
Chapters in books

Kijko, A., Kahle, B., Smit, A., Esterhuyse, E., Glazewski, J. (2016) Hydraulic Fracturing, Waster Water Pumping and Seismicity.  Chapter 13 in Proposed Hydraulic Fracturing in the Karoo: Critical Perspectives, Jan Glazewski (ed) Juta and Co, Cape Town.

Kijko, A. (2011) Seismic Hazard in Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics Vol 1 (1st Edition). Edited by H.K. Gupta. Springer, pp 1107-1120.

 Gibowicz, S.J., and Kijko, A. (1994). An Introduction to Mining Seismology Academic Press, San Diego.

Kijko, A. (1996). Statistical Methods in Mining Seismology (1996). South African Geophysical Association, Johannesburg, 1996.


Editor of book

Ismail-Zadeh A, Fucugauchi JU, Kijko A, Takeuchi K, Zaliapin I, editors. Extreme natural hazards, disaster risks and societal implications. Cambridge University Press; 2014 Apr 17.


Popular publication

Fracking and earthquakes: weighing up the dangers in South Africa. A Kijko, S. Esterhuyse, A. Smit. Conversations Africa online article. 


Publications in National and International Journals

Kijko, A., Smit, A., Papadopoulos, G.A., Navikova, T. (2018). Tsunami Hazard Assessment of Coastal South Africa Based on Mega-Earthquakes of Remote Subduction Zones.  Pure Appl. Geophys. (2018) 175 (4), 1287-1304.

Afegbua, K.U., Ezomo, F.O., Osahon, O.D., Kijko. A., Smit, A., Dimas, V-A. (2018). Tectonic activities of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Implication of Seismicity in West African Region. Journal of Scientific Research & Reports. 18(4), 1-17.

Esterhuyse, S., Avenant, M., Redelinghuys, N., Kijko, A., Glazewski, J., Plit, L., Kemp, M., Smit, A. and Vos, A.T., (2018). Monitoring of unconventional oil and gas extraction and its policy implications: A case study from South Africa. Energy Policy, 118, pp.109-120.

Vermeulen P, Kijko A. (2017). More statistical tools for maximum possible earthquake magnitude estimation. Acta Geophysica. 2017 Aug 1;65(4):579-87.

Liebenberg, K., Smit, A., Coetzee, S. and Kijko, A., (2017). A GIS approach to seismic risk assessment with an application to mining-related seismicity in Johannesburg, South Africa. Acta Geophysica, pp.1-13.

Kijko, A., Smit, A. and Sellevoll, M.A., (2017). Reply to “Comment on ‘Estimation of Earthquake Hazard Parameters from Incomplete Data Files. Part III. Incorporation of Uncertainty of Earthquake‐Occurrence Model’by Andrzej Kijko, Ansie Smit, and Markvard A. Sellevoll” by Gert Zöller. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (2017) 107 (4): 1979-1982..

Smit, A., Kijko, A. and Stein, A., (2017). Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment from Incomplete and Uncertain Historical Catalogues with Application to Tsunamigenic Regions in the Pacific Ocean. Pure and Applied Geophysics, pp.1-17.

Beirlant, J., Kijko, A., Reynkens, T. and Einmahl, J.H., (2017). Estimating the maximum possible earthquake magnitude using extreme value methodology: the Groningen case. Natural Hazards, pp.1-23.

Kijko, A. and Smit, A. (2017). Estimation of the Frequency–Magnitude Gutenberg–Richter b‐Value without Making Assumptions on Levels of Completeness. Seismological Research Letters, 88(2A), pp.311-318.

Saunders, I., Kijko, A. and Fourie, C.J.S., (2016). Statistical evaluation of seismic event location accuracy by the South African National Seismograph Network over four decades. South African Journal of Geology, 119(1), pp.291-304.

Kijko, A., Smit, A. and Sellevoll, M.A., (2016). Estimation of earthquake hazard parameters from incomplete data files. Part III. Incorporation of uncertainty of earthquake‐occurrence model. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 106(3), pp.1210-1222.

