Research Facilities

MATHELP - Mathematics IT Support

Lab for Advanced Computation


Intel multicore workstationwith 64GB RAM is available

Available Software:
  • Matlab 2012b    
  • Mathematica 9
  • Scientific Workplace
  • Maple 13
  • LaTeX

Undergraduate Computer Lab

Available Software:   
  • Matlab 2007a    
  • Mathematica 8
  • Scientific Workplace
  • Maple 13
  • LaTeX

MATHELP - Mathematics IT Support

Contact information :
John Rodgers
Mathematics IT Support                                  
Office: Mathematics Building 1-3                                                         
University of Pretoria

Please make an e-mail appointment:
E-mail : [email protected]
Tel: (012) 420-3557

Available Software:

  • WinEdit
  • Matlab
  • Mathematica
  • Maple
  • Scientific Workplace

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