Tax@Tuks Golf Day and Networking Event

Posted on May 13, 2014

The aim of this event was to create an environment suitable for students to network with all the participating firms in an informal environment. We wanted to provide the students with an opportunity to network and gain knowledge/ interest about what firms look for in potential employees, in addition there was an opportunity for the firms to gain additional exposure and let students know about being potentially developed in their respective firms.

Moreover, we would like to thank and give the necessary recognition to our fantastic sponsors. Among them are KPMG, SAIT, Old Mutual, DLA Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr, Playmore Golf, Sorbet, Ernst & Young and Supra-photography.

Without the help of our Sponsors this day would not have been possible.

Students Response to the Day

Many of the students who were in attendance at either the networking conference or participating in the golf found the day to be an incredible opportunity to network with firms in an informal environment.

“The Tax@Tuks golf day was a truly one of a kind experience, as it let students mingle with members of firms in a relaxed environment. The casual and fun setting of the event sparked conversations between firms and students that don't normally take place when the firms come to varsity. I enjoyed the fact that there were games which involved both the firms and the students. These games acted as an ice-breaker and started conversations in a relaxed environment. This level of interaction was unique. I have been to many networking events, but the way that Tax@Tuks did it was something I have never experienced before”.

Timmy Ramlugaan, 3rd year BCom Accounting Student

“A well run event with astounding networking opportunities”.

Ruan Alexander van der Laan, 3rd year BCom Law student

“The day was a good success; being greeted with a goodie bag started the day off well. The networking sessions were informative and it was easy to access the different companies.”

Megan Prinsloo, 3rd year BCom Marketing Student

“It was a lovely experience networking with different people from similar fields of study. It was different being out of the confines of our academic environment and instead giving us the chance to network on a more social and relaxed level, not just with peers but also prestigious firms from around the country. I hope this is the starting point of growth and development of many more wonderful experiences such as this.”

Rizqah Carrim LLB Student

“The day was an ultimate success! The organisers were friendly, I felt welcome and happy to be a part of it. At almost every third hole we were spoilt by sponsors who were present on the tee box. I also learnt about many firms that I did not even know about, nor that they applied to my degree. Full marks to the Tax@Tuks team”.

Jarryd Vliegenhardt student

“A great initiative and, opportunity for students”.

Juanita Venter, Lecturer in the Department of Taxation, University of Pretoria

Firms Response to the Day

Tax@Tuks have had very positive verbal response from firms such as KPMG, BDO and SAIT stating that the event was a great success for the first of its kind. There was encouraging feedback not only on the organisation of the event, but also on the Network opportunities that were available for the students and companies alike.

“Impressed by the organisation of the event, there were very good opportunities when it came to networking with the students, and also with other firms. Well pulled together event, with a wonderful turnout for a first-time event”.

OPM Finance

“The Event was great for brand awareness and to interact with students. Wewere afforded the opportunity to sign students and provide training contracts. In future, please invite CTA honours students and more Accounting Students because we are an Auditing firm that caters for students in the CA stream. We were glad to be part of such an initiative and hope to be invited to more events.”


EC of Tax@Tuks Comment on the Day

“Based on the feedback we have received, both from students and the participating firms the event was a great success for a first-time event. We are hoping that we have begun a tradition for Tax@Tuks of annually hosting such an event, as the opportunities created and the experience which has come out of this event, for the students, the firms and the Executive Committee is timeless and a Legacy we wish to pass on to other young taxation minds”. 


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