DETA CONFERENCE 22- 26 July 2019 at the Faculty of Education - Distance Learning Institute, University of Lagos, co-hosted by the University of Pretoria


Educating the African Learner in an Era of Crises: Imperatives for Teacher Education

DETA 2019 will be the eighth conference of its kind. Like the previous conferences, it will create a unique platform to share knowledge and deliberate on educational issues.

DETA 2005 was held at the University of Pretoria in South Africa.

DETA 2007 was held at Makerere University in Uganda.

DETA 2009 was held at the University of Cape Coast in Ghana.

DETA 2011 was held at the Universidade Eduardo Mondlane in Mozambique.

DETA 2013 was held at the University of Nairobi in Kenya.

DETA 2015 was held at the Mauritius Institute of Education and

DETA 2017 was held at the College of Education of the University of Rwanda These conferences attracted more than 170 educationists from more than 20 African countries.

DETA 2019 will take place at the  Faculty of Education - Distance Learning Institute, University of Lagos, Nigeria from 22 - 26 July, and promises to be an even bigger event. 


Theme and subthemes

The African continent has made major strides forward towards attaining Education for All at the schooling level and has expanded opportunities at the tertiary level. However, political, religious and economic crisis continue to threaten our future development and, in some parts of the continent have even eroded the gains that have been made. At the same time, the education system must prepare learners for a world of employment that is increasingly global and knowledge-based and a social and workplace environment that is increasingly connected. How do we best prepare teachers for such an increasingly complex and sometimes even chaotic environment?

The DETA 2019 Conference will create a platform for African educationists to deliberate on how education the African learner in an era of crises: imperatives for teacher education. These deliberations will be guided by the theme and the following subthemes of the conference:

  1.       Economic/Social/Political Crises and Teacher Education
    1.        Safer Schools and Teacher Education
    2.       Poverty and Teacher Education
  2.       Teacher Development and Distance Education
    1.        Funding Teacher Education and Professional Development
  3.       E-learning, Mobile Learning, Emerging Technologies and Distance Education
  4.       21st Century skills for teachers and learners
  5.       Inclusive classrooms and Teacher Education
  6.      Open schooling for TVET and 2nd chance learning






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