Members of Committee

Members attached to the University of Pretoria

Prof CW van Staden

MBChB; MMed (Psych); MD; FCPsych; FTCL; UPLM

Prof A Nienaber

Deputy Chairperson  (female) BA(Hons)(Wits); LLB; LLM; LLD(UP); Dipl.Datametrics(UNISA)

Prof T Rossouw

Deputy Chairperson (female) MBChB (cum laude); M.Phil (Applied Ethics) (cum laude), MPH (Biostatistics and Epidemiology (cum laude), D.Phil , PhD

Dr R Sommers

Deputy Chairperson
(female) MBChB; MMed(Int); MPharmMed; PhD (Health Ethics)

Dr I J Ayo-Yusuf

(female) PhD (UWC); M.Sc. Dent.Sc. (Stell); PDD (Comm. Dentistry) Stell; Dip. Odont. (Ortho.) (Pretoria); BDS (Univ.of Benin, Nigeria)

Dr MM  Beetge

BChD; DipDent (Aestethic Dentistry); MChD (OMP) (Pret)

Prof R Blumenthal 

MBChB (Pret) MMed (Med Forens) Pret F C For Path (SA) Dip For Med (SA) PhD (Wits)

Mrs TL Buys

BOccTher(UFS), BOccTherHons(Pret), MOccTher(Pret)

Prof T W de Witt

(female) MBChB; MMed(Paed);DTE;

Prof MM Ehlers

(female) BSc (Agric) Microbiology (Pret); BSc (Agric) Hons Microbiology (Pret); MSc (Agric) Microbiology (Pret); PhD Microbiology (Pret); Post Doctoral Fellow (Pret)

Dr C Kotze

(female) MBChB, DMH(SA), MMed(Psych), FCPsych

Dr J Mercier 

PhD (Human Physiology), MSChB (Pret), MSc (Human Physiology), BSc hons (Genetics), BSc   (Genetics  & Biochemistry)

Dr J G Nel 

MBChB; DCH; M.Med(Haematogy); PhD; UP; Dept of Haematology

Dr E Osman

MBBS (Khartoum) Mmed Surg (Pret)

Dr WG Van Hougenhouck-Tulleken,

Cert. Mephro (SA), FCP (SA), MMed (Int Med), MSc (Med), Dip. HIV Man (SA)

Prof M Venter 

(female) PhD

Prof M Vorster 

(female) MBChB, MPharm(Med), MMed (Nucl Med), FCNP, PhD (Medical Nuclear Sciences)

Dr N Warren

(female) BChD, PG Dip Dent (Endodontics), MSc Odont, (Pret.)

Dr E Webb

(female) BSc Agric (Genetics);  BSc Agric Hons (Genetics); MPH (cum laude); PhD (Epidemiology)

Members NOT attached to the University of Pretoria

Rev S Bapela

(female) Dipl. Theology and Ministry

Dr D Diale

(female) BPharm, PharmD, MBL

Dr S G Mailula

BA Admission to Theology); BTH (BA theology); BA Honours (Practical Theology); Masters (Pastoral Family Therapy) and PhD (Pastoral Family Therapy) Registered Pastoral counsellor)

Dr J S Mangwane         

MBChB (Natal). Dip HIV Man ( SA)

As stipulated by the Department of Health, a third of the number of members constitute as a quorum.

Updated 10 April 2019  

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