Postgraduate programmes presented by the Department of Jurisprudence


 The Department offers two LLM/MPhil programmes:


  • LLM/MPhil Law and Political Justice.


The Department offers the following coursework LLM/MPhil modules:

  • The history and philosophy of human rights
  • Post-apartheid jurisprudence
  • Global perspectives on law, rights and development.


The following postgraduate students obtained their LLD degrees in the Department of Jurisprudence since 2012 until 2018:



OK Lwabukuna obtained the LLD degree with a thesis entitled Reflections on the possibility of a comprehensive framework for the protection of IDP's in Africa’s Great Lakes Region with Prof K van Marle as supervisor.


RA Aura-Odhiambo obtained the LLD degree with a thesis entitled The protection of women against domestic violence in Africa with Prof K van Marle as supervisor.


KF Mundia obtained the LLD degree with a thesis entitled Ronald Dworkin and the Supreme Court of Namibia with Prof K van Marle as supervisor.


F Githuru obtained the LLD degree with a thesis entitled Transformative constitutionalism, legal culture and the judiciary under the 2010 constitution of Kenya with Prof K van Marle as supervisor.

E Kamdem Kanga obtained the LLD degree with a thesis entitled Emergency regimes in contemporary democracieswith Prof K van Marle as supervisor.


GR Muchiri obtained the LLD degree with a thesis entitled Xenophobia: A critical study of the phenomenon and pragmatic solutions for South Africa with Prof CMA Nicholson as supervisor.

J Wanki obtained the LLD degree with a thesis entitled When the rule of law and constitutionalism become a mirage: an analysis of constitutionalism and the rule of law in post-independent Cameroon against post-apartheid South Africawith Prof K van Marle as supervisor.

Y Jooste obtained the LLD degree with a thesis entitled The subaltern can speak' reflections on voice through the lens of the politics of Jacques Rancière with Prof K van Marle as supervisor.


I de Villiers obtained the LLD degree with a thesis entitled Law, spatiality and the Tshwane urban space

O Niyi-Gafar obtained the LLD degree with a thesis entitled Adopting a human rights-based approach to access to water in Nigeria:  Lessons from selected jurisdictions

I Shai obtained the LLD degree with a thesis entitled The request for radical transformation and the limits and limitations of law.


Joel Modiri obtained the PhD degree with a thesis entitled “The Jurisprudence of Steve Biko: A Study in race, law and power in the afterlife of colonial-apartheid

Quaraysha Ismail-Sooliman obtained the DPhil degree with a thesis entitled “The Development and Rise of Islamic State (IS) and the Violence it Manifests: a Theoretical Perspective”.

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