Recent Publications


1. Raubenheimer, E.J.,  Noffke, C.E.E.,  Lemmer, L.B., Slavik, T.,  van Heerden, W.F.P.,  Miniggio, H.D. (2019). Pharmaceutical management of bone catabolism: the bisphosphonates. SA Orthop J, 18(1), 47-52.

2. Prokosch, J., Bernitz, Z., Bernitz, H., Erni, B., & Altwegg, R. (2019). Are animals shrinking due to climate change? Temperature-mediated selection on body mass in mountain wagtails. Oecologia, 189(3), 841-849.

3. Ambele, M. A., Pepper, M. S., van Heerden, M. B., & van Heerden, W. F. P. (2019). Heterozygosity of p16 expression in an oral squamous cell carcinoma with associated loss of heterozygosity and copy number alterations. Head Neck.41(5):E62-E65.



1.Raubenheimer EJ, Slavik T, Lemmer L, Olivier H, van Heerden WFP. Human papillomavirus and carcinoma of the mucosal surfaces of the head and neck. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine and Pathology 2018, 30:55-59.

 2. Bernitz, H., van Staden, P. J., Rossouw, S. H., & Jordaan, J. (2018). Tongue position and its relation to the cause of death and sequential stages of body decomposition observed during 608 forensic post-mortems. International Journal of Legal Medicine.

3. Potgieter, N., Robinson, L., & Middleton, I. (2018). Hamartomas in the opercula of four unerupted primary molars. South African Dental Journal, 73(9), 577-579.

4. Uys, A., Bernitz, H., Pretorius, S., & Steyn, M. (2018). Estimating age and the probability of being at least 18 years of age using third molars: a comparison between Black and White individuals living in South Africa. Int J Legal Med, 132(5), 1437-1446. 

5. Lopez CVB, Vargas PA, Bunn BK, van Heerden WFP, Fonseca FP. Distribution of dendritic cells in AIDS-associated oral Kaposi’s sarcoma. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 2018. Submitted

6. Willems G, Lee SS, Uys A, Bernitz H, Cadenas de Llano-Perula M, Fieuws S, et al. Age estimation based on Willems method versus new country-specific method in South African black children. Int J Legal Med. 2018;132(2):599-607

7. Kungoane T. Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C viruses, revistited. SADJ 2018, 73(2):68-69

8. Madiba T, Nkambule N, Kungoane T, Bhayat A. Knowledge and practices related to Hepatitis B infection among dental and oral hygiene students at a university in Pretoria. J Int Soc Prev Community Dent. 2018;8(3):200-4.

9. Fernandes NA, Herbst D, Postma CT, Bunn BK. The prevalence of second canals in the mesiobuccal root of maxillary molars: A cone beam computed tomography study. Aust Endod J. March 2018.

10. Ligthelm LJ, Bunn BK, Raubenheimer EJ, van Heerden WFP. Mixed adenoneuroendocrine carcinoma of the tongue arising within a congenital enteric cyst. Head Neck. 2018;40(5):E53-57.

11. Wolmarans E, Nel S, Durandt C, Mellet J, Pepper MS. Side Population: Its Use in the Study of Cellular Heterogeneity and as a Potential Enrichment Tool for Rare Cell Populations. Stem Cells International, Volume 2018, Article ID 2472137, 7 pages, 2018.



1. van Heerden WFP, Raubenheimer EJ, Bunn BK. Human papillomavirus infection of the oral cavity: what the dentist should know. SADJ 2017, 72:52-55

2. Raubenheimer EJ, Miniggio H, Lemmer L, van Heerden WFP. The role of bone remodelling in maintaining and restoring bone health: an overview. Clin Rev Bone Miner Metab 2017, 15:90-97

3. van Heerden WFP, van Zyl AW, Bunn BK. Surgical pathology of oral cancer. Diagn Histopathology 2017, 23:235-242

4. Raubenheimer EJ, Minnigio HD, Lemmer LB, Slavik T, van Heerden WFP. Recent advances in the pharmaceutical manipulation of bone remodelling: the quest for a healthy skeleton. SA Orthop Surg 2017.In Press.

5. Nel S, Davidson CL, Uys A, Sykes L, Bernitz H. Fragmentary tooth root development: biological and forensic dental implications. SADJ 2017, 72(10):466-469

6. Ligthelm L, Bunn BK, Raubenheimer EJ, van Heerden WFP. Mixed adenoneuroendocrine carcinoma (MANEC) of the tongue arising within a congenital enteric cyst. Head and Neck 2017, In Press.