Hamdache, M., Peláez, J.A., Kijko, A. and Smit, A. (2016). Energetic and spatial characterization of seismicity in the Algeria–Morocco region. Natural Hazards, Vol 86, pp273-293.

Esterhuyse, S., Avenant, M., Redelinghuys, N., Kijko, A., Glazewski, J., Plit, L., Kemp, M., Smit, A., Vos, A.T. and Williamson, R. (2016). A review of biophysical and socio-economic effects of unconventional oil and gas extraction–Implications for South Africa. Journal of Environmental Management, 184, pp.419-430.

Du Plessis, I., Liebenberg, K., Smit, A., Coetzee, S., Kijko, A. (2015) Preliminary investigation into the cause of acid mine water induced seismicity in Johannesburg. South African Journal of Geomatics, Vol. 4, No. 3, August 2015, pp299-308.

Kijko, A., Smit, A., Van De Coolwijk, N. (2015). A scenario approach to estimate the maximum foreseeable loss for buildings due to an earthquake in Cape Town. SAAJ 15, pp1-30.

T. Pule, C.J.S. Fourie, A. Kijko and V. Midzi (2015) Comparison and Quantitative Study of Vulnerability/Damage Curves in South Africa. South African Journal of Geology. 118(4), pp.335-354.

Esterhuyse, S. , Avenant , M. , Watson, M. , Redelinghuy S,N. , Kijko, A. , Glazewski , J ., Plit, L,A., Kemp, M., Smit, A., Sokolic, F. , Vos, A.T. , Reynolds, D., Von Maltitz , M. , Van Tol, J., Bragg, C., Van Soelen, B. and Ouzman, S. (2014). Development of an interactive vulnerability map and monitoring framework to assess the potential environmental impact of unconventional oil and gas extraction by means of hydraulic fracturing. WRC Report No. 2149/1/14. ISBN 9781431205899.

Paasche, H, Eberle, D, Das, S, Cooper, A, Debba, P, Dietrich, P, Dudeni-Thlone, N, Glasser, C, Kijko, A, Knobloch, A, Lausch, A, Meyer, U, Smit, A, Stettler, A and Werban, U. (2013). Are Earth Sciences lagging behind in data integration methodologies? Environmental Earth Sciences, vol. 71, pp 1997-2003.

Karimiparidari, S, Zaré, M, Memarian, H & Kijko, A. (2013), Iranian earthquakes, a uniform catalog with moment magnitudes, Journal of Seismology, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 897-911.

Kijko, A. (2012) On Bayesian procedure for maximum earthquake magnitude estimation. Research in Geophysics, Vol 2, e7, pp46-51.

Kijko, A., Smit, A. (2012) Extension of the Aki-Utsu b-value Estimator for Incomplete Catalogs. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am, Vol 102, No 3, pp. 1283–1287.

Kijko, A. (2011) Seismic Hazard in Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics Vol 1 (1st Edition). Edited by H.K. Gupta. Springer, pp 1107-1120.

Tsapanos, T.M., G.Ch. Koravos, V.Z. Michael, T. Tsapanos, A.N. Kortsari and A. Kijko, (2011). Deterministic seismic hazard analysis for the city of Corinth-central Greece. Journal of the Balkan Geophysical Society, Vol. 14, No. 1, March 2011, p. 1-14.

Singh, M., Kijko, A., van den Berg, L. (2011). Seismic risk ranking for large dams in South Africa. ACTA GEOPHYSICA Volume: 59 Issue: 1 Pages: 72-90.

Kijko, A., Singh, M., (2011). Statistical tools for maximum possible earthquake magnitude estimation Acta Geophysica, 59, 4, pp 674-700.

Singh, M., Kijko, A., Durrheim, R. (2011). First-order regional seismotectonic model for South Africa Nat.Hazards 59, 1, pp 383-400.  

Heidarzadeh, M., Kijko A., A probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment for the Makran Subduction Zone at the Northwestern Indian Ocean. (2011). Nat Hazards, Vol 56 Issue: 3 577-593.  

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