How do I join & What are the costs?

The membership fees for TuksVolleyball in 2019 are R750.00, for Masters R350.00 and Volleyball Development R600.00 (01 January - 31 December).

All volleyball players, regardless of whether they are in the women's and men's teams or in the social sessions, are expected to register as a full member.

A player is expected to have registered and paid in full within 30 days of first joining any TuksVolleyball training session. Failure to do so will result in the player not being allowed back into training.

Apply online: 
Students & staff
Guests/ Public


Membership fee includes:

  • Access to the training facility and coaching
  • Participation in USSA tournaments (excludes tournament fees)
  • Participation in Varsity Sports (excludes tournament fees)





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