Club Achievements


Ekhurhuleni (Jhb) Regional Championships

Silvio Cerone-Biagioni - 1st place – U/21 Kata, 1st place - senior (18+) Kata


Tshwane (Pretoria) Regional Championships 

Minèt Uys - 2nd place- U/21 Kata, 1st place – U/21 Kumite (-55kg), 1st place - Senior (18+) Kata, 1st place - Senior (18+) Kumite (-55kg)

Mark Coetzer - 1st place- Senior (18+) Kata, 2nd place - Senior (18+) Kumite (-67kg)

Ben Blignaut - 1st place – U/21 Kumite (-75kg), 2nd place - senior (18+) Kumite  (-75kg)

Wenette Jordaan -  1st place - U/21 Kata,  2nd place –U/21 Kumite (-55kg), 3rd place - Senior (18+) Kata, 3rd place - Senior (18+) Kumite (-55kg)

Celmari Human - 2nd place (+68 kg Kumite)

Meghan Booyens (TUKS Karate Coach and UP Alumni) -  3rd Place - Senior Kata, 1st Place - Senior Kumite (-68kg)


Gauteng Provincial Championships 

Minèt Uys - 3rd place- U/21 Kata, 1st place – U/21 Kumite (-55kg), 3rd place - Senior (18+) Kumite (-55kg), 1st place - Senior Team Kata

Mark Coetzer - 3rd place- senior (18+) Kata, 2nd place -senior (18+) Kumite (-67kg)

Ben Blignaut - 1st place – U/21 Kumite (-75kg)

Wenette Jordaan - 1st place - U/21 Kata, 2nd place – U/21 Kumite (-55kg), 3rd place - Senior (18+) Kumite (-55kg), 1st place - Senior Team Kata

Celmari Human - 3rd place - Senior (18+) (+68 kg)

Silvio Cerone-Biagioni - 1st place – U/21 Kata, 1st place - senior (18+) Kata

Meghan Booyens (TUKS Karate Coach and UP Alumni) - 2nd Place - Senior Kata, 1st Place - Senior Kumite (-68kg), 1st place - Senior Team Kata


Karate South Africa National Championships 

Minèt Uys - 2nd place – U/21 Kumite (-55kg),  3rd place - Senior (18+) Kumite (-55kg), 3rd place - Senior Team Kata

Mark Coetzer - 5th - Senior  Kata, 8th - Senior (18+) Kumite (-67kg)

Wenette Jordaan - 3rd place - U/21 Kata, 3rd place - Senior Team Kata

Silvio Cerone-Biagioni - 1st place - U21 Kata, 3rd place - senior (18+) Kata

Meghan Booyens (TUKS Karate Coach and UP Alumni) -  4th Place - Senior Kata, 2nd Place - Senior Kumite (-68kg), 3rd place - Senior Team Kata


USSA Results:

Minet Uys - 2nd Female Team Kumite, 2nd U/55kg Female Kumite

Mark Coetzer - 5th U/65 kg Male Kumite

Wenette Jordaan - 2nd Female Team Kumite, 3rd Female Kata

Silvio Biagioni - 1st Male Kata

Babalwa Njomi - 3rd Female Development Kata

Karate South Africa National Championships 

Jesse Sim - 1st for individual u21 Male kata , 1st for Senior male team kata

Minét Uys - 2nd in -55kg Senior Kumite

Meghan Booyens - 1st place in +68 kg senior kumite

Silvio Biagioni - 2nd place senior kata 



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