Application process

If you have a research project which you think may fit into the research themes and objectives of the Mnisi Community Programme (MCP), please follow the following application process:


All requests or expressions of interest to conduct research within the MCP should be directed to the MCP Research coordinator.

The role of the MCP Research coordinator is to coordinate research in the MCP, in order to:

  1. Prevent duplication of research within the programme
  2. Facilitate networking between disparate groups of researchers, and so promote synergism and productivity
  3. Safeguard the interests of the Mnisi Community, and minimize ‘research fatigue’, by ensuring that the correct channels for community engagement are followed, including for the initiation of studies and feedback of results
2 The MCP Research coordinator will informally review the request and assist the requesting researcher in deciding if the study be conducted as an ‘internal’ or ‘external’ study.

Internal Study

  1. Formal collaboration with the University of Pretoria (UP)
  2. Project make significant use of UP faclities ro resources, including existing databases, community contacts and networks, research platforms, expertise, etc.
  3. At least one UP staff member make significant intellectual contributions as co-investigator during during the developement and implementation of the project
  4. Qualify for internal rates as far as the use of facilities and support in the study area is concerned
  5. MOU be drafted where applicable (large, long-term collaborative programmes)

External Study

  1. No formal collaboration with UP
  2. Limited support or input by UP staff
  3. Qualify for external rates when using UP facilities within the study area (where applicable)
  4. Data sharing (existing information and new results) will be negotiated for each separate project
  5. Must have an approved protocol but does not have to be submitted to a UP research committee
4 Internal Projects: Concept note / proposal will have to be submitted to the MCP Coordinator
5 MCP Research Working Group will evaluate the concept note / proposal against the research themes and objectives of programme. The Working Group consist of various experts in the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences and will meet as and when necessary – not less frequent than once a month or as and when necessary.

Feedback from the Working Group will be given after which accepted projects will be appointed a point-of-contact (POC). The POC will liaise with collaborators to:

  • Assist with protocol development
  • Guide protocol through relevant channels (see flow diagram below)
Provide logistic and other support to collaborators which include the use of facilities at the Hans Hoheisen Wildlife Research Station (accommodation, laboratory facilities etc.)
7 All internal research protocols must go through a system of in-country peer review and ethical clearance (including the relevant ethical approval), and should be registered with a UP Faculty Research Committee (RESCOM) and the relevant Ethical Committee within the UP (Flow diagram below)
8 Flow diagram of the application procedure

Guideline Documents:

  1. University of Pretoria Code of Ethics for Research (Rt 429/99)
  2. University of Pretoria Committee for Research Ethics and Integrity Policy and Procedures for Responsible Research (S 4083/00 amended)
  3. University of Pretoria Faculty of Veterinary Science Policy and Procedure for Approval of Research Protocols (2000.09.15) (Ask your POC)

Forms: (Please request your POC for these documents)

  1. University of Pretoria Faculty of Veterinary Science Research Committee Protocol Cover Page, Outline and Budget template
  2. National Child Protection Act: All new staff and students (local and international) involved in community engagement activities where children are involved must register according to the National Child Protection Act. It is recommended that all students and staff involved in research in the Mnisi community complete the required form. (Ask your POC for the form and procedure)
10 Please Note:  All researchers will have to include in their protocol plans to channel results back to the community (Community Feedback) which should be included in the budget attached to the protocol.

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