
Selected books by staff members

Buhlungu, Sakhela & Malehoko Tshoaedi (eds). 2012. COSATU's Contested Legacy: South African Trade Union in the Second Decade of Democracy. Cape Town: HSRC Press. 


Webster Edward, Rob Lambert & Andries Bezuidenhout. 2008. Grounding Globalization: Labour in the Age of Insecurity. Blackwell Publishers: Malden, USA, Oxford, UK and Carlton, Australia.
  • Winner of the best scholarly book award by the Labour and Labour Movements section of the American Sociological Association in 2008.


Hyslop, Jonathan. 2004. The Notorious Syndicalist: J.T. Bain: A Scottish Rebel in Colonial South Africa. Jacana: Johannesburg.


Recent journal articles

Bingma, Vangile (2013): Space and place in researching male early high school leaving in Orange Farm Township, South African Journal of Education, 33:3, 1-13

Mosoetsa, Sarah and Malehoko Tshoaedi (2013): COSATU retreating to the workplace in post-apartheid South Africa: What about community struggles? Rethinking Development and Inequality, 2, 28-46

Tshoaedi, Malehoko (2013): 'Gender [equality] will not happen in this family’: COSATU women’s experiences of gender struggles in their personal lives’, South African Review of Sociology, 44: 1, 72-86

Lambert, Rob, Edward Webster & Andries Bezuidenhout (2012): Global Labour Studies: The Crisis and an Emerging Research Agenda, Labor History, 53: 2, 297-303 (Response to book symposium on Grounding Globalisation.)

Bezuidenhout, Andries & Sakhela Buhlungu (2011): From Compounded to Fragmented Labour: Mineworkers and the Demise of Compounds in South Africa, Antipode, 43: 2, 237-263.

Bezuidenhout, Andries & Søren Jeppesen (2011): Between market, state and society: Labour codes of conduct in the southern African garment industry, Development Southern Africa, 28:5, 653-668

Du Plessis, Irma (2011): Nation, Family, Intimacy: The Domain of the Domestic in the Social Imaginary, South African Review of Sociology, 42:2, 45-65

Grobbelaar, Janis & Kammila Naidoo (2011): Development, inequality and social justice in southern Africa, Development Southern Africa, 28:5, 595-596

Hyslop, Jonathan (2011): An “Eventful” History of Hind Swaraj: Gandhi between the Battle of Tsushima and the Union of South Africa, Public Culture, 23:2, 299-319

Hyslop, Jonathan (2011): The Invention of the Concentration Camp: Cuba, Southern Africa and the Philippines, 1896-1907, South African Historical Journal, 63:2, 251-276

Mohamed Abdi, Cawo (2011): Moving beyond xenophobia: Structural violence, conflict and encounters with the ‘other’ Africans, Development Southern Africa, 28:5, 691-704

Naidoo, Kammila, Rachel Matsie & Angela Ochse (2011): ‘Resting’, AIDS affliction and marital constraints: Engendered livelihood issues in the aftermath of Lesotho mineworker retrenchments, Development Southern Africa, 28:5, 681-689

Ochse, Angela (2011): ‘Real Women’ and ‘Real Lesbians’: Discourses of Heteronormativity amongst a Group of Lesbians, South African Review of Sociology, 42:1, 3-20

Puttergill, Charles, Nolunkcwe Bomela, Janis Grobbelaar & Khumisho Moguerane (2011): The limits of land restitution: Livelihoods in three rural communities in South Africa, Development Southern Africa, 28:5, 597-611


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