How do I join & what are the costs?


TuksSquash is an open club and anyone may join  (not only UP students, staff and Alumni).

Apply online: 
Students & staff
Guests/ Public

All members must pay the applicable membership fees.

Membership Fees for UP Students:  R 500.00 / year
Membership Fees for UP Staff/Alumni: 
R 800.00 / year
Membership Fee for non-UP Staff 
R 1000.00 / year



Additional Fees:

NSA League Fees: R 250.00 / year (TuksSquash will invoice players individually)

Court booking stickers: (You need to present your student/staff card when making these purchases)

    1) Students/Staff/Alumni who are non-members: R 10.00 per sticker per player (drop-in only, no pre-

    2) Members: R 2.50 per sticker per player (members can pre-book)

Court stickers can be purchased from the TuksSport Reception/Information Desk.




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