RAG stands for Reach Out And Give.

RAG is one of the biggest events at the University of Pretoria with the main aim to better the lives of underprivileged people. RAG is also known as 'Jool' and every lady’ residence gets to work with a male residence. In 2017, Zinnia will be working with Sonop. Every year we combine Zinnia’s name with our RAG partners’. This year the Zinnia and Sonop partnership will be known as: “Suit-a-Bell” – this is a play on the word suitable and refers to the fact that Sonop men wear suits and to Tinkerbell.

Under RAG we work on many projects, the projects include:

  • "Blikskud" – when students raise money for our charity projects.
  • Long-term projects – Charity projects that last for longer than a year.
  • Short-term projects – Charity projects which have a short lifespan, possibly only 1 or 2 visits.
  • Zoep Week – A week that is used to impress your new RAG partner at the end of the year when new partners are given.

Zoep Week

During this week we have loads of fun decorating our RAG partners residence in the morning before they wake up with all sorts or decorations. Every day of this week we meet with our rag partners and do something special and fun with them, to make the next term with them super exciting, and to amp everyone up.


Zinnia Fun Run

In 2016 Zinnia hosted a Fun Run for the first time at the Voortrekker Monument. A lot of money was raised for the Hanna Empowerment and Charity Foundation. It was an exciting and fun event and one that was a great way to get people exercising as well!


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