
Welcome to the University of Pretoria's General Surgery

He who combines the knowledge of physiology and surgery, in addition to the artistic side of his subject reaches the highest ideal in medicine – Christian Albert Theodor Billroth

Our beautiful healing (surgical) craft is best acquired and nurtured through constant continuous critical intellectual development and honing of dexterity.

To be the best Academic Department of Surgery in the region

Practise best clinical surgery whatever the circumstances
To train medical practioners of the future

To create conductive learning environment
To produce safe medical practitioners in Surgical Emergency
To produce competent doctors in their chosen field
To train critical thinkers and learners with ability to adopt and adapt new knowledge

Till our best is the best
Should strive to practise best evidence-based surgery at all time

It is a most gratifying sign of the rapid progress of our time that our best text-books become antiquated so quickly - Christian Albert Theodor Billroth

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