Ed.) A South African perspective on fundamental Criminology. Cape Town: Pearson Education.

Bezuidenhout, C. & Klopper, H.F. 2011. Violent crime in South Africa. In C. Bezuidenhout (Ed.) A South African perspective on fundamental Criminology. Cape Town: Pearson Education.

Ms R. Nunlall

BA BA(Hons) MA (Kwazulu Natal)

Reema Nunlall is a lecturer in criminology. She is a PhD candidate in the Discipline of Criminology and Forensic Studies at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), South Africa. She is a human rights activist and has a strong interest in gender-based violence, sexual offences, African culture and crime prevention and control. Reema engages in community projects and volunteers her time at non-governmental organisations (NGO’s). She is involved with the Advice Desk for the Abuse, Food for Life project in Durban and Sizabantwana project in Pietermaritzburg. Reema’s teaching interests revolve around crime prevention and control, criminal justice and contemporary crime issues in South Africa.


Gopal, N. & Nunlall, R. (2017). Interrogating the resilience of women affected by violence. Agenda, 31(2):63-73, DOI: 10.1080/10130950.2017.1379759.

Ms L. Sadiki

BA BA(Hons) MA (Pretoria)

Lufuno Sadiki is a lecturer in Criminology, lecturing Violent Crimes and Political Offences in the Department. Her academic field of expertise include victimisation of vulnerable groups. Her research focus is on the Africanisation of Criminology.

Dr F Steyn
BSocSc BSocSc(Hons)(Crim) MSocSc(Crim) PhD(Crim)(Free State)  

Dr Francois Steyn is a senior lecturer in Criminology, lecturing Theory, Methodology and Research in the Department of Social Work and Criminology. His academic career commenced as researcher at the Centre for Health Systems Research and Development at the University of the Free State, where he compiled and co-authored numerous research and technical reports for government and development agencies. In addition, he lectured research methodology at postgraduate level. He was also the acting director of the Centre for two years before taking up a lecturing position at the University of Pretoria. His publications span the domains of risk, vulnerability and wellbeing. The master and doctoral degrees he supervises include the themes of learner and educator safety, victimisation of vulnerable groups and female offenders.

Recent publications:

Coetzee, A. & Steyn, F. 2017. Workplace violence in private and public secondary schools in Tshwane, Gauteng. Acta Criminologica: Southern African Journal of Criminology,  30(3):29-45.

Steyn, F. & Booyens, K. 2017. A profile of incarcerated female offenders: implications for rehabilitation policy and practice. Acta Criminologica: Southern African Journal of Criminology, 30(4):33-54.

Steyn, F. 2016. Methylphenidate and poly-substance use among undergraduate students attending a South African university. South African Journal of Psychiatry, 22(1):a760.

Steyn, F., Coetzee, A. & Klopper, H.F. 2015. A survey of car guards in Tshwane. South African Crime Quarterly, 22:15-24.

Steyn, F. & Klopper, H.F. 2015. Ubi vuimus, quo vadis Acta Criminologica? Acta Criminologica, Special Edition 5:1-18.

Steyn, F. & Hall, B.R. 2015. Frequency and bio-demographic correlates of substance use among undergraduate students attending a double-medium university in South Africa. Acta Criminologica: Southern African Journal of Criminology, Special Edition 3:66-82.

Du Preez, J., Steyn, F. & Booyens, K. 2015. Risk factors and circumstances surrounding suicides in correctional centres in Gauteng, South Africa. Acta Criminologica, Special Edition 2:125-143.

Steyn, F. & Hall, B.R. 2015. Depression, anxiety and stress among incarcerated female offenders. Acta Criminologica: Southern African Journal of Criminology, Special Edition 1:82-99.

Steyn, F. & Lombard, A. 2013. Victims’ experiences of restorative mediation: a developmental social work perspective. Social Work / Maatskaplike Werk, 49(3): 332-353.

Steyn. F. 2013. Diversion. In Bezuidenhout, C. (Ed). Child and Youth Misbehaviour in South Africa. 3rd ed. Pretoria: Van Schaik.

Steyn, F. 2012. Challenges facing diversion strategies in meeting the diversion objectives of the Child Justice Act (75 of 2008). Acta Criminologica, Special Edition 2:76-86.

Steyn, F., Booyens, K., Foster, H. & Ehlers, R. 2012. The crime-related views of first-year Criminology students attending two parallel-medium South African universities. Acta Criminologica, Special Edition 2:26-37.

Steyn, F. & Louw, D.A. 2012. Recreation intervention with adolescent offenders: Prospects and challenges in the South African context. African Journal for Physical Health Education, Recreation and Dance, 18(2):420-430.

Steyn, F., Louw, D.A. & Van Rensburg, H.C.J. 2012. Mentoring children guilty of first-time minor offences: principles, benefits and limitations. Acta Academica, 44(4):106-133.

Van Rensburg, H.C.J., Heunis, J.C. & Steyn, F. 2012. Human resources for health and the health professions in South Africa. In Van Rensburg, H.C.J. (Ed). Health and Health Care in South Africa. Pretoria: Van Schaik.

Steyn, F. 2011. Consensual Crime. In Bezuidenhout, C. (Ed.) A South African Perspective on Fundamental Criminology. Cape Town: Pearson.


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