Message from the Chief Executive Officer


The School of Dentistry at the Faculty of Health Sciences is proud to be part of the University of Pretoria and the tertiary academic environment in South Africa. Producing dentists and oral hygienists, as well as specialists in oral and dental health care, makes the School an important role player in the provision of dental services to the country. Not only does it excel in the training of these professionals, but it provides an indispensable service to the community. The Service Unit at the Oral and Dental Hospital and the Phelophepha Train are two examples of the latter.


As one of the strategic drivers of the University is research, the School is also contributing significantly to this focus at the University. Its involvement in various research projects as evident in the presentations made at, amongst others, the International Association for Dental Research, demonstrates the expertise in this field at the School.

Prof JG White

+27 12 319 2225
Fax: +27 12 326 2508
Email: [email protected]

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