Message from the Head of Department

The University of Pretoria has embarked on a 15 year term plan, called the Strategic Plan 2025. The purpose of the plan is to outline the common vision of  UP as a leading research intensive university. Faculties are tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that the goals are met by putting faculty plans in place. From these school and departmental plans have been developed. The Department of Human Nutrition has aligned its strategic initiatives with the five strategic goals of the University which translate into:

  1. To be a department that will be recognised for its research outputs
  2. To strengthen the University’s international profile by working on departmental internationalisation
  3. To strengthen the University’s impact on economic and social development through the service training of the students
  4. To pursue excellence in teaching and learning
  5. To increase access, throughput and diversity.    

Me Gerda Gericke
Head: Department of Human Nutrition

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