Residence Management

TuksVillage do not have a House Committee like all other residences, but is managed by the RMC. The RMC is not elected like in other residences but are appointed after a process of nominations and interviews

1. Structure of the RMC

1.1 Exco:

  • Heads of Residence
  • Chair
  • Deputy Chair
  • Secretary & Treasurer 
  • Village Centre Manager

 1.2 RMC:

  • Chair
  • Deputy Chair
  • Secretary & Treasurer 
  • Village Centre Manager
  • 20 x Members
  • Heads of Residence

2.       Block Mangers and Portfolios

2.1.    Each block (10) will have two block mangers: one male and one female

2.2.    Chair, vice-chair and two RMC members will not be block managers

2.3.    Chair and vice-chair will be responsible for overseeing the activities of the various portfolios

2.4.    The two RMC members which are not block managers will be the Secretary & Treasurer and the Village Centre Manager

2.5.    The block managers are divided into the following portfolio teams:

  • Marketing
  • Academic
  • Social
  • Sport
  • Culture
  • IT
  • Environment & Outreach

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