7. Bernitz H, Verster J. Lodox digital imaging – A tool for dental identification in single and mass fatality situations. SADJ 2017, 3:118-121

8. Blignaut E. Candidiasis – has anything changed the way we manage these patients? SADJ 2017, 72:355-359

9. Motiang KP, Chelule PK. Occupational health and safety in radiographic film processing in Limpopo province. Occupational Health Southern Africa 2017, 23(1):21-25

10. Bernitz H, Saayman G. Forensic dentistry casebook 8: Taking identification to a higher level. SADJ 2017, 72(2): 85

11. Bernitz H, Kloppers BA. Forensic dentistry casebook 9: The “bite mark” that caused confusion. SADJ 2017, 72(5):228-229

12. Sykes L, Bhayat A, Bernitz H.  The Effects of the Refugee Crisis on Age Estimation Analysis over the past 10 years: A 16-Country Survey. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2017, 14:630

13. Bunn BK. South African Dental Association Educational theme 2017: Oral manifestations of infectious disease. SADJ 2017, 72(2):50

14. Wolmarans E, Boy SC, Nel S, Mercier AE, Pepper MS. Cancer stem cells in head and neck carcinomas: identification and possible therapeutic implications. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2017 Nov 15

15. Oloyo AK, Ambele MA, Pepper MS. Contrasting Views on the Role of Mesenchymal Stromal/Stem Cells in Tumour Growth: A Systematic Review of Experimental Design. Adv Exp Med Biol 2017

16. de Villiers D, Potgieter M, Ambele MA, Adam L, Durandt C, Pepper MS. The Role of Reactive Oxygen Species in Adipogenic Differentiation. Boston, MA: Springer US. p. 1-20.

17. Reinprecht, S., Van Staden, P.J., Jordaan, J. & Bernitz, H. An analysis of dental intercanine distance for use in court cases involving bite marks. International Journal of Legal Medicine (2017) 131: 459-464



1. Pereira DL, Pires FR, Lopes MA, Carlos, R, Wright JM, Patel P, van Heerden WFP, Uys A, Vargas PA. Clinical, demographic and radiographic analysis of 82 patients affected by florid osseous dysplasia: an international collaborative study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 2016, 122:250-257.

2. Bunn BK, Kloppers H, van Heerden WFP. Metastatic colorectal carcinoma to the mandible. SADJ 2016, 71:132-134

3. Kungoane T, Marnewick J, van Heerden WFP. HIV associated oral ulcerations: differential diagnosis. SADJ 2016, 71:128-130

4. du Toit-Prinsloo, Bunn, BK. Massive hemoptysis due to primary mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the lung in a 12-year-old. Forensic Sci Med Pathol.2016 Sep;12(3):380-383

5. Sykes, LM, Uys A, Bernitz H. The importance of record keeping in Forensic Odontology: A case discussion and general medico-legal guidelines for all practitioners. SADJ 2016, 71(5):224-227

6. Bernitz H. Forensic dentistry casebook 7: Family photos save the day.SADJ 2016, 71(6):279

7. Platais, C et al. The role of HOX genes in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. J Oral Pathol Med, 2016, 45:239-247

8. Neves-Silva R Tissue microarray use for immunohistochemical study of ameloblastoma. J Oral Pathol Med 2016, 45(9):704-711

9. Fonesca, F et al. Semaphorins and neurophilins expression in salivary gland tumors. J Oral Pathol Med 2016, 45:119-126

10. CD1a+ and CD38+ Langerhans cells are reduced in lower lip squamous cell carcinoma. J Oral Pathol Med, 2016, 45:433-439

11. Bernitz H. Odontology: Bite Mark Analysis.2016; In: Payne-James J. and Byard R.W. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 2nd editon, Vol. 3: 609-614. Oxford: Elsevier 

12. Yakoob Z, Uys A. Previously undiagnosed MVA trauma to TMJ. SADJ 2016, 71(3):125



1. Fonseca FP, Brierley D, Wright JM, Santos-Silva AR, Almeida OP, Rocha AC, van Heerden WFP, Hunter KD. Upper lip polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma: an exceptionally uncommon diagnosis. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 2015, 119: 566-571 

2. Boy S, van Heerden M, Pool R, Willem P, Slavik T.  Plasmablastic lymphoma versus diffuse large B-cell lymphoma with plasmablastic differentiation: proposal for novel diagnostic scoring system. J Hematopathol. 2015; 8:3-11.

3. Uys A, Yakoob Z.  Maxillofacial radiology case 131. SADJ.2015; 4: 65.

4. Blignaut E, van Heerden WF.  Molecular and histological association between candida albicans from oral soft tissue and carious dentine of HIV-positive children. Mycopathologia. 2015; 180:193-201.

5. Bunn BK, Schnetler C, van Zyl AW, van Heerden WFP. Oral medicine case book 71: Amyloidosis of the tongue. SADJ 2015, 70:262-263.

6. Nel S, van Heerden M, van Heerden W.  Immunohistochemical expression of CD56 in dog (Canis familiaris) odontogenesis. Arch Oral Biol. 2015, 60:1577-1580.

7. Bernitz H.  Forensic dentistry case book 4: Non-maleficence in dental practice. SADJ. 2015, 70:314.

8. Bunn BK, van Heerden WFP. EBV-positive mucocutaneous ulcer of the oral cavity associated with HIV/AIDS. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 2015, 120:725-732.

