Anthem of the Republic

From dawn till dusk we’ll toil at our character 
So from dusk till dawn we may be strong 
The men of Olienhout together as one 
Against ourselves we’ve overcome 
Ka di nako tse pula, le tsa lefifi 
(In times of rain and in times of darkness) 
Re tlwela re thuka re le bahlompeng 
(We will forever shine as we are gentlemen) 
Re tha dula re le banna ba Olienhout 
(We stay the men of Olienhout) 
Want na ure se swottings en sorge 
(After hours of studying and worrying) 
Tot hul verbasing het ons dit verder gemaak 
(we made it further than they thought) 
Ons is die manne van Olienhout 
(We are the men of Olienhout)

- Author Lufuno Mathivha

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