General Information Established in 2008

1. What type of residence is this?


  • This is an academically orientated residence that caters for students who are serious about their studies and prefer to live in a commune-type environment

  • Activities are structured differently than in traditional residences

  • Mixed (ladies and men) residence and accommodates students from first year up to post graduate level. The residence however does not accommodate married students.

  • Self catering

  • Green campus: this is the only residence that takes part in a recycling programme.

2. Is this residence for me?

If you are a serious academic student who wants to do your own thing and not be bothered by traditional organised student sport, cultural and other formalised activities like in the other University residences, then this Res is for you.

TuksVillage does not take part in rag or ienkmelodienk.


3. What can I expect?

This residence consists of 10 separate blocks with 4 floors each and two units per floor. Each unit consist of 8 single rooms with communal bathroom and toilet facilities, a kitchen and living space.

You will therefore have your own room but share a communal living environment with 7 other students.

4. What facilities are available?


  • Single rooms with blinds.

  • Communal bathroom per 8 rooms.

  • IT mini lab.

  • Recreation Hall in the Village centre

  • Laundry

  • Study Centre

  • Mini market concept that also provides a meal of the day. Students can buy frozen meals and other fresh produce. Payment only with studentcard

  • Self-catering kitchen per 8 rooms equipped with fridge, stove and microwave

  • Lounge/dining room per 8 rooms.

  • Access control.

  • Internet connection in every room.

  • Free bus shuttle service to the Hatfield Campus.

  • We have 5 dedicated rooms for disabled students


5. Management



  • The residence is managed by two Heads of the Residence and a Student Management Council

  • The rules and regulations for University residences also apply on TuksVillage however some rules are additional and others adapted to suit the special features of the residence.

  • This is a value driven residence. We are directed by our Code of Conduct.

  • Compulsory first year programme

  • Mentors programme for first year students

6. Who can apply?


  • Prospective first-year students  

  • Senior students

  • Postgraduate students


7. Where to apply?


  • Application forms are available at the Client Service Centre (CSC) or

  • Per e-mail: [email protected].


8. What are the criteria?


  •  Academic merit.

  • Current registered students: 50 % average to qualify for consideration.

  • Prospective students: academic merit on grounds of grade 11 m-score.


9. Accommodation Fees 

  • Approximately 10 % more than traditional residences.


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