9. Bernitz H. Forensic dentistry casebook 5: Protective mother leads to miscarriage of justice. SADJ. 2015; 70: 416.

10. Nel S, HD Hendrik, SC Boy, EJ Raubenheimer. Recent perspectives vis-à-vis the biological basis of tooth eruption. SADJ, 70(6) 238-241, 2015



1. Hunter K, Speight P, Wright J, van Heerden W, Rich A, Franklin C. An international survey of speciality training in oral and maxillofacial pathology. J Oral Pathol Med. 2014; 43(3): 232-6.

2. Bernitz H, van Staden PJ, Cronje CM, Sutherland R. Tongue protrusion as an indicator of vital burning. Int J Legal Med. 2014; 128: 309-12.

3. Davidson CL, Richter KL, van der Linde M, Boy SC. Prevalence of oral and oropharyngeal human papillomavirus in a sample of South African men: A pilot study. S Afr Med J. 2014; 104(5): 358-61.

4. Flores IL, Romo SA, Nava FJT, dos Santos Silva AR, Vargas PA, de Almeida OP, Lopes MA. Oral presentation of 10 patients with Cowden Syndrome. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2014; 117: e301-10.

5. Bunn BK, Marnewick JC, van Zyl AW, van Heerden WF. Oral medicine case book 59: Syphilis of the oral mucosa. SADJ. 2014; 69(4): 172-3.

6. Faria KM, Fonseca FP, Silva WG, Silva RN, Vargas PA, de Almeida OP, Lopes MA, Santos-Silva AR. Fine needle aspiration cytology in the diagnosis of perioral adverse reactions to cosmetic dental fillers. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2014; 117: e393-5.

7. Uys A, Fabris-Rotelli I, Bernitz H. Estimating age in black South African children. SADJ. 2014; 69(2): 54-8.

8. Bunn BK, Botha SJP, Rajbaran S, van Heerden WFP. Oral medicine case book 60: Xeroderma pigmentosum. SADJ. 2014; 69(5): 222-4.

9. Bernitz H, Uys A. Forensic dentistry case book 1: Dentures used to convict suspect. SADJ. 2014; 69(4): 174-5.

10. Bunn BK, van Zyl AW, Rahman L, van Heerden WFP.  CREST syndrome. SADJ. 2014; 69: 324-25.

11. Diaz KP, Gerhard R, Domingues RB, Martins LL, Ribeiro ACP, Lopes MA, Carneiro PC, Vargas PA. High diagnostic accuracy and reproducibility of fine-needle aspiration cytology for diagnosing salivary gland tumors: cytohistologic correlation of 182 cases. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol and Endod. 2014; 118(2):226-35.

12. Bunn BK, Hunter K, Khurram SA, van Heerden WFP.  Adenoid dysplasia of the oral mucosa. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol and Endod.  2014; 118: 586-92.



1. Bunn BK, Carvalho M de V, Louw M, Vargas PA, van Heerden WFP. Microscopic diversity in oral Kaposi sarcoma. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol, Oral Radiol. 2013; 115(2): 241-8.

2. Delaney MA, Singh K, Murphy CL, Solomon A, Nel S, Boy SC. Immunohistochemical and biological evidence of ameloblastic origin of amyloid-producing odontogenic tumours in cats. Vet Pathol. 2013; 50(2): 238-42.

3. Ngwenya SP, Bunn BK. Clinical Pathologic conference case 1: Lesion presenting as a hemorrhagic mass of the alveolar ridge. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2013; 116(1): e59-63.

4. Sivagurunathan A, Boy SC, Steenkamp G. A novel technique for ventral orbital stabilization: the masseter muscle flap. Vet Ophthalmol. 2014; 17(1): 67-72.

5. Harryparsad A, Rahman L, Bunn BK. Amelogenesis imperfecta: a diagnostic and pathological review with case illustration. SADJ. 2013; 68(9): 404-7.



1. van Zyl AW, van Heerden WFP. Early detection of cancer: who is responsibe? SADJ. 2012, 67: 154.

2. van Zyl AW, van Heerden MB, Langenegger E, van Heerden WFP. Correlation between dysplasia and ploidy status in oral leukoplakia. Head and Neck Pathol 2012, 6: 322-327.

3. van Heerden WFP.  The dentist and oral health. SADJ. 2012, 67: 544.

4. Abram M, van HeerdenWFP, Rheeder P, Girdler-Brown BV, van Zyl AW. Epidemiology of oral squamous cell carcinoma. SADJ. 2012, 67: 550-553.

5. van Zyl AW, Bunn BK.  Clinical features of oral cancer. SADJ. 2012; 67: 566-9.

6. Bunn BK, van Heerden WFP. HIV/AIDS associated malignancies of the head and neck. SADJ 2012, 67: 590-592.

7. van Heerden WFP, Bunn BK. Oropharyngeal carcinoma: what the dentist should know. SADJ. 2012, 67: 570-572.

8. Jacyk W, Fourie J, van Heerden WFP. Chronic ulcerative stomatitis and lichen planus: just a coincidence or a direct link between the two diseases? Dermatologia Kliniczna 2012, 14: 127-129.



- Author Dr Christy Davidson

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