Food Security Policy Innovation Lab

Publications and reports for policy analysis



Kaleidoscope model publications and outputs


Make a handy Kaleidescope visualisation tool. Template available here

2. Kaleidoscope model theory paper

3. Drivers of change in micronutrient policy: Zambia case study

4. Drivers of change in micronutrient policy: South African case study

5. Validating the findings of three case studies on micronutrient policy change, September 2016. Read the report here. Read the press articles from this workshop here

Hear a young journalist, Rhoda Msiska of Radio Livingstonia in Malawi explain the model in her radio broadcast. Well done Rhoda!

5.  The Kaleidoscope Model of policy change: Applications to food security policy in Zambia. Read the paper here.


Gender publications and outputs


1. Gendering nutrition policy, August 2016. Read the Policy Brief here. Read the report here. 


Read the Conversation Africa article, 7 Dec 2016

Hear a Power FM radio interview on the Converstion Africa article with Elizabeth Mkandawire, 7 Dec 2016

Watch participant reflections on the policy dialogue

Listen to Lucy Kayenga, Lesten Nyangulu and Chief Kwataine share their experiences of men’s involvement in maternal and child health 


2. The Integrated Framework for Gender Analysis of Nutrition Policy, March, 2017. Read the Policy Brief here. 



Capacity building publications and outputs


1. Journalist training in Malawi on food security policy change (April 2016) see the reflections from participants on their Facebook pageRead the report

Read and listen to the news items published and aired by these young journalists. 

2. Journalist training in Pretoria on science and communication for policy change, June 2017.  Follow them on FacebookRead the report here.

3. Strengthening Policy Systems: Enhancing media’s capacity to report on food security and nutrition policy issues, March, 2017. Read the Policy Brief here.


4. The impact of the 2015/16 drought on staple maize markets in Southern and Eastern Africa, May, 2017. Read the Policy Brief here.



Policy engagement publications and outputs


1. Lessons for Effective Development Planning: Evaluation of the Pre-final Version of the Draft Malawi’s Agriculture Investment Plan (NAIP2). Read the Policy Brief here. 


2. Review of the Draft Liberia Agricultural Sector Investment Plan (LASIP II) for 2018 – 2022 with a Focus on Component 4 of the Malabo CAADP Results Framework.  Read the Policy Brief here.


3. Review of the Draft Federal Government of Nigeria’s National Agriculture Investment Plan (NAIP2). Read the Policy Brief here.


4.  An evaluation of the level of integration and alignment of the Malabo commitments.
Africa's Agenda 2063 and the SDGS in10 National Agriculture and Food Security Investment Plans. Read the working paper here.


5. Creating the necessary policy context for progress on the Malabo Declaration: A review of food security and nutrition policy changes in 11 African countries. Read the working paper here.