Research Facilities

  • World-class sensory science laboratory facility
  • UP-Labworld Food Research Laboratory
  • Food microbiology lab
  • Pilot plants

UP-Labworld Food Research Laboratory

The UP-Labworld Food Research laboratory is an analytical laboratory specialising in food research. It was established in November 2010 in conjunction with LABWORLD PTY LTD. The lab is mainly used by postgraduate students, but also for work with other UP departments and industry. It is equipped with state of the art equipment such as the Dumatherm (protein analysis); EZ-Test (texture analyser); rheometer (rheological analysis); high-pressure differential scanning calometry (glass transition, melting, denaturation and crystallisation of polymers); alveo-consistograph (baking quality of flour); HPLC (refractive index, diode array and fluorescence detectors); SDMatic (starch damage) and DA7200 NIR (proximate analysis of flours).


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