


Over the years the Centre has completed several projects in accordance to partnership mandates and individual commercial projects.  A list of these projects are provided below:



  • Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis for Three Tailings Dams of Mopani Copper Mines, Zambia.
  • Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis for a tailings facility in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
  • Seismic Hazard and Risk Assessment for South Africa.
  • Specialist opinion on the technical integrity of a tailings report (private client).
  • Probabilistic Seismic Hazard and Risk Assessment for the Gauteng Province. A joint project with the Council for Geosciences, South Africa.
  • Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis for Beira Port, Mozambique.
  • Preliminary Hail Risk Model for South Africa (continuation of the development of theory).
  • Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment from incomplete and uncertain historical catalogues with application to tsunamigenic regions in the Pacific Ocean. 
  • Preliminary Hail Risk Model for South Africa.
  • Development of methodology and computer codes for Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment.
  • Review of the 2014 Orkney Seismic Event: Impact on Socio-economic standing as well as on the Housing of the Reconstruction and Development Program (RDP). (In conjunction with UKZN and NWU).
  • Development of various earthquake stochastic event sets (catalogues) for South Africa and eastern Africa.
  • Assessment of expected damage to most representative buildings in the Johannesburg CBD.
  • Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis In “Towards Assessing the Environmental Quality within the Royal Bafokeng Nation”.
  • Model of the Modified Mercalli intensity attenuation accounting for azimuthal dependence. Application to 2015 Orkney seismic event.
  • Estimation of Earthquake Hazard Parameters from Incomplete Data Files: Incorporation if Uncertainty of Earthquake-Occurrence Model - Theoretical background. 
  • Possible effect of hydraulic fracturing on seismic hazard in South Africa. Water Research Commission Project K5/2149: Development of an interactive vulnerability map and preliminary screening level monitoring protocol to assess the potential environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing. (In conjunction with the UFS).
  • Water Research Commission: Development of an Interactive Vulnerability Map and Preliminary Screening Level Monitoring Protocol for Assessing the Potential Environment Impact of Hydraulic Fracturing (UFS and ABNHC). – This is a project with the UFS.
  • Operational risk: measurement inefficiencies and extreme loss modelling.
  • Probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment from incomplete historic catalogues: application in the Mediterranean region
  • Site-effect in Terms of Intensity for South Africa.
  • Seismic Hazard Assessment for Tsunami-Generating Areas that Potentially Threatens Coastal South Africa.
  • Seismic Hazard Parameters and Synthetic Seismic Event Catalogue for Eastern Africa.
  • Council for Geoscience: Perform Risk Assessment due to Seismic Activity for Different Types of Building Classes in the Johannesburg CBD.
  • New Generation of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard and Risk Map for South Africa.
  • Assessment of seismic hazard and risk in the eThikwini (Durban) Municipality.
  • Risk assessment due to seismic activity for different types of building classes in the Johannesburg CBD.
  • Improved Mmax Estimation Methodology.
  • Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis based on Largest Tsunami Observations – Theoretical Background.
  • Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis for Chile (based on largest earthquakes).
  • AngloGold Ashanti: Report on the Area Characteristic Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis for Six AGA Mines (Individually) as well as for the West Wits and Vaal Area.
  • Report on Vulnerability Assessment Methodologies (Phase I).
  • Site Effect Assessment for Major Metropolitan Cities in South Africa (Correction Term for the Modified Mercalli Intensity).
  • New Generation Synthetic Seismic Event Catalogue for South Africa.
  • Area-Characteristic Seismic Hazard for Harare, Zimbabwe.
  • Probable Maximum Loss Calculation for Cape Town based on the Milnerton and Tulbagh-Ceres Earthquakes.
  • Probable Maximum Loss Calculation for Cape Town.
  • Area-Characteristic Seismic Hazard Analysis for the Durban CBD.
  • Seismic Hazard Analysis for Johannesburg
  • Comparison of Seismic Activity of Johannesburg Area during the Period 2000/01/01-2005/06/03 and 2005/07/01-2010/12/31 (Preliminary Results).
  • Everest RE: Seismic Risk Assessment for the Cresta Zones in South Africa.
  • Ibero Maghreb Seismic Hazard Parameters and Synthetic Catalogue.
  • South Africa Earthquake Modelling.
  • Seismic Risk Assessment of 100 Largest Dams in South Africa.
  • Development of Methodology for Probabilistic Seismic and Risk Assessment based on Compound Distributions.
  • Analysis of Peak Ground Acceleration from Largest Earthquakes.
  • Attenuation Models for South Africa.



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