
In Day Houses the Culture Portfolio is split into two sections; Internal Culture and External Culture. Internal Culture comprises of culutre events (linked closely with the social portfolio), Debate and Expression. External Culture is comprised of 1nsync, Step-It-UP and UP Acapella. These events will be discussed below. 


  • Culture Events: The aim of these events is to teach our members about the different cultures that are experienced at the University of Pretoria as well as in South Africa. For example we host a dance where our members will learn how to do a Sockie, Gumboot dancing and other styles. 
  • Annual Dinner: This dinner happens at the end of the year. It is a night where the ladies can dust off their dancing shoes and matric dance dresses and the men have the chance to look very dapper. It is an event that is not to be missed. 
  • Expression: is an inter residential events that  allows our members to show off their artistic side as well as dig deep and find their inner poet. 
  • Debate: This event like expression takes part between the different residences at the University of Pretoria. Members discuss relevent topics that we face in our everyday lives. 



  • 1nsync:  This is the time that our First Years Shine. It is the first major culture event of the year and is one that First Years do not want to miss out on! It is a 5 minute routine that takes place with the residences and other day houses. During this time First Years can make lifelong friends as well as long lasting memories. 
  • Step-It-UP: This is very similar to 1nsync, however the whole house gets to participate and have fun and make memories. The routines are created by the Cultural EC Member and these routines are all linked to a theme. Everyone is welcome to participate and the memories made are unforgetable.
  • UP Acapella: If you loved Pitch Perfect this event will be the one for you. It is an acapella singing competition. Our members are coached by a talented musicians who compose their own songs that fits in with their themes. 


All of these events that we offer are organised through the Student Culture Committee known as STUKU. To find out more about them just click here.

- Author Miranda Makofane

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