Department of Institutional Planning

Effective strategy formulation and execution is essential for the growth, development and success of the University of Pretoria. The Department of Institutional Planning (DIP) co-ordinates, facilitates and promotes the strategic planning cycle at UP.  The department’s mission is to continuously re-imagine the University of Pretoria through the realisation of its strategic goals and objectives, providing support and advice through out the planning cycle.

There are two important forms of planning, namely tactical and strategic.  We render a service in both arenas: 

  • Tactical planning focuses on the ‘near horizon’ (e.g. contributing to UP’s one year planning cycles, enrolment planning or budget planning).
  • Strategic planning focuses on the long-term planning or the ‘distant horizon’ and attempts to impact on the direction of change of the institution/environment (e.g. our contribution to the development of UP’s Strategic Plan 2025, the Academic Plan and the first five-year implementation plan, or UP’s response to various policy documents released by Governmental Departments).

The Department of Institutional Planning looks forward to be of service to you, your unit, department or faculty, and the senior management of the University of Pretoria.

The strategic planning cycle is depicted below.

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