Postgraduate modules

ANE 771 - Anaesthesiology 771 – 4 credits
Advanced theoretical training on a species-orientated basis, including domestic animals (horses, dogs and cats), birds, laboratory animals and wildlife species. The module covers the latest techniques in anaesthetizing compromised animals and the use of total intravenous anaesthetic techniques, positive pressure ventilation, peripheral muscle relaxants and monitor apparatus.
ANE 772 - Anaesthesiology 772 – 4 credits
Advanced theoretical training on a species-orientated basis, including domestic animals, production animals (ruminants and pigs), birds, laboratory animals and wildlife species. The module covers the latest techniques in anaesthetizing compromised animals and the use of total intravenous anaesthetic techniques, positive pressure ventilation, peripheral muscle relaxants and monitor apparatus.
ANE 800 - Anaesthesiology 800 – 4 credits
Advanced theoretical and practical experiential training in the administration of local and general anaesthetics on a species-orientated basis. The module covers the structure and functioning of inhalation anaesthesia and monitor apparatus, the latest use of total intravenous anaesthetic techniques, positive pressure ventilation, peripheral muscle relaxants and the techniques and equipment employed for the immobilization of game. Theoretical training includes the attendance of postgraduate seminars in Anaesthesiology at the School of Medicine.
CHR 703 - Surgery: Small Animals 703 – 7 credits
Advanced theoretical study of small animal surgery.
CHR 704 - Surgery: Horses 704 – 8 credits
Advanced theoretical study of equine surgery.
CHR 705 - Surgery 705 – 3 credits
Applicable aspects of general surgery and biomaterial science, anaesthesiology and diagnostic imaging.
CHR 706 - Surgery 706 – 5 credits
Aspects of general and abdominal surgery, anaesthesiology and diagnostic imaging applicable to advanced studies in reproduction (all species).
CHR 803 - Surgery 803
Advanced theoretical, practical and experiential module in small animal surgery.
CHR 804 - Surgery 804
Advanced theoretical, practical and experiential module in equine surgery.
DIM 781 - Radiology: Dogs and Cats 781 – 6 credits
Advanced study of radiology of dogs and cats. The module extends over a period of one year. Approximately 18 lectures/group discussions are presented fortnightly on radiographic images and the presentation of 2 case reports. The pathophysiology, diagnosis and prognosis of pathological conditions are discussed, as well as ways in which this field of study is linked to other diagnostic methods in order to confirm a diagnosis.The module is normally only presented in alternate years.
DIM 782 - Ultrasound: Dogs and Cats: Non-radiological Diagnostic Imaging of Dogs and Cats 782 – 4 credits
Advanced study in non-radiological diagnostic imaging of dogs and cats. The module extends over a period of about 8 months. Approximately 12 lectures/group discussions are presented fortnightly on Wednesday mornings. Approximately 76% is allocated to diagnostic ultrasound; 8% to MRI, CT and Scintigraphy each respectively. Training is done mainly by means of interactive lectures and discussions and practical interpretation of a variety of images and the presentation of 2 case reports.
The pathophysiology, diagnosis and prognosis of pathological conditions are discussed, as well as ways in which this field of study is linked to other diagnostic methods in order to confirm a diagnosis.
The module is normally only presented in alternate years.
DIM 783 - Radiology: Horses 783 – 5 credits
Advanced study of radiology of horses. The module extends over a period of one year. Approximately 16 lectures/group discussions are presented fortnightly on Wednesday mornings. Training is done mainly by means of practical interpretation of radiographic images and the presentation of 2 case reports. The pathophysiology, diagnosis and prognosis of pathological conditions are discussed as well as ways in which this field of study relates to other diagnostic methods used to confirm a diagnosis. The module is normally only presented in alternate years.
DIM 785 - Radiology: Ruminants 785 – 2 credits
Advanced study of radiology of ruminants. The module extends over a period of Wednesday mornings for about 4 months. Approximately 4 lectures/group discussions are presented fortnightly on Wednesday mornings. Training is done mainly by means of practical interpretation of radiographic images and the presentation of 2 case reports. The pathophysiology, diagnosis and prognosis of pathological conditions are discussed as well as ways in which this field of study relates to other diagnostic methods in order to confirm a diagnosis. The module is normally only presented on request.
DIM 786 - Ultrasound: Ruminants 786 Non-radiological Diagnostic Imaging of Ruminants 786 – 4 credits
Advanced study in non-radiological diagnostic imaging of ruminants. The module extends over a period of about 9 months. Approximately 13 lectures/group discussions/practicals are presented fortnightly on Wednesday mornings. Approximately 85% is allocated to diagnostic ultrasound; 5% to MRI, CT and Scintigraphy each respectively. Training is done mainly by means of interactive lectures and discussions and practical interpretation of a variety of images and the presentation of 2 case reports. The pathophysiology, diagnosis and prognosis of pathological conditions are discussed, as well as ways in which this field of study is linked to other diagnostic methods in order to confirm a diagnosis. The module is normally only presented on request.
DIM 870 - Diagnostic Imaging 870
Advanced study of small and large animal radiography, radiology, ultrasonography, scintigraphy, magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography: with a view to specialization. Literature study and a minimum of 90 weeks practical work are also required.
GEN 702 - Small Animal Medicine 702 – 8 credits
Advanced theoretical study in small animal medicine. Study of the conditions of internal organs is not included in this module. The module may include selected practical aspects.
GEN 703 - Equine Medicine 703 – 9 credits
Advanced theoretical study in equine medicine. The module may include selected practical aspects.
GEN 707 - Small Animal Medicine 707 – 9 credits
Advanced theoretical study in small animal medicine specifically applicable to conditions of the internal organs. The module may include selected practical aspects.
GEN 709 - Small Animal Behavioural Medicine 709 – 7 credits
Broad based theoretical and selected practical training in small animal behavioural medicine aimed at the provision of a high standard of clinical services in aspects of small animal behavioural medicine.
GEN 802 - Equine Medicine 802
Advanced training in organ, metabolic and deficiency diseases of equines. Pathophysiology, diagnostic and treatment methods are emphasized.
GEN 803 - Small Animal Medicine 803
Advanced theoretical and practical training in organ, metabolic and deficiency diseases of small animals. Pathophysiology, diagnostic and treatment methods are emphasized.
KDK 800 - Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics 800
Advanced training in veterinary clinical laboratory diagnostics including theoretical as well as practical knowledge of clinical biochemistry, clinical endocrinology, haematology, cytology, capita selecta aspects of: diagnostic bacteriology; diagnostic virology; diagnostic immunology; diagnostic protozoology; diagnostic toxicology and diagnostic parasitology; quality control; applied biometry; electronics/optics of laboratory equipment, and computer use.
KPA 701 - Clinical Pathology 701 – 6 credits
Advanced study in clinical pathology including enzymology, cytology, haematology as well as clinical pathology of the kidney.
KPA 702 - Clinical Pathology 702 – 5 credits
Advanced study in clinical pathology including blood-gas and acid-base balance, gastro-enterology, haemostasis, diagnostic indices and principles.
KPA 703 - Clinical Pathology C.S. 703 – 3 credits
Advanced study in clinical pathology covering a selection (capita selecta) of three (3) topics from KPA 701 and KPA 702, above.
OFT 700 - Ophthalmology 700 – 6 credits
A year module consisting of eight theoretical and two practical sessions on ophthalmology of domestic animals (large and small animals). The module covers the anatomy and physiology of the eye and its adnexa, examination techniques and aids, ocular therapeutics and treatment techniques, surgical and non-surgical conditions of the orbit, eyelids, third eyelid, conjunctiva, lachrymal system, cornea, sclera, anterior chamber, uvea lens, vitreous and retina, and hereditary diseases. Practical work includes the use of instrumentation and accessories during examination and surgical procedures.
OFT 701 - Ophthalmology: Small Animals 701 – 3 credits
A semester module consisting of eight theoretical and two practical sessions on ophthalmology of small animals. The module covers the anatomy and physiology of the eye and its adnexa, examination techniques and aids, ocular therapeutics and treatment techniques, surgical and non-surgical conditions of the orbit, eyelids, third eyelid, conjunctiva, lachrymal system, cornea, sclera, anterior chamber, uvea lens, vitreous and retina, and hereditary diseases. Practical work includes the use of instrumentation and accessories during examination and surgical procedures.
OFT 702 - Ophthalmology: Large Animals 702 – 3 credits
A semester module consisting of eight theoretical and two practical sessions on ophthalmology of large animals. The module covers the anatomy and physiology of the eye and its adnexa, examination techniques and aids, ocular therapeutics and treatment techniques, surgical and non-surgical conditions of the orbit, eyelids, third eyelid, conjunctiva, lachrymal system, cornea, sclera, anterior chamber, uvea lens, vitreous and retina, and hereditary diseases. Practical work includes the use of instrumentation and accessories during examination and surgical procedures.
OFT 800 - Ophthalmology 800
An advanced theoretical, practical and experiential module in ophthalmology of domestic animals (large and small animals).
VET 800 - Veterinary Ethology 800 (under revision)